Posts tagged with :video_game:
is an online multiplayer board game based on the 13-sided "Einstein" shape discovered in 2023. Players aim to get rid of all their pieces by forming hexagons using Einstein shapes of two different colors. Forming a hexagon grants the player an additional turn, while they try to block their opponents from doing the same.
Website | GitHub Repository
This project consists of two major components:
1. Tridecco Game Server: The backend server that manages game state, player connections, and game logic.
2. Tridecco Client (Web): A frontend web application providing user interface rendering, dynamic content loading, and interaction handling for gameplay.
• Real-time Multiplayer: Real-time gameplay using Socket.IO for bidirectional communication between clients and server.
• Game Queueing: Players can queue up to join a game with other players. The server will automatically match players based on their queue order.
• Game Room Management: Players can create, join, and leave game rooms.
• User Authentication: Users can create accounts, authenticate, and 2FA for secure login.
• Leaderboard: Track player rankings and statistics.
• Game History: View past game results, including player scores, moves, and game duration.
• Responsive Design: Mobile-friendly UI for cross-platform compatibility.
Links to sessions: hackclub.slack.com/archives/C06SBHMQU8G/p1725454537974269Something Fishy
. It's a fishing game, now with multiple levels, better design, more complex controls, background sound, and more.
gh repo: github.com/suryaanshah/Something-Fishy-Sprig-Game
❗ Important note: One of the session had hakuun down so it actually lasted 75 mins instead of 60.sell the wheel
at different stages of its development
Now you can play the game on mobile, and it doesn't restart at the end with weird cases. had to do a lot of debug and fixes for this.
gh repo: github.com/suryaanshah/Selling-the-wheel-AI-game
site: suryaansh.is-a.dev/Selling-the-wheel-AI-game011000010110111001110011011011110110111001110011011100110111010001110110
, which is just ansonsstv
in binary where the lows are 400hz and highs are 700hz
• The payload is sent subpixel by subpixel, each subpixel color value is 0-255, which is mapped to 900hz to 1900hz.
• In between each pixels, it is seperated by 700hz for 20ms and 2200hz for 20ms
• In between each lines, it is seperated by 01101100011010010110111001100101
which is just line
in binary where the lows are 400hz and the highs are 700hz
Attached below are some photos and videos of the site in action