
Posts tagged with :memo:

PanicAltTab Quickly alt tab when someone walks in on you (Coding when you're supposed to be studying) Coding while you're supposed to do homework? Quickly alt tab when somebody walks past Source code can and installation tutorial can be found in my github repository: github.com/YeetTheAnson/PanicAltTab Use cases • Beside your door to switch tabs when it opens • Beside your laptop if you're sitting by the wall • Facing upwards, acting as a hotkey to alt tab with a gesture Attached below are some pictures, and demo of the thing in action
Hey, I am working on a Homework Helper website that has a lot of widgets that’s useful to have when doing Hw. Since arcade ends today, I am submitting the scrapbook. The website is still in very early development, but hope you guys like it. Link to Repo: github.com/SkywardSyntax HomeworkHelper Link to Demo: skywardsyntax.github.io/HomeworkHelper
Link : <https://github.com/LuckyTheCookie/hack-website>Github : <https://github.com/LuckyTheCookie/hack-website> Sharefiche ShareFiche is an open-source project written with Github Copilot that aims to share my revision sheets to help students in my class. The sheets are classified by subject and topic. They are available to download and view directly. This website has been created to develop my skills in web development and this is not an homework for school. As my goal is to help everyone, I'm planning on adding more subjects and topics in the future, but also a contribution system to allow everyone to share their revision sheets, and a script to deploy the website on a server so it can be used by other students :) How does it work? 🤔 No installation or account is required to use ShareFiche. Just go to the ShareFiche site and discover the different cards. The download function doesn't work yet, but you can view the cards directly on the site :)
Automated MAC Address Changer Wifi providers normally "block" your device from accessing the internet with your MAC address When someone blocks internet access to your device, it can be super annoying especially if you need to do homework at an ungodly time of day. Luckily for you, I have just the solution (for Linux users only) Normally if you go into settings and change it, you are still blocked from accessing the wifi. With this script you can change it, efficiently by using the ip link Linux command. To Run: pythnon3 script.py github.com/Verdanix/AutomatedMacAddressChanger
updated my homework tracker with more features and better UI!
Thank you to @zrl for sending me stickers! The fire one is so cool, it’s like reflective and a different material. I humbly accept your curse to visit hw within the next 3 years. Again, thanks so much, your act of kindness made my week!
I created 2 neural networks! github.com/VerisimilitudeX/openai_api_test/commits/main### Prob 3) NetC (15 points) This third neural network will be a convolutional neural network. It should use the following operations in this order: Use a convolution layer with kernel-width 5 and depth 25 (note: zero padding and stride = 1 are by default in `nn.Conv2d`) Use the ReLU activation function Use a max-pool operation with kernel-width 2 and stride 2 Reshape the image to a vector for the next step's input using .view(). * Use a fully-connected linear layer to the 10 outputs. This architecture can be seen visually in the following diagram (the left-most object is the input image). ![Network Architecture](courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse416/19su/files/assignment-resources/homework/hw7/nn.svg) Notice that these diagrams use the following notation to describe the dimensions of the results at each step.

channels @ height x width
Just Made a Homework Machine from Scratch #arcade
Made a discord bot in C++ for tracking assignments for school. Currently I use it for my chemistry class to track homework. I've attached some pictures and the github repo link, which has instructions on setting it up for yourself. github.com/cluac7/chembot
day 12 of #100-days-in-public; today i was mad at robot code (wheels on the robot won't auto align); also did homework and too much spanish for one day
Day 10 of #10-days-in-public, prolly going to actually get to work on my original project tmrw! Watched a video and created a bunch of sample plugins. I would do more, but I have school hw 😞 . Also I got nerd sniped yet again by discovering thesephist.com + github.com/thesephist. The coolest thing is that Linus apparently used to work here
day 5 of #10-days-in-public! I got more done today, had to do it earlier so I could fit in my hw at the end of the day (kinda unhealthy ik) I got V1 of my board done! I will look at it some more and then maybe order it soon!
Writing a reflection for my English hw
Didn’t do much today but here’s my hw
i played minecraft all day... but gotta get to 100 days. I also did mandarin homework
first scrapbook post of #100-days (house picasso &gt;&gt;&gt;). returned from brown fly-in today, which helped with researching for my college application field journal (incoming personal tracker/research assistant for college fit), tried a psl from starbucks, and caught up on my DoD ML course, calculus homework, &etc 🧸
No I'm not doing my homework.
#w-of-the-day day 135 Good fun but back at home now, really tired to do anything so Just did my math homework and watched a lot of Youtube vids
More google slide work and homework :/
Today was a day full of homework and a bit of sdl :peefest:
#w-of-the-day day 107 Oh man this is gettin hard, I’ve had to stay up till 2 again so I could finish my chem homework and my school project, nothing else today
:winter-hardware-wonderland: Day 10 :winter-hardware-wonderland: in the next few days I will be assembling 2 game console lots of math homework today, I was only able to consult a local store if they have the Arduino power cable:(
#hardware-party day 8/10 Couldn’t get much down today due to homework and #frc. I’m really sleep deprived. Did get a few more pieces printed tho, always nice.
:winter-hardware-wonderland: Day 2 :winter-hardware-wonderland: in the next few days I will be assembling 2 game console today I only managed to setup Arduino IDE, a lot of homework
Day 1 of #hardware-party: Today I worked on the chassis of the robot. The chassis is updated from Adafruit’s instructions so I had to get a little creative with the roller ball bearing. It’s not drivable yet, but hopefully tomorrow I’ll work with electronics and code. I have a lot of homework today, but I’m glad I could squeeze this in.
#w-of-the-day day 3 worked a bit on my sveltekit project and did (a lot) of homework
2 weeks to go till Epoch, and here's the story of this sticker. It all started a few months ago when genius minds from all over the world decided to brainstorm ideas for stickers they'd like at Epoch. We decided we wanted stickers with local Delhi references for advanced humour. And one such idea was to make a sticker that says Horn Ok Please, with Epoch-ish Hack Club elements in there. For context, Horn Ok Please is written on the back of trucks and lorries prominently seen in North India (in South India, we just have Sound Horn) to alert drivers of vehicles approaching from behind to sound their horns if they wish to overtake, in a country like India where honking is the primary source of communication between you and the other vehicles on the road. Part of the idea was also to make it look like Horn Ok Please was written on the back of a truck. I said, "OK OK LMAOOO WE'RE MAKING A STICKER OUT OF THIS". Now I'm not exactly the most productive and efficient person out there, I thrive on deadlines. I would occasionally just visit the Figma file, do random stuff and close my tabs while I did not have exams, homework or both. Normally I'd be able to complete stuff while "occasionally" visiting but this one was a bit hard. There weren't many reference images I could find, other than a photo directly from the Wikipedia page. I somehow also found the same image from a frontal angle which helped me trace out the letters and create "Horn Ok Please" as an SVG (my Figma Pen Tool skills are unrivalled, they talk about my curves). I also needed some random art related to India, like peacocks and the Taj Mahal, so what I did was take photos from unsplash.com, remove their background and run them through svgco.de (WHICH IS A GOD SENT BTW, credit to @OjasSomethin' for pointing this wonderful tool out) to give them a painted and vector-y look. I quickly combined them together but I realized it didn't have the same back-of-the-truck feeling and other people were quick to point that out. @deven then points out that I should do "Hack Ok Please" ("cos the H matches") and a few days later, there's a better reference picture of a Horn Ok Please in #design. In the thread where the image was posted, there was a lot of talk about getting the text bevels and shadows right along with identifying a similar font, which @sarthak narrowed down to a font called Syne, which fortunately was available on Google Fonts and I had it downloaded in no time. I decided to start with the background, and I wanted it to look realistic as possible. The question is, how do you make wooden planks in Figma? Sure, I could draw lines, and make it look realistic in a vector art sense but I wanted the right colour and texture. Well, what if I just placed a picture of wooden planks? That is exactly what I did, and it's called textures. A visit to textures.com gave me some quality seamless textures of wooden planks, and to make it pink I added a separate colour layer and decreased the opacity of the colour layer (I slightly colour-corrected the plank textures for it to be visible while still having the desired shade of pink). I also wanted the grooves (or gaps, whatever you call them) between the planks to affect the surrounding elements as if all the designed elements were actually painted on wooden planks. I did this by manually drawing out groove lines using the good ol' Pen Tool and giving it a slight drop shadow. The text. "Hack Ok Please!!". It needed bevels. Neither does Figma have an option for bevels nor could I find a plugin that gives bevels to text. Having lost all hope, I wandered around on YouTube hoping some Indian tech guy could help me out when an unexpected ally rose to the occasion: pixlr.com/e. They could make bevels out of text input and export it into PNG - that was more than enough for me. I dragged the export across the browser and into Figma and used a freemium plugin called Image Tracer which I thought had already been exhausted of its 5 free trials but apparently not. I got an SVG, got box shadows using a wonderful plugin called oblique and added that stuff on top of the wood. Only the decorations remained. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't have much creativity in this area. The corners of my reference image had floral-like colourful designs and I wasn't really sure about manually tracing it using the Pen Tool. The floral-like design reminded me of something I used to do with my mom when I was a kid, where basically I'd take an A4-sized paper, fold the paper in half, put drops of acrylic paint of different colours on the crease of the paper and fold it again to create something that looked like a butterfly. I thought that if I could do something like that with the right colours, I could take a good picture with my phone, remove its background, change its colours a bit and use it in my design. After begging my sister to help me (spoiler alert: she did not), I decided to steal my sister's paint (she's not on Hack Club, so she won't find out) and perform the sacred method of "squish painting". Long story short, it did not come out like I expected it to, it was too narrow and too green for my liking. (I wanted to take a picture of the result I got for the sake of this scrapbook post, but the paint stuck to each other and now I can't unfold the paper and tearing it doesn't seem like a good idea.) At this point, I decided to give up on everything else and trust the mighty Pen. By listening to the Doom OST theme song and Cocomelon songs on a loop, I traced out the basic lines of the floral designs and just randomly coloured them with every main colour I could find. By now, I was too lazy and uncreative to create my own assets, so I just screenshotted the flower thingy at the bottom of the reference image and then modified the colours a bit so that it matches the background colour of the sticker. Combine this with some smooth curves and spheres, and we have our decorations. To make it even more realistic, I got some grime and brush stroke textures from textures.com, removed their backgrounds, reduced the highlights a bit, increased the shadows a lot, halved the opacities and added the corners of the sticker. Oh and I almost forgot, there's a slight amount of noise at the very top to give it a slightly dirty/realistic feeling, using the Noise plugin. Adding noise textures to my designs is a reflex action at this point.
day 1 of #10-days-in-public doing some coding hw for ap cs a we are making a class where we are making a “playlist”
Today my #scrapbook ended! :sadge: :fireball: After 418 days my streak has officially come to an end! This morning I got the painful message from @scrappy-U015D6A36AG that I forgot to post last night. I completely meant to but it slipped my mind for the first time since I joined Hack Club :hack-club:, I had a lot of homework and projects so I couldn't post anything on time. That being said, although it was cool to keep it until this day, this is the last post I will do to my scrapbook and thanks to everyone who followed along for 418 days! ⚡
Did nothing besides hw - trying to get enough hw done so i can go to rock hacks!
I just did homework all day
Day 9 of #10-days-in-public - I did it. I completed and submitted my homework assignment on time. I used the resources available to me and overcame (at least a large part of) my anxiety, I am so proud of myself that I was able to get to this point. Now time to write a 1500 word essay in 1.5 days :peefest:
Day 8 of #10-days-in-public!!!!! Finally finished all my homework and had a great day with my friends at the mall. I can’t wait to hopefully start programming Musicaui.
Day 7/10 for #10-days-in-public! Was super busy today - got home from a cross country meet and then homework - so I just worked on translating some of the code I've written so far into TypeScript (as a way of learning it). I learned about definition files, and kind of want to write my own to represent the tokens. &gt; What's this? A Markdown parser built from scratch in JavaScript. Demo at jianmin-chen.github.io/markdown-parser and write-up at www.jianminchen.com/article/general/2022-10-07-markdown-parser.
Day 7 of #10-days-in-public!!! Did a bunch of work-related paperwork for my McDonalds job and was super hyped. Also did some drawtober stuff as well as working on my senior poster. Did A LOT of SAT studying for my test tomorrow. Ahhhh sooo tired!!! Anyways heres my cybersecurity homework which is fun fun fun!!!
\day 7\ school --- • very excited for my school dance :blobhypedance: • had to organize some stuff misc --- • once again, dying on math hw :blobkittenknife: • did some more cf practice -- solved a few problems • reorganized my desk! :desk: • i hate science grrr • my mouse is breakign FSDF
Day 6 of Zachtoberfest (#10-days-in-public)!!! did so much stuff outside like have my first mcdonalds training and also learned about the history of the world!!! Just a casual homework day as I will be doing a lot of work stuff this week!!! I can’t wait to get back to programming Musicaui!!!
day 4/10 of #10-days-in-public: read and did some more small projects w javascript alongside my sprig game :sprig-dino:. also finally finished some java homework i was trying to get done and made this magic 8-ball 🎱 game on codeacademy!
Wahoo! Been doing more pull requests :pr: to Hack Club! And a lot of homework :sadge: