python emoji

Posts tagged with :python:

First scrapbook post! Today i made a Flask extension to make it easier integrate Umami analytics into websites that use Flask as a backend (because it was too anying to do it manually so ofc i had to spend way too much time automating it) Repo:
my algebra teacher gave me a ti-84+se calculator so ive been working on making a toolkit for it with what little knowledge i have. it uses shell scripting and like two python scripts. half the shit is probably described incorrectly and the documentation comes from a twenty year-old wiki site of questionable quality but it still works
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trying to get back into learning defensive programming n such by implementing a banking system I have got the authentication and ratelimiting in place, I'd say its very secure. But obviously not perfect Today I implemented the client, added logout functionality, and improved the server vastly. with 320 lines of Python code I'm planning to host this on the raspberry pi, and also expand on the architecture to create even more services for the home! Maybe a printing/VoIP server?
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installed kali linux on my new rasbey pi 5 16 gb pc that i will now use every day... gona learn hacking in python and js (if posible
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scrapyard ship incoming
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> what started as me meeting a stranger-soon-friend at the airport w/ @ThomasStubblefield and asking him why he was wearing fake prescription glasses to make himself look smarter turned into the most fire hackathon project ever. this weekend, @ArnavChauhan , @TCYTseven , and i worked together to think of the most useless project we could built in ~24 hours + with the ray-ban meta ai glasses (yes, those glasses). introducing (brace yourselves, and give me credit for the name) our final project, "POKER? I HARDLY KNOW HER!" ♦️ ♣️ you might've come across this every-day situation many times in your life: you have homework assignments due tommorow but you ALSO want to play poker
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. just wear our glasses and 1) have them analyze your hand, the cards on the table, and the emotions of the poker faces in the room around you to 2) calculate a probabilty
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of you winning the game and then 3) answer the next question on your homework but with an accuracy rate inversly proportional to your odds of winning poker match. using computer vision, opencv, roboflow, openai
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, elevenlabs, & opensource python
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libraries we've made this a reality for you. watch our <|demo> to get the full experience!
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scrappy moment: turns out meta
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provides no easy way to access the camera feed from the glasses for analysis. however (!!), they do allow access to the camera feed in their own services (yes, we ended up making facebook accounts for this initially 💀). the live video used on this project is taken from a whatsapp video call between two devices + obs
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video capture.
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github repo: 🕶 📼 full demo: *tl;dr:* we made a meta glasses-powered system that lets you play poker and do homework at the same time—but the better you do at one, the worse you perform at the other. *super special thanks* to @ShubhamPatil @kevinjosethomas @sarthak @Atulya-U04FJLBJ72S @JesseCogburn (jimbooo) @Mohamad @Rhys-U04GECG3H8W for the hours of moral support + starring in our demo + teaching us about your love for horiculture + & of course "chris"
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Day 12 of #C045S4393CY| I made the python phone faster today, because since I want to integrate the other chatbot, I need to make sure it does not slow down like crazy if I add anything else, I think I made it around 20 percent faster, now I'm just working on preloading more to make the experience faster overall, it's hard to optimize everything because I have to do it without removing features, and I am trying my best on that.(I don't have much to show)
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Day 11 of #C045S4393CY|, continued with my sock project even though #C08DPRYMWF8| is over. In python i added images that it sends like little icons and worked on a image resizing module.
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📝 Day 10 || 10 of <#C045S4393CY|> Today, I built a simple Personal Finance Tracker using Python. This project lets you add income and expenses, view transaction history, and check your balance. Unlike my previous version, this one does not use file storage, so all data is lost when the program is restarted. The biggest challenge was handling expenses properly, ensuring the program prevents overspending when the balance is too low. Next, I might try adding file storage or even a GUI version! 🚀
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Day 10 of #C045S4393CY| Today I worked more on adding the easter egg to my python phone, seeing if I can just make it pop up the ai chatbot in a bigger screen(only found in settings) Idk why I added this easter egg but if you find it, it's just extra space to talk to ai.
hi, i’m guac and this is my first scrapbook post! i just did scrapyard austin and i feel wayy more inspired to actually code things instead of just… breaking them. i like Python and Java like a basic bitch, but i’ve also been using C# and .NET for a school project and oh my god it’s like if you could actually make GUIs in Java… anyways i bought a kick-ass little $30 ESP-32 demon that has some DANGEROUS capabilities, and i think my next project is to write some firmware for a hardware cryptography module i bought for it!
Day 8 of #C045S4393CY|, added error validation and logs to check if things were working, got stuff up and running on my big server that i have so now my bot is officially hosted using discord, and a week of time
day 6 of #C045S4393CY| : Made deepseek api and fed user messages list into it, will make it so that user gets back feedback. I also refined some errors in the script to make sure encryption was secure.
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day 1 of #C045S4393CY| today i worked on learning data science for summer research!! I've been kinda following along w this notebook!
day 4 of #C045S4393CY| Testing is going well, implemented a DM system so that the bot can dm the users on discord, this was pretty hard in python bc of how garbage is but i made it work out in the end!
Day 4 of #C045S4393CY| Today I kept working on adding face id into the python phone, got a lot of bugs with the updated main function but it is going pretty good and I think it's gonna be a nice addition to the phone, keeping up to date with today's technology. That's mostly what I got for now, the face ID just needs a bit of more edits and all those little stuff but it will for sure be rewarding! Now the biggest thing I have to fix is how fast the phone responds, currently the phone gets stuck a lot at first load and when logging in with Face ID it also takes a long time to process and more. More tomorrow!
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Day 3 of #C045S4393CY| Built a function and spent a lot of time fixing errors to make sure that it shows bad words list properly instead of tweaking out and not saying anything.
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Day 3 of #C045S4393CY| Today I started implementing Face ID into my python phone, it is an algorithm that takes a one time picture of your face that only the code can see(you can change it to save on your computer to use the same face id login everytime)This makes login faster and more cool, there are no sensors involved, it is just a pure picture! I have been prototyping face id for a while but recently came up with the best design!(It's been a while since i've added something that is not an app, didn't have a log in feature before this)
Day 2 in #C045S4393CY| Adding python phone into pybag so anyone can use it! Also seeing if I could add some sort of face id, no sensors just a secure face id that takes a picture of your face once, only the code can see it, then every time after that, when you log in you don't have to deal with entering passwords!(There were no passwords in the first place though lol) Also fixing bugs in my ai chatbot app in the phone
day 1 of #C045S4393CY|. did some css, python and a littttle bit of html for adding tags to a todo list!
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Day 1/15 of #C045S4393CY| Today, I added a emoji detector and more commands to my discord bot that im working on with @Shree . I built more commands and made a button work with a fancy UI and made all the users emojis store to a list in which they can see through a command. Solid work time.
Day 1/15 of #C045S4393CY| Today(still going on) I worked on learning some more javascript so I can work on my website to add it to @Aram website combiner or smth Also working more on my python phone so there are way less random bugs that pop up, habit tracker work is still ongoing but I worked on it less today since I want to equally balance work on learning code and also working on the phone
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@EuanRipper0 i coded a logical puzzle game (slide game) and added some game modes and a daily leaderboard! the hardest mode only has one solution! this is my first ever website and i wrote all the code painstakingly myself with no templates or imported css. its written with python flask backend and sqlAlchemy
Today: I worked on a new project(started it yesterday), it is a habit tracker in python and I am working on the looks of it and trying to advance it more, hopefully this project is a success!
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First post for me! Today: Did some more blender stuffs Learned a bit more css Bug fixed my python phone!
Wrote a Python script serving with CGI which draws a banner for my GitHub profile's README with data from the GraphQL API! The XP and LV is based on my contribution count (public and private depending on profile settings).
Started working on a project with my brother involving the NBA apis and predictions, prob not gonna be open source but we are each coding it our own way, I'm coding in Go and he's coding in Python.
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I got a bit more done on Slack Summarizer today; I added the Python OAuth server and I started working on the Rust side of it. My wifi was really slow for most of the day so hopefully it’s fixed tmrw.
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Making a password generator in Python
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started learning python today. MAN, this is awesome!
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working on same periodic table visualizer.... • generates SVG(s) of every element using python with svgwrite • then uses javascript and css and html to visualize it with layout... it's almost done, I'm giving it final touches
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building a periodic table visualizer! 1. it generated SVGs of every element with their detailed info (using python and svgwrite) 2. HTML+CSS+JS to show the periodic table currently, for testing, I put them as a rectangle, now I will make them proper layout just like original table.
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Day 10: Python project uses yfinance which is a public API for yahoo finance Look up companies, their recent stock values, and articles about them!
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Added entities to the level editor for my game. The game is in c++ with sdl2, but the level editor is in python with pygame-ce.
Day 5 of Advent of Code! Both parts in Python, working on it in Excel now..
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spend a lot of time setting up, always needs to do that when using languages other than js and python lmao
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today i worked on trying to figure out using python as backend api with flask for my graphing calculator and made some pretty good progress.
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Worked on the python learning materials for my hackclub needed while I explain right now it just covers the basics... Day 5 of thanksgiving special scrapes btw
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scrap: today I worked for 1.5 hrs on my python chatbot w/JSON. I finished the UI and 1 algorithm. I also attended the minecraft event
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worked on creating some cool maps with folium and pandas library on python with data
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Working on minesweeper game in python!
today i finished my vex robotics high stakes simulator in python but somehow ended up updating it to 3 different repos by accident 😭
I created Tank Fight, a multiplayer tank battle game written entirely in Python. This project combines my passion for coding and game development, offering a fun and interactive experience for players. In the game, two players control tanks on a shared battlefield, aiming to destroy each other using strategy and precision. I designed the gameplay mechanics to include features like shooting projectiles, avoiding obstacles, and navigating the terrain. The game loop handles collision detection, movement, and scoring in real-time, ensuring smooth gameplay. I'm still in early stages but it will be awesome!
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making my python-based face recognition app better
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Okay - for my Nixvim configuration today, i added autocompletions and snippets using friendly snippets and nvim-cmp; add whichkey to show set keybindings; add Lazygit support; add enum all for treesitter; add telescope keybindings; and add debugging for: c using codelldb, c++ using codelldb, rust using codelldb + rustaceanvim, go using dap-go and delve, and python using dap-python. The rustaceanvim alone took me more than an hour 😭. Though, here's a pic of my debugging setup with codelldb + rust with the simple Josephus problem:
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today i worked on my python json chatbot. I got a 400 line json file for more data, made the file compatible with the bot, and made the ui easier to use
Working on a Minecraft Launcher built in Python 🔥. Finished the home page UI today, gonna start working on the other UI elements and also backend tomorrow.
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Today I polished up a website and shipped it, and started on a new project in python (pig latin translator)
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