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Posts tagged with :awesome:

small :college-board: AP week ship!! my school lets people 🖨️ print 15 pages a month for free at the 📚 library, and that’s awesome! however, students are only able to print from 2 slow shared ⏳//|Print>! Print lets you drag & drop a file and get a short ID code to print it in one click from the shared computer. it’s nothing too special, but it’s a lot more convenient print files now at my school. feel free to try it out at the code is open source and available on github.
Announcing Chela! I took a few hours to try and make a nice little self hosted URL shortener like I wrote it in Rust and tried to keep it small. I'm currently hosting it at I used sqids to generate ID's which leads to super awesome short URL's like! The source is available here.
had a #purplebubble meeting which was awesome! also got my arch install back up and running!
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My updates for day 9 and day 10 of #10-days-in-public! Yesterday I spent some time getting up to snuff to run a workshop on how to build a game using it at #wonderland! It went really well and everyone built awesome games. I asked for feedback and got an NPS of 18%, which is good - but not great, so I’m working on improving it. The key issues people identified are: • Roughly 1/2 of people built something they were proud of, and a few people got super into it, but 1/2 of people didn’t customize and didn’t make something they’re proud of. I’m going to change the workshop so everyone comes up with their game concept and customizes from the beginning, rather than waiting to customize for the end • For the more advanced people who already knew JS, they wanted to see docs so they could figure out how to customize it deeper. So I wrote them! • The slides were hard to follow visually, so I am working on improving them
Day 3 of #10-days-in-public Today I had two big accomplishments. My goal is to program a receipt printer to print a receipt every time someone wins a Sprig, OnBoard, or Blot grant onto my desk so I can read about their project. The first accomplishment is that I added code to find OnBoard pull requests from GitHub usernames, download the project descriptions, and use tracespace to render SVG board previews onto the receipts. See below for a screenshot of what this looks like (it’s a screenshot of a subset of a PDF that is sent to the receipt printer - this is all publicly accessible data from the OnBoard repo). The second accomplishment is that I flashed a Raspberry Pi to start getting this thing to run headless! This is my first “real” project using Python, and I’m starting to feel a lot more comfortable using the language - which has felt awesome! I am so inspired reading about everyone else’s projects!
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Had nothing else to hang this awesome scroll from the summit so I just put it on this holder for my whiteboard and proped it on two whiteboard markers I had laying around #the-summit @ThomasStubblefield
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Made a simple filesystem for my custom OS
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This was the most awesome secret Santa gift ever! Thanks so much! Waiting till Christmas to finish opening it :)
:forsyth-hacks-label: forsyth hacks (#forsyth-hacks) happened on November 18th, 2023 and was an overall success! at a point we had around 60 attendees and overall had an amazing time with our theme ⚡ (electricity) as well as workshops ranging from @ajs2’s jams to a mini UI design competition. and finally, the hours of food, coding, new friends, and projects (everything from a storm tracker app to a platformer game made w flow!) personal highlights of the event for me was probably the conversations i had with new people :heart_hands: the whole day, the chance to mentor a group into creating their entire project - from not having an idea, to developing and shipping it 🚢, lightning talks during lunch (like the one about jamstack by @davidm) 🎤, presenting an APIs workshop :postman:, the amazing swag we were able to handout (including string bags, polaroids :tw_camera_with_flash:, & stickers), and of course the presentations at the end! i want to give a huge thank you and shoutout to the following: • @ChristianDutton-U04E0LL16MA right hand man all the way and helped make my website design a lovely reality. (can't wait for 3.0) • @RyanDu-U04QM0MH6TV for the fresh new perspective and ideas for the event & an awesome workshop on how to not make crappy UI design (as well as the mini:figma:competition afterward) • dj! for the most amazing design and logo for the event :forsyth-hacks-2-bulb:. (or "sick sticker" as sam poder himself deemed worthy) • everyone who attended! we had over triple the amount of projects than last year and over 80 registered by the day of! • and ofc everyone at hack club :hackclub-party: who cheered me on all the way (and :bank-hackclub-dark: ofc hcb grant- this event would not have been possible without this :money-printer:, and from the bottom of my heart i am very grateful :blobheart: ). ◦ i had an amazing conversation with @theamazing0 in the middle of the day about how special hack club was to me and how he's in the process of discovering this love for the community as i did a year ago. ▪︎ this spread of love would not be possible if not for the support of more hackathons and more clubs around the world! 📷 full photo album: :githubparrot: hackathon website source code:
🇨🇦 Hack The North 2023! @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0, @fayd and I teamed up to make :goose-dance: Hack The Geese :goose-honk-left:! It was a game that attendees could play using the QR codes on their badges. Here’s how’d it work: 1. You’d scan your badge’s QR code to log in. 2. Your find someone who you’d like to compete against and scan their badge’s QR code. 3. You’d both receive a prompt, eg. “take a selfie with a someone with blue hair”. 4. You’d race to take a fun picture based on the prompt before the other player does. 5. You either win or lose, then you got to choose wether or not to rematch! You can go to to see all the photos that folks took during demos with the game (and many more of me stressing over the backend)! We used a slightly cursed combination of a Next.js frontend and a backend written in Go which interacted with one another through Websockets…. yeah, very cursed and very jank. We also used Vercel’s new Postgres & Blob storage services which were surprisingly good. And, of course, we used Prisma…. including it’s slightly hacky spin-off Go client. Another awesome part of the game was @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0’s custom designed geese (GEESE!): :htn-goose-1: :htn-goose-2: :htn-goose-3: :htn-goose-4: :htn-goose-5: :htn-goose-6: :htn-goose-7: :htn-goose-8: :htn-goose-9: :htn-goose-10: Every player got one of these made for them when they first signed! The game was a bunch of fun to play IRL and we had people playing it throughout the demo session. Attached is a sick selfie of @fayd in his sunnies and the judge! And at the end of the day, somehow, we were selected as winners so we got to demo on stage and won a couple of prizes which was pretty cool! Here’s us playing a game with all the attendees and a couple of other photos from the weekend (including us working on the project while on #hack-night!). The GitHub is full of more photos and stories from the weekend: O CANADA!
My rust todo application is going so well! The CLI is done and I need to add the delete todo functionality on the GUI! Regardless everything is going so perfectly! Tauri is awesome to work with. Here is a quick demo.
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Nature is awesome in it
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Way to meerut with awesome weather
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In May 2023, I have, for the first time, sponsored & organized a hackathon! 🎉 The event invited fellow students of all levels of mastery in computer science, and allowed participants at my school to form teams, make friends, innovate, win prizes, sharpen skills of all types (computer science, entrepreneurship, and beyond), and have a fun & memorable experience. 🎁 It was also a major personal goal for me that I am happy to have achieved before I graduate high school. :smiley-twemoji: :thumbsup-dino: Taking my past personal memories at hackathons I've attended, such as BetaNYC (March 2020) and Hack Club's Epoch Vermont (December 2022) :epoch: The 2-day-long McCown Hacks :mccownhacks: also made a great closing to the third year (2022-2023) of Gaynor McCown Hack Club :gaynormccown:, and an awesome milestone of my nearly complete high school career 🎓 , in which my passion for computer science was sparked! :gaynor-mccown-gradient: McCown Hacks website: McCown Hacks 2023 (inaugural event/first year) website:
I’ve made a timelapse of me building the “Everyone is awesome” LEGO set. Enjoy!
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Moon looking awesome
Designing my own card. thanks @maggie for the awesome workshop
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Today's workshop is awesome.
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its awesome to meet with @msw he such a amazing guy
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I added new details to my README like an awesome banner :cooll-thumbs:
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Had an awesome meetup today!! Here are some moments xD
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What if your club could collaborate with other clubs? What if you could connect with another club for a mini-hackathon or even make new friends while traveling and discovering a Hack Club in another city? The Club Directory unlocks the power of cross-club collaboration, allowing clubs to transcend boundaries and create together. If this interests you, join #clubs-directory @Arpan had this vision and shared it with me, and we decided to make it a reality. We've been working on the tool for about a week (maybe two). I'll catch you up on what we've done in the following screenshots: Screenshot 1: Arpan and I collaborated on a call to create the general user flow for the Club Directory. Screenshot 2: Arpan and I split ways, and he began focusing on the backend while I focused on the frontend. See the UI prototype I created attached. Screenshot 3: We realized we were a bit out of scope, so we narrowed the scope for our MVP so we can ship ASAP and work more closely with the community. Screenshot 4: I'm coding the frontend MVP in NextJS while Arpan builds the backend in FastAPI. p.s. currently I am working on multiselect & making that experience awesome & next I'll focus on responsiveness & map view also privacy is a big concern and we're currently trying to work through how we can allow clubs to opt-in (or maybe opt-out) of the Club Directory) all data shared here is fake club data, dw we're not revealing real data in this post the old internal name was Club Network and the new name is Club Directory
Just received sprig posters and they are awesome 🔥 🔥 also I am working on my iron man helmet top Dome 🙃
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Today marks the end of my time as the Dorman Hack Club leader, as I officially handed over the reins to Jaime, our club's next leader. I am excited to see how he leads his club and grateful for his decision to continue this space for makers at DHS. In addition, today also marks the release of the Carolina Hacks mini-documentary (attached to this post). Carolina Hacks was a hackathon that my friends and I organized, and it was a truly unforgettable experience. Thanks to everybody who helped make it awesome.
#w-of-the-day day 117 ok small post since I'm really tired, i aced my math test with a near perfect score and so that's awesome, other than school i didn't do anything other than watching youtube videos and solving some more rustlings exercises
#burrow! This is an awesome project! Maybe I'll learn Rust to help with it one day! :rust: I wasn't able to stay the full call but I'm definitely joining again next time. Also I read a bit on SineRider's code, I'll try to get back at working on the translations as soon as possible.
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Dinner at Riot because free food :p also played some games on a ps5 in an awesome game room
#hardware-party day 6/10 My brain: Oh yeah this might actually work. The main structure is mostly done!!! Gonna start wiring stuff up to get ahead on the code. Bought two boards to try as the baseplate, IKEA as-is is awesome. Also upgraded my light above my workbench! It’s now brighter than my future.
:winter-hardware-wonderland: Winter Hardware Wonderland Day 1: Installed Raspberry Pi in Case and screwed in the cooling fans and tried to install the OS in it 🙂.
Today I started to read Project Hail Mary and it's awesome! I need some book recs to read after I finish this one, also I worked a bit on organizing my dotfiles and on the workshop to manage my slack pfp.
just got back from las vegas, excited to start working on my server upgrade tomorrow, anyway here is an awesome thing i should buy
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01-01-2023 Epoch, Day 2. The end. Honestly this was a fantastic experience, from vlogging the whole thing to meeting new people. Here's to more awesome hackathons in the future! Also, there was a lot of clips and moments I wanted to include in this video but couldn't because of Instagram's video limits, so keep an eye out on the #epoch channel for the extended version in the coming few days.
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received some supa awesome stuff (fudge from 10 days in public and card from holly) in the mail today! tysm to everyone at hack club hq!
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aaaah thank you so much everyone at hq! was awesome to meet you all at assemble and hacky holidays :partyparrot:
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Ran two Hour of Code sessions to the grade 7s and 8s students at my school with my school's CS department students! Super awesome, but unfortunately I don't have any pictures of it. Here's a generic screenshot. Thanks to the teachers that organized it! :)
Hii there! Had a awesome hackathon event today, thanks for hackbank for sticker and fund!!, although we had snow and train being cancled we got 40 people to join in our event, side note the 3d print medal looked great psst @toby, here a 3d print of yesterday's model for now as I am tired to get all the hackzthon event , I will post once local news has publish it on there site!
What an awesome day to start with!! Meeting George and the “hack_morning” :partyparrot:
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Yesterday night was writing message to 21 classes teacher to get time to present what hackathon , hackclub and etc are , today had awesome coffeee forget to take pic :sad_pepe: , now just trying to make cleaner version of who have gave us time and who I need to contact more :poggers:
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3D printers are truly awesome.
Workshop Ship! :sprig-dino:I present my very first workshop. It's now live on! You should try it out and let me know how it goes. 👀 Sprig is so awesome, and I'm so happy that I can contribute. It refreshed so many JS concepts that I have forgotten. The games on the gallery are so much fun! :D Happy hacking!
Got some Rock PLA to 3D print, it looks awesome but is terrible to print with and breaks between layers easily. Also just learned that it can erode the brass nozzle. Returning the spool.
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Day 1 of #10-days-in-public Brainstorming my notion app project idea. It’s basically GPT-3 powered AI copilot for writing blogs and other documents. I’m planning to integrate something like a sidebar inside notion using chrome extensions and also having slash commands to generate text. I came across this awesome package which is going to make my work 10x easier!
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:hacktoberfest:I registered to Hacktoberfest for the first time! It's going to be awesome! :cooll-thumbs:
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ahhhh thank you so much ella for the acrylic keychains! they look awesome 💖 :dinosaur_waving:
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I created Connect Four with Sprig. Awesome!
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Today I had a good day! There's not much coding updates but I'm going back to the city 🏙️ next week. Here's another awesome space 🌌 image and a screenshot of my previous #scrapbook post because it didn't correctly load last time. For my future projects, I plan to work on my GitHub Readme again! :github: :quad_parrot: