Hi, we're (@reedherlihy-U0468UMF4D9) (@sam-U04M6SVHVCP) (@MariannaFairweather-U0323LCESTW) working on a project we call Mr. Knock-out. We're attempting to build an RC car from scratch. We started by planning what we to do when we stumbled across a car that could run on the wall, It was too ambitious, because we had limited time to work on the project. So instead we decided to make an RC car. We thought of a cool black and bright green design for the outside car. Then we worked on installing MU editor, and looking over Ali express for any items we might need. We also started to design the inside of our car with Tinker cad. Finally we started soldering and wiring up our RP2040. Then we started to connect it to the mechanical key board switches made by Gateron. Now we're working on coding the buttons to do specific things.