
Posts tagged with :trophy:

A few days ago I started working on WorldCup.js, a node library for worldcupjson.net (browser support coming soon). Now it’s done! Feel free to try it out or suggest features and changes. WorldCup.js covers almost all of the worldcupjson.net API complete with caching, ratelimiting, and self-hosting support (live subscriptions are almost ready…) I hope some people find it useful. github.com/yodalightsabr/worldcup.js
babby’s first C program. someone give me a trophy lmao!! 🏆 it was a breath of fresh air to go from writing this program in assembly to writing it in C. it was really cool mapping how assembly is working to how C is working, like how command line arguments are passed through to both of them the same way! check out the differences between the assembly uppercaser and the C uppercaser: github.com/hackclub/assembly/blob/main/x86-intel/uppercaser/uppercaser.asm github.com/hackclub/assembly/blob/main/c/uppercaser/uppercaser.c it would be nice to write out the strlen function myself since that’s how i’m doing it in the assembly program, but i’m just using the built in function for that for now 😇 there’s also hello world examples in each directory if your curiosity strikes you but you want smaller examples!
Wow!!! The ultimate code
We made a sick club logo