> what started as me meeting a stranger-soon-friend at the airport w/ @ThomasStubblefield and asking him why he was wearing fake prescription glasses to make himself look smarter turned into the most fire hackathon project ever.
this weekend, @ArnavChauhan , @TCYTseven , and i worked together to think of the most useless project we could built in ~24 hours + with the ray-ban meta ai glasses (yes, those glasses).
introducing (brace yourselves, and give me credit for the name) our final project, "POKER? I HARDLY KNOW HER!" ♦️ ♣️
you might've come across this every-day situation many times in your life: you have homework assignments due tommorow but you ALSO want to play poker
. just wear our glasses and 1) have them analyze your hand, the cards on the table, and the emotions of the poker faces in the room around you to 2) calculate a probabilty
of you winning the game and then 3) answer the next question on your homework but with an accuracy rate inversly proportional to your odds of winning poker match. using computer vision, opencv, roboflow, openai
, elevenlabs, & opensource python
libraries we've made this a reality for you. watch our <https://youtu.be/JVtFxCJw5ng|demo> to get the full experience!
scrappy moment: turns out meta
provides no easy way to access the camera feed from the glasses for analysis. however (!!), they do allow access to the camera feed in their own services (yes, we ended up making facebook accounts for this initially 💀). the live video used on this project is taken from a whatsapp video call between two devices + obs
video capture.
github repo:github.com/sahitid/meta-vision-project
🕶 📼 full demo:youtu.be/JVtFxCJw5ng*tl;dr:* we made a meta glasses-powered system that lets you play poker and do homework at the same time—but the better you do at one, the worse you perform at the other.*super special thanks* to @ShubhamPatil @kevinjosethomas @sarthak @Atulya-U04FJLBJ72S @JesseCogburn (jimbooo) @Mohamad @Rhys-U04GECG3H8W for the hours of moral support + starring in our demo + teaching us about your love for horiculture + & of course "chris"
@SkyfallWasTaken0Day 8 of #C045S4393CY|! I finally managed to fix Vortex's SMTP service, by... restarting my VM 🙃 No clue why that was needed but oh well :p
Also set up monitoring for #C07NZ6BFEEM| and set up UptimeObserver - would use UptimeKuma instead but I'd need a separate VM for that
(ignore the investigating thing, it's up)
@Gus0I said I wanted to get started again and instantly missed a day... oh well. more catch-up: a week ago, some friends and I won $100 and a ton of swag from a college-level hackathon (HoyaHacks at Georgetown University)! we made a desktop app for malware analysis after the fact, called Lumber. it aggregates a ton of logs from all over the system (cutting down on logs... lumber... get it...) and displays them all in a pretty little ui-- I did 100% of the design. more info @ devpost.com/software/Lumber-yahrzp
@Anson0I've almost never talked about it to anyone: Before Anson Chung become Anson Chung, he was known by many different names by many different people.
Most notably, he was known as a UX/Interaction Designer at GolfRush, an unreleased Roblox game. He spends 3 years mastering the art of UI animations from the ground up. He spend most of his days crafting UIs, and from time to time, he thinks to himself: is it worth the time?
Ultimately GolfRush stopped it's development, and his three years of work will never be seen by the people.
But that is the reason hes here today.
take santa's test to find out!! you have to answer 15 questions and you have to pick the right reaction to a message, like:
"i just spent an hour reading confessions posts"
would you react
. btw the answers are all just my opinion and im not rlly an expert
@Gus0Gonna try to start using scrapbook again! Today I spent a few hours making a cool startup animation for my Retrospect (MS-DOS) game!
(DOS color palettes are hard!)
@Hashim0I am working on a POS/ERC system that lets you manage your business by organizing transactions, tracking inventory, and generating bills, all in one place. It simplifies daily operations, enhances productivity, and gives you real-time insights to make better decisions. So far I have made a basic prototype in React and Appwrite(basically firebase but open-source)(1). Today I decided the key features that I should add(2) and started designing the UI(3). Current UI is a pain in the eyes. It needs to be something elegant and aesthetic. As I would need to because I would gift it to my dad who owns a spare parts business for 20 years now and does everything manually(he has employees though but manages the finances and stuff on notebooks which is a big pain). It would help him alot!
@Siwen0Today I did: the PCB Hacker Card jam and USB Hub jam
@SilverCanvas720Worked on a simple connect 4 game in python today
@Vuk0Created custom wall mount for my skis, since all of the ones I could find didn't display the art on the top sheet.
Available on thingiverse: www.thingiverse.com/thing:6811562
@louisa0made some few changes on my emu but nothing significant for now
i did however work on some stuff for a ysws :D
@shashankx860sprig image editor sucked
so, i decided to make my own, Introducing spite
WIP, Only basic editor for now
@Amber0Maybe you don’t use Spotify but you want a way to share what you’re listening to? Or what if you want to share the Steam game you’re playing?
Look no further than @SlickStats ! You visit the app home to connect it to your account and then input your last.fm and Steam API keys for your status to magically update with what you’re listening to or playing!
I spent a looong time working on OAuth for this, but I’m really happy that it’s finally done.
I’m open for suggestions of other services to add!
One caveat: your automatic huddle status will get overwritten because it’s not technically a status - I’ll fix this eventually
It’s all open source at github.com/DillonB07/SlickStats if you want to check it out!
@dainfloop0i made this poster for my club last night
@Amber0Today I worked on my Minecraft Fabric Slack <-> Minecraft chat relay mod!
I've added all the core functionality:
• Sending messages to Slack from Minecraft
• Sending messages to Minecraft from Slack
• Sending advancements to Slack
• Sending death messages to Slack
• Sending server start/stop messages to Slack
• Sending player join/leave messages to Slack
There's still more to add, but this is good progress and it's been fun to make!
If you want to check it out, the repo is here: github.com/DillonB07/SlackBridge, I do have a workflow to build the mod but it doesn't work so I'll fix that tomorrow/
@AnthonyPagone0Hello everyone!
Over the summer, I created a mod for Minecraft Java that lets you toggle auto jump on and off for accessibility, and efficient stair climbing.
Check it out here: modrinth.com/mod/toggleautojump
@mihir0ship time 🗣️
For times when they need blood urgently, they have one person painstakingly go through the sheet, filter out donors who haven’t donated in over three months, check if they meet certain other criteria, find out their distance from the center by putting in their address on google maps or something and individually call them on the phone and ask if they can donate. idk about you but no one deserves to go through that 💀
I asked the manager of the blood bank if I could maybe build something to help solve this as a summer project, and he, being the awesome person he is, agreed and even offered to take me around the blood bank!
Here's an outline of the app and how it works. i've also posted a huge writeup + pictures from the tour of the blood bank in #C07JBQW5W3X|! (shameless plug 😋)
@TheScientist1010My friend and I just finished what I would call the first usable version of my app, StudyBits.
TLDR; it’s a Studying Tool, and you should download the app by using the link below!
I wanted to create this because of my freshman year of high school; AP HuG had taught me the error in my studying habits, so I decided to try and design a solution. Unfortunately, once sophomore year started, I didn’t have time to finish the app, which I was developing in Ionic at the time. Luckily, #C073DTGENJ2| reminded me of this idea, it also convinced me to switch to React Native, which was much better than Ionic for my purposes.
Now the app: StudyBits helps you avoid cramming for your exams by allowing you to study on your phone. You can simply subscribe to a course, which will add a set of questions to your question pool. Then, you can answer questions from your question pool by going to the “Answer” tab in the app which will randomly select a question for you to answer. In the future, we plan to implement an algorithm which selectively chooses questions which will maximize your learning in combination with spacial repetition. You might be wondering who creates the questions, well you do! To create questions, you simply create a channel and a course with whatever units you would like. Then, you create questions in the create tab to your heart’s content. WE NEED YOU TO CREATE USEFUL COURSES! Right now, all we have is a filler brainrot course, so we encourage you to make usable courses (or courses on how to mew). In the future, we plan to use artificial intelligence to inflate our question sets. Finally, you can use our app to motivate you by competing for a spot on the leaderboard. By answering questions correctly, you gain points which rank you higher on our leaderboard, we plan to make this algorithm more complex in the future. Try to beat “The Sigma Rizzler” who is at 10,000,003 points 😉.
Testflight Link: testflight.apple.com/join/t0SncOyx
Demo video attached below!
I know right now the UX is a little inconsistent, and has room for improvement. This app is still a work in progress
…@LarryLe03D in HTML is a web app that allows users to explore and interact with 3D experiences powered by the aframe library. Users can publish their own aframe code for anyone to view it on the site. People can also copy the aframe code to use in their own projects. The web app is meant to be community driven, allowing users to share their 3D websites with others.
Github: github.com/Larry-Larriee/3DinHTML
Project: 3dhtml.vercel.app
@BrandonKirbyson0Weeble is built!!! He self-balances using a LQR controller and has a movable head, eyes, eyebrows, and arms with lots of personality! He also has an array of distance sensors and a camera embedded in the eye! Github here: github.com/BrandonKirbyson/Weeble
@magicfrog0this is the first PCB i've ever made! introducing... ✨ magic frog's lightsaber ✨!! i designed it originally for #C06RQ9TTEG3|... but it took a lot longer than expected lol. it has a mpu6050 gyroscope & accelerometer and ardunio nano. when you move it faster, more of the neopixel LEDs light up and each axis (x, y, z) is assigned to red, blue or green.
i first designed the entire board not planning on using the ardunio nano or mpu6050, instead components built into the board but there were a tonnn of problems (one of which was burning the bootloader but then again got to use oscilloscope to see the data lines which was sooo cool) so i decided to change plans. the board has some fun lighthouse-themed silkscreens bc i was first planning on 3d-printing a case and making a lighthouse desk lamp.
also big big thanks to @ThomasStubblefield and @ky200617 for helping me out and encouraging me along the way! :)
schematic & kicad design -> github.com/themagicfrog/lightsaber
finally, here are some fun long-exposure light photos i took and pictures of the board!
@tuesday0soo i repaired a laptop i was given! initially you couldn't log in because of some of the admin passwords that made it really hard to get into and it had windows 7 installed so i fixed these issues and now its a perfectly working laptop!
@Aziz0I finished the arm of a the cam on an FTC robot
@NicholasFasching0My “RTL-SDR Radio” app just got some big improvements in version 0.3!
You can now listen to any FM Radio station of your choosing, and save any of your stations to listen back to later. You can now favorite stations and sort them in a list. My favorite feature is being able to load and automatically start playing a station with a click of a button.
Also, the GitHub releases should now be useable due to some improvement in the GitHub Actions and build scripts.
GitHub: github.com/njfdev/rtlsdr-radio
Here is a demo video (without sound):
@aaryan-U07DNNT27EY0started work on a cross-platform file sharing app called CrossLink
GitHub: github.com/chxlky/crosslink
uses tauri, with solidjs as a frontend framework, and rust for the backend
currently supports Windows, Linux, and Android
@Freddie0Just reset my old laptop so I can install a virtual machine and do load of cool stuff I don't want to risk on my new laptop!@AdityaPV0Hi, I am trying to make the world's smallest satellite. This is my first prototype.
This is smaller than the sprites used on kicksat-2 mission. This is intended to be tested on a weather ballon mission first.
Future versions intended to be used on lightsail concept missions.
@CarsonRueter0Rewriting my fitness tracker in QML to better support mobile devices and have a cleaner UI:
Still working on save/load functionality before I move on to food, recipe, & goal tracking features
@Lior0I created a simple quiz component with some nice button animations. github.com/elitlabs/website-rewrite
Feel free to test it out at test.elitlabs.com (If you find any bugs or have any improvement ideas, please tell me!)
(Oh I also added terms and conditions but thats boring)
@rohankatreddy0I picked up a cheap foam glider and thought to myself if it can be made to be remote controlled. So I took apart a toy drone I had laying around and repurposed its electronics for the glider. It flies well on a full battery, the video is when the battery is nearly dead so it doesn't have much power/control authority.
@olii-dev-U079VRNGBGV0Introducing 'How many hours left?' for Hackclub arcade!
Have you been wondering how may more hours you need to do to get what you want for Hackclub's arcade?
Well now you can find out!
You can see it here!
finished the first track of Bone Sea by @Illumin
was originally going to record the violin part myself, but my mic kinda sucks at picking up my violin, so sorta gave up on that idea lol
will pump out more tracks in the future
also tried doing some pixelart during the project for spirtes for the game (which went HORRIBLY might i add)