

0-day streak
i bring you: rizzlang, the language of the future, its based on gen z syntax and basic. Here is an example program that attempts to disprove the collatz conjecture
10 yap "lemme cook"
20 find_out A = 1 run_wit_it 12000000
30 R = 1 + 0
40 G = 0 + 0
50 rizz_up N A
60 vibe_check N = R finna cook 150
70 vibe_check N < A finna cook 150
80 E = N % 2
90 vibe_check E = G finna N = N / 2
100 vibe_check E = R finna cook 120
110 cook 60
120 N = N * 3
130 N = N + 1
140 cook 60
150 swipe_left 
160 yap "nvm i was not cooking bro"
170 kms
currently the language is jit compiled
The Cambrian explosion of life on Earth.
The Big Bang begins the universe.