
Posts tagged with :sunny:

Working on my portfolio, little late to the party tho lol, planning some advanced stuff with 3d cards for projects and certification and also tags for projects , cant wait to #ship it probably in the summer along with a python script to update the projects and ceritifications and add new ones programatically with templates, hopefully finish this during this summer
Finished the map for Hack The Interstate (#something-on-a-bus-this-summer)!
WYM fall emoji?? It’s still summer
New milestone! My solar powered server (in my backyard) hit 120°F today! Yay……
#w-of-the-day day 160 Barely scraping through my assignment deadlines. I have 2 experiments due tomorrow so had to spend the entire the day writing and completing them. Can’t wait for summer tbh
Hooray! Today my server's CPU temp went over 110°F! (don't worry, it's rated to withstand up to 185°F/85°C)
Hooray! Today my server's CPU temp went over 110°F! (don't worry, it's rated to withstand up to 185°F/85°C)
Summer camp
Okay I wanna code/hack on something cool every day of the summer if I can, so I’ll be sharing a lot more here!! I just finished preparing for our last Hack Club meeting for this year, and I’m so excited to celebrate our club members! Pictured here is my cool sister 😎
Sometimes it is hard to connect a fan to a motherboard and figure out how to control the fan speed. Other times the fan isn't good enough, especially if your electronics are outside. So today I came up with a (primitive) solution to outdoor electronics cooling during the summer: :ice-cube:
Thinking about getting one of these in summer or October
Aurora is working! You'll receive morning texts suggesting clothing based on the weather in your area www.auroraalert.cc :blobhypedance: :catjam:Go @northeastprince for building & fixing the backend in Ruby on Rails!!!! (Matt is quite skilled) :catjam: :blobhypedance: (this was a hackathon project we built at Beantown Bash)
UChicago summer program ✅ But why Stanford do you have to announce your decisions in May idk whether I should go for it or not :why:
:partyparrot: I'm going to Michigan this summer Got accepted into the LaunchX 2023 Innovation Program
#hardware-party Whw day 7 or 8 update! Here's my desk mess. So I had some headache trying to plan where everything goes. Attached a powerbank, 1 joystick and prepared the case for a bit. Also a winter (summer for me) miracle happened! Received my power switch which was supposed to come next week.
Late night post: Been working on polishing my GitHub profile today... :github: In addition, I started on this dangerous simple idea of building a Sprig gaming controller for #hardware-party... :sprig-dino: It's also summer camp applications season... :blobfearsweat:
so long, and thanks for all the dinos Thank you everyone who made Assemble possible!! It was just so amazing to meet people who I’ve only talked to online :blobheart:, speedrun the slides for my workshop at assemble :partyparrot:, run around at midnight trying to figure out what was going on with the ctf :org: This was probably the best weekend of my entire summer ❤️ I’m running a hackathon this September, and will totally take inspiration from the vibe and everything at Assemble. And if you’re in the bay area, please come, I’d love to meet you!!
Today I started working on another workshop, this time the Wordle :wordle: ✍️ Clone by @heyrajan and learned more on config files, for example Replit files .replit :replit: and replit.nix! :nix: Also I added some things to my website and went to see a school as an option for college! 🏫 Also tomorrow I will start learning how to drive 🚗 and here’s an image I took today of the landscape! ⛰️ 🌴 ☀️
Drinking some bubble tea in the summer :)
forcing myself to be productive even though the weather is nice!! set up google workspace on bank and made #karolina-is-swag to document my summer :))
Today I continued to learn Nix! :nix: And I'm going to be installing it on a VM on my M1 Macbook Air! :macintosh-stcicker: :macbook-air-space-gray-screen: I've been learning the theoretical aspects pf it and it's awesome, I can't wait to start building this new setup! :cooll-dino: Also here's an image of my Scrapbook :hack-club: keeping the streak has been very fun! :tw_relieved: Again there's an error with Vercel :vercel: on my local Internet network! 🕸️ The good thing is that I can use @BenjaminSmith Outline server to solve this! 📤
Today I learned more about Nix :nix: thanks to @tejasag! I have a better understanding now about nixOS, nixpkgs 🗃️ home-manager 🏡 nix-darwin 🐠 and other things! I have a better idea too on how this kind of dotfiles works.:parrot-nix: As well I'm finally working on my website again! I never finished last design so this is going to count towards my first version! 🌐 Also yesterday I managed to de-cypher 🔓 and enter Hack Club :hack-club: 2022 summer event :tw_bridge_at_night: website! It was so much fun and a very interesting project! I learn a lot of things from this like OpenSSL! :cat-on-the-laptop: :tw_unlock:Lastly, somehow I saw Vercel's 404 :sadmac: page for the first time while checking my projects dashboard. :vercel: :sphere:
A few months ago I said I was going to setup an Arch :arch: or NixOS :nix: VM! But I couldn't finish neither of those! :sphere: Right now I decided again to give it a try to Nix and finally I'm going to try it again!! :quad_parrot: This is going to be very cool and interesting! :cooll-dino: Now I just need to decide if making a VM like my previous plan or something else! Also finally we have the first official Summer Event clues! Some people already figured it out, and I'm going to learn what are JSON Web Tokens and how does they work! Here's an update: I managed to discover the event secret website! :parrotdad:
I've been meaning to do this for a while, and now that it's the summer... it's time to publish some APIs! I heard about this platform called RapidAPI where you can publish an API and establish various plans... like a free plan, pro plan, etc. This summer I've decided to start building useful APIs and publish them on this platform. All of my APIs will have a free version and a paid version and my goal is to find out if this is truly a place for developers to make money or if it's a saturated market (or if the server hosting fees cost more than the revenue 😅) I'll make a new scrapbook post at the end of the summer to report on the success or failure of the APIs I end up publishing and then offer my advice if I have any. rapidapi.com/lins-technologies-lins-technologies-default/api/site-statistics-and-info-crawl
doing stuff (shocking)
Howdy! :hyper-dino-wave: This is my first Scrapbook post! :scrappy: Today I started reading a book about Python AI and Machine learning :python: and also designed a summer themed Hack Club sticker! I used Figma and Krita for designing and painting the background. Yesterday, I went to my figure skating class and also did 3 half rotation (Waltz) jumps in the ice rink! ⛸️
Today was a very normal and good day! :parrotdad: I rest a bit and practiced for my Computer Science 💻 :cat_typing: exam that I'll have tomorrow! Also I went for some ice cream 🍦 and here's some pictures of the sunset! 🌆 📸
My previous Pull Request got merged! :merge: 🎉 Here's an image showing how the link update looks like and my streak after the position changes! :fireball: Also recently I participated at #mission-control escape-room and it was so cool :cooll-dino: , although I didn't had time to talk about it in here! It was very useful to me because it helped me to get better at flexbox :harder-flex: :css: , and I learned many different tools and how to use them like CyberChef 💻 🤌 that I've been using recently, it's a really useful tool for any sort of data format conversion! Also I learned about curl curl.se and I've been trying to figure out with @maggie, @mutammim and @fayd what is Hack Club :hack-club: planning to do this summer! We have a few theories :blobninja: , and the most likely is that the event is going to be at SF! :tw_bridge_at_night: We also have other theories that include animals 🦦 , a blimp or some kind of hackathon! :quad_parrot:
It started to rain! 🌧️ :cloud-thoughts-head-full: It's been a while since last time! :ultrafastparrot: So here's some pictures from my window. 📸 🖼️
Today I help to review a Hack Club :hack-club: Pull Request :pr: regarding some help at a workshop translation! Here's also some pictures that I have taken throughout the day. 📸
We celebrated Memphis HackClub’s first birthday today and launched merch to find out HC bank account! It has been an amazing year with so many awesome experiences. After a year, we have quite a few members, but more importantly I have seen growth in out hackclubbers both in intellect and character and excited to lead this club until summer!!! memphishack.com
Starting summer hw that’s due in literally 2 days. Gotta write analysis for 38 quotes. Hope I pass this year.
(1) set up nextjs rewrites on l.heyrajan.com (2) realized that summer is now over and i have to sit in a smelly classroom tomorrow (3) i cleaned my room today and finally found a pencil case (4) went for a run in the first time in like a week and now im tired
so hi, havent logged in a while because I was busy with school and some very important school exams that counted towards high school admission, passed everything and kinda took a break from everything this summer. Didn't work on any projects this summer, however I did get a new pc(I7 10700kf, gtx 1650, 16gb ddr 3 2933mhz and some m.2 500gb from samsung, very pleased with how it turned out), a new phone since i was able to get it for half the price and my old one was kinda dying on me(it's a s20fe and I love it). Need to catch up on everything that is happening since I missed quite a few things from what I can see (the random photo of the moon was made using my phone)
ahh, why does school have to start tmrwww? Still have sm to catch up and I feel like summer hasn't rly started? 😶
AHHHHHHH ya boi is done summer school - this culminating assignment took forever and i definitely tryharded it but it was worth it in the end 🙂
https://cloud-izfeps4n5-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/0image.png https://cloud-izfeps4n5-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/1image.png
Hello to whoever is seeing this, I wanna show you what I've done today so far. 1. In the first 2 images, you'll see my cherry tomato plants, both of two images show plants germinated the same day, the only difference between both is that the plants in the first image are being grown in soil that has no "nutrients" (they got stuck there), and the plants in the second image have the best soil I could find, that's why these lasts ones look bigger and a lot better. So today I decided to transplant more plants to the better soil and I hope they'll grow as good as the another ones. 2. In the third image I was removing all the plants that basically don't do anything and i'm planting new ones that can gimme food. 3. And finaaally you'll see my homegrown grapes, yes GRAPES, ofc they're not ready to be eaten but they will sooooon. Ahh today is a beautiful day and I feel so good bro, like today is a sunny day but it also was raining while being sunny like wtf!! Hope you guys are having an amazing day, cya!
https://cloud-jytezy9yz-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/0img_20210416_135313772.jpg https://cloud-jytezy9yz-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/1img_20210416_135320829.jpg https://cloud-jytezy9yz-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/2img_20210416_122434593.jpg https://cloud-jytezy9yz-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/3img_20210416_135253046_hdr.jpg https://cloud-jytezy9yz-hack-club-bot.vercel.app/4img_20210416_122459669.jpg
Just drew something cool for fun!
Finally finished the solar! It only took an extra day because we did something wrong at first. Now we just need to wait for the city to city inspectors to verify and approve everything!
Almost have the first panel up after three weekends of work!
The lovely sky amidst all the light pollution.
Playing around with some more realistic lighting in my scene!
I'm gonna try to get @scrappy to react with as many emojis as possible, for no particular reason. When we arrived in space, there were shouts of "yay!" and "hooray!" I wanted to sleep, but the sunset was much too captivating. As I struggled to paint a representation of the masterpiece, my art was cut short by a reminder of our predicament. Our ship's Linux core had been damaged by a rain storm. Upon further inspection, is appeared as though the Rust installation on our ship's robot had been corrupted. We debated which language to replace it with; "Golang!" Matt said. "Swift!" Linus shouted. "Deno!" "JavaScript!" We decided on rewriting the robot's code using minecraft redstone (that way we didn't have to use npm). 15 years later, once we finished, we pushed to the GitHub repository. But wait! The robot's hardware was also severely crippled. We had to 3d print some parts, after getting the models from Google.
went and took a walk in nature today. was fun but texas sun so hot 🥵 ... then got boba 🤪
https://cloud-jjvjub3wh.vercel.app/0image_from_ios.jpg https://cloud-jjvjub3wh.vercel.app/1image_from_ios.jpg https://cloud-jjvjub3wh.vercel.app/2image_from_ios.jpg
lillies are so delicate T^T this one was in bloom for like, 2 days before the petals fell