
Posts tagged with :art:

Working on a portfolio using Notion!
✨ programmer art/designs ✨
I love Blot, here's QR Blot running! The result is fantastic!
Thank you Hack Club. I finally got my hacker card ✨ ✨ ✨
Playing around with code that turns SVGs into Desmos art equations! 🎨
I didn't get anything done today so have an easter Orpheus that I drew the other day
no april fools plans for me today, but getting back into drawing! Here are some designs I’ve made for @ky200617’s #bin project & a raccoon character I’ve been working on
Day 46 of #100-days-in-public. Today I got back on track and continued to route my PCB! I made a LOT of progress. After manual routing for quite a few hours I am beginning to understand what @karmanyaahm meant when they said "routing is art." The board currently sits at 26 x 45 millimeters but I have a few ideas on how to make it smaller...
All the pixel art I have for Celeste: Sprig Edition so far! Really like the strawberry spring and madelines but need to redo all the scenery stuff
I Just Did Beautiful Art For The Draw-Dino Repo : P
More design ideas!
in which i do ascii art on a smith-corona mark vi
give it up for day 6!!! @jeijii-U04GRS3T9J8 was struggling to understand my text description of a scene (shot 4 on this storyboard hes working on) i had in mind, highlighting a fault in the fact that my words are not always very good at describing visuals. so to solve this i threw together a scene in blender and animated a bit by hand to make this reference animation for a jet flying by and causing windows to shatter. bc i couldnt get the fisheye to behave the way i wanted it to, i animated the entire scene upside down :P ignore how bad the sound design is i just re-used sounds from a previous animation
Made my first ASCII Art animation. Here are the steps I used :orpheus-pop: • Boot up after effects :adobe: • Convert some images to text art using an online ASCII Converter • Load the text into after effects, apply a typewriter effect :hack: • Add some colors and any grain/vignette • Render and add some tunes! :music:
made my first piece of #blot art featuring a dynamic shading system that avoid drawing inside of a configurable polygon
i heard you like rust so i forked a repo that uses rust to make your sprig rusty and made my sprig rusty: github.com/polypixeldev/trowel also did some stuff in #nest like setting up a new server go check it out go picasso #100-picasso :picasso:
and so my descent into the nightmarish pit of academia begins. picked out my two research papers to analyze for my sociology paper, gonna try and go through and write down importantest information. hopefully I can get some actual writing done before bedtimes. my paper is also highly relevant to my main shortfilm project for #100-days! GO PICASSO 🎨
taking the onboard pill once more, doing a second iteration of a PCB i did before even working at HQ. had some holes the wrong size on my first design. I should probably do a pull request
Fine Arts Extravaganza @ my school #100-days #100-gord
tuning live paint filter in blender to be closer to what i want- now that I better understand the parameters, ive been able to preserve sharp edges and smaller details, while also removing a lot of noise caused by randomization of the brush color value. I don't think this is it just yet though- the light still looks pretty 3d rendered. This will come down to just placing lights better, and improving the shaders I'm using (maybe i should try to introduce blended banding/posterization?) regardless, this scene is still extremely barren. messing with textures is fun, but I need to improve the scene more. need to watch some the first episode of Mobile Suit Gundam and take notes, plus figure out more sources of reference for this particular problem. maybe some 80s SoL? Urusei Yatsura and Sailor Moon may both be valuable in this case. and Bubblegum Crisis! (been needing an excuse to watch that) #100-days oh yeah this is for my animated short project lol
whats up my sprigsters sprig case frontplate coming soon™️
tuning ironing on the bambu printer + improving tolerances on the sprig case!
built my second iteration of my camera shutter today. Still got issues: bleed between the panes, and the cams not holding the panes in place very well. Trying a new design with tighter tolerances to mitigate this, as well as an additional set of nuts to have better control over the screws. I also added some extra material to the lower panes to see if that mitigates the bleed at all. After this, I might shelve this version and try to use what I learned to develop a 5pane design instead of 8 panes. shouldnt be too hard(?)
experimented with building an iris shutter mechanism today. it's actually sort of working! printing iteration 3 rn. goal is to have a servo operated shutter for my camera project
Got a basic menu in my sprig game! :eyes_shaking: #100-days 🎨
sprig case is coming along!
Playing with Sprig for (somehow) the first time! #100-days 🎨
Just spray painted the box for my Halloween costume! #100-days 🎨
working on my game before #harvest!! separated map generation from updating the display, and now i can pass in "modes", which can pull from different maps like the political map or the resource map. Once I get those generating properly (trivial?) I can display different maps, which ill connect up to the buttons I threw on top! then ill need to work on the structure of the player system, and allow the map to support an unlimited number of players. then ill need logging in to work, which should be trivial in the local version of this game, and then I will either start moving my code over to node.js or continue developing here (because node is scary)
got the check command working tonight. was literally one line but feel a lot more confident in grabbing data from chart in js. I think i want to revisit the way i render the map and possibly move the screen rendering clientside, with only the generation itself being on the server and then the data of the map being served to the player. i say client-side and server-side but this is all local i just have 2 js files im too lazy to integrate into node rn
Never too much map-of-the-slack-ery! Working on un-jank-ifying code and turning it into a basic python CLI with click #100-days :picasso:
busy with schoolwork today, so i only managed to squeeze in a little time to finish remastering a background from an older chapter of my comic book (+ learn how to use librecad to help out zoya!). BACK TO THE SOCIOLOGY MINES I GO
I love maps! (well I guess this is python, so dictionaries :)) - anyways here's some map-of-the-slack-ery, now taking into account member lists of each channel. Still very jank, but that'll be changing soon! Less janky code + postgres + CLI tool is next, before refining the labeling process and moving onto clustering #100-days :picasso:
first scrapbook post of #100-days (house picasso >>>). returned from brown fly-in today, which helped with researching for my college application field journal (incoming personal tracker/research assistant for college fit), tried a psl from starbucks, and caught up on my DoD ML course, calculus homework, &etc 🧸
modified the perlin noise library I'm using to allow me to pass in a seed (more specifically, an array of floats) meaning maps are now deterministic, and it will be possible to seed the seed of the map in the future! it also means I understand how the library works a little better. I also separated out the number parsing and organized/commented the interpretation function a little better, so that adding more commands in the future will be possible. gonna try and get the check command working tonight!
Some more Slack cartography! Used python to download the latest 150 messages from public channels and extract keywords, combine with other labels such as channel size, and then use those labels to calculate channel similarity. Obviously not done yet, but I think the general process is looking nice, just need to refine label generation. Never dealt with JSON files over 200mb though! #100-days :picasso:
Progress on my game: Got the pseudo-log-thingy actually outputting results of command interpretation, so i no longer need to use inspect element console. split input into a separate consoleprint function for this purpose. now, time to add an actual command: a basic command which grabs info from a coordinate point, and prints that info to the log. This will be the basis for most commands. then i can work on adding claiming
Updated the attend page for SeaGL (Linux conference) seagl.org (updated page not yet live) #100-days #100-picasso
worked on sprig case design today! got a front plate fitted today. gonna try to focus more on some custom backplates for a promise i made to a hackclubber a week or so back- then get back to the full case design, still deliberating the best way to cover the pico though. also worked a little on a tcg idea i had, gonna try and run more playtests this week before doing any big iterations. gonna work on my web game a bit before bed- expect another scrapbook post before I head to bed. GO TEAM PICASSO 🎨
Finished my personal statement for college! #100-days #100-picasso
I didn’t do anything today. Need to knock out 2 birds with one stone
zach (started writing ruleset for a hack club tcg)
I finally got building with stillBuild fully functional. This is a Rust tool that wraps around rpm-ostree compose to make it simpler and more reliable for building rpm-ostree repos. This is how stillOS will work. #project-still #100-days #100-picasso
Didn't do much today but found out that I'll be attending my first FRC team meeting this saturday, so enjoy this high-quality FIRST logo! #100-days :picasso:
today's scrapbook post is a little bit abstract as i don't have anything to "visibly" show (i cant just leak movie scripts lmao) but Ive come to a sort of impasse in the writing process. Our plot involves multiple conflicts, from existential to personal, and explores the consequences of idolization, climate change, and the worship of technology. these three themes clash with one another of course, since a film only has so much screen-time, but then begs the question of what is most important to speak about. When I wrote the initial plot for this movie, climate change stood at the forefront of my mind, with idolization 2nd and tech worship 3rd. That was almost two years ago. the existential horror of climate change still scares me, but no longer plagues my everyday thought in the way the other topics too. as a result, I have provided band-aid solutions to the storyline as my view on life has changed. This has created the problem where I find myself solving problems that I did not realize existed with the plot, only for new problems to rear their head. it's sort of a wack-a-mole game with plotholes. NOT FUN. I have gotten to the point where we had to ask ourselves, what even is this movie? what are we trying to say, and what do we think will come of the world? after endless deliberation, that question remains unanswered, , , which i guess i shouldnt be suprised by lmao. its an issue to solve- but after some thinking. I would rather tell a story that has a cohesive opinion than one strapped together over the years.
Doing my #100-days and #100-picasso and a collab with @OrbitalDev and finally posting one of my goals of regular reading. This is the current, and frankly not nearly as good as I hoped :
My house needs me to post! Not doing #100-days stuff but I have a marketing exam tmrw.