@Delana2Finishing off my slightly eh game that I made as English homework
@jackson0Working on the main game ui for my school final project. JavaFX is definitely a different type of library than I've ever used, but the fxml system is fantastic.
@BurntRanch0again, working on sdl_engine, my Vulkan Game Engine!
This time, I was busy finding a way organizing Nodes while lifting some of the heavy work off of the Engine. To make everything more seamless!
Introducing: SceneTrees! This class will help the Engine in easily locating relevant Cameras/Lights.
Next update will be focused on making this rewrite actually work with the existing foundation.
Sketch in comments!
@BurntRanch0I didn't share this here yet but I came back from a month long break from my Vulkan Game Engine and started heavy work on the Nodes, planning to work on Materials and PBR lighting very soon!
sdlengine is a project I made initially to learn more about graphics and perhaps even make a game very later down the road. It's written in C++ and <https://github.com/BurntRanch/sdlengine/tree/rewrite|this> is the repo, rewrite is the branch I'm working on
If it's not obvious, this is highly based off of Godot, Their system is very nice, I have very high hopes for this!
@prakruti0worked on minimax - the ai for my tic tac toe game
@prakruti0commented out game logic: working it out in code.
FINALLY DAY 10 (i think), today i did some work on my game polyworld, and im only like 3.20$ away from steam license on #C086MACKK43|!
• Improved itch page
• Made a terrain
). Today i did some minor work on my open world game
• Made it so server stores the currently held item for players to that when players join that can be synced
> what started as me meeting a stranger-soon-friend at the airport w/ @ThomasStubblefield and asking him why he was wearing fake prescription glasses to make himself look smarter turned into the most fire hackathon project ever.
this weekend, @ArnavChauhan , @TCYTseven , and i worked together to think of the most useless project we could built in ~24 hours + with the ray-ban meta ai glasses (yes, those glasses).
introducing (brace yourselves, and give me credit for the name) our final project, "POKER? I HARDLY KNOW HER!" ♦️ ♣️
you might've come across this every-day situation many times in your life: you have homework assignments due tommorow but you ALSO want to play poker
. just wear our glasses and 1) have them analyze your hand, the cards on the table, and the emotions of the poker faces in the room around you to 2) calculate a probabilty
of you winning the game and then 3) answer the next question on your homework but with an accuracy rate inversly proportional to your odds of winning poker match. using computer vision, opencv, roboflow, openai
, elevenlabs, & opensource python
libraries we've made this a reality for you. watch our <https://youtu.be/JVtFxCJw5ng|demo> to get the full experience!
scrappy moment: turns out meta
provides no easy way to access the camera feed from the glasses for analysis. however (!!), they do allow access to the camera feed in their own services (yes, we ended up making facebook accounts for this initially 💀). the live video used on this project is taken from a whatsapp video call between two devices + obs
video capture.
github repo:github.com/sahitid/meta-vision-project
🕶 📼 full demo:youtu.be/JVtFxCJw5ng*tl;dr:* we made a meta glasses-powered system that lets you play poker and do homework at the same time—but the better you do at one, the worse you perform at the other.*super special thanks* to @ShubhamPatil @kevinjosethomas @sarthak @Atulya-U04FJLBJ72S @JesseCogburn (jimbooo) @Mohamad @Rhys-U04GECG3H8W for the hours of moral support + starring in our demo + teaching us about your love for horiculture + & of course "chris"
@Gus0a little delayed but i'm gonna try to get caught up on scrapbook, i already posted this in #C0M8PUPU6| (sorry for the double ping :p)
SCRAPYARD TIME!! i went to Scrapyard Flagship and while it was an absolute blast here's what I made
ytm:You Throw Me: A mobile game about satisfying those deep down primal ape caveman ooga-booga urges to DESTROY EXPENSIVE TECHNOLOGY.
Ever lose a game of brawl stars? Ever get a notification about a bad grade on an assignment? Ever get a text from your ex? Doesn't it just make you MAD? Doesn't it just make you want to THROW YOUR PHONE LIKE A BASEBALL? Now you can assert dominance over your friends at the exact same time!
YTM uses your phone's accelerometer to measure how far you chucked it and gives you a score based on our proprietary algorithm, factoring in metrics like distance, rotation, how long i took you to navigate the app interface, Mercury's retrograde status, and karma. Whoever has the highest score wins.
✨ Features include:
• Head-to-head mode (because raw, natural competition is clearly more important than your phone's structural integrity)
◦ Share a QR code from the app to let anyone play from their browser, making it even easier to convince your friends to risk their devices
• Pass & Play (you destroy your friend's phone)
• Solo leaderboard, stored securely in our Jettisoned Synchronous Octet Network™ (JSON) Database
The web demo is NOW LIVE at YOUTHROW.ME!! Go play it!!! (Code is at <https://github.com/gusruben/you-throw-me|gusruben/you-throw-me>)
The best part is, YTM actually won third place overall! Made with @Plastuchino and @guacmd !
Day 9/15 of #C045S4393CY|
Today added wall sliding and wall jumping to my game@Dumbhog0FINAL DAY (10/10) of#C045S4393CY|! Today I actually decided to go revisit the roblox game recreation project I was working on! I started working on the alcatraz building. Repo: github.com/Dumbhog/15-Days-In-Public
@ByteAtATime0day something of #C045S4393CY|. Today I worked on my juice game. I also made the scrapyard ui actually kind of work on mobile
Day #GQU39BB50| of #C045S4393CY|!!!!! Today i didnt code as much as i wanted, but i still coded for around 40min, countinued work on my open world game polyworld!!!!!!1111111!!!
• Set up some syncing of variables to server only with a interval of 0.1 (syncs to server only cause other players shouldnt know health and stuff). This is base of persisntent data and stuff.
• Added death, when u die u drop all your stuff and respawn at x=0, y=10, z=0.
Last img is respawn code to respawn, second to last is part of drop code
Day 8/15 of #C045S4393CY|
Did my game added ghost dimesion(Im sick so pretty hard to work on my game)@Dumbhog0DAY 9 of #C045S4393CY|! Today I continued to work on my coding cba Sprig project, I created a boy and a girl sprite option for my game, and added the option to choose between the two. Just one more day to go!! Repo: github.com/Dumbhog/15-Days-In-Public
Day #C0806K243T4| of #C045S4393CY|! Today im still countinuing work on my mulitplayer open world game #C08EL3G9K2B|
• Minor code optimization and fixes
• Added better syncing of items and world objects, specifically it initally stores and updates on server too so when ppl join they all see the same and current state instead of some random state.
First ss is server
@ByteAtATime0this is day idek of #C045S4393CY|. today i worked on my juice game. i added a solar panel with an energy counter (will remove text later). it took me too long to realize i forgot to add the script onto the object, so it never called the function.@anne0day 8 of #C045S4393CY|, i worked on my game :3
@Olive0Day 9 of #C045S4393CY| - I made a main menu! It can be opened using esc and you can play or exit the game. It's not much but figuring out how UI works took a while.@Cyteon0
• Fix some minor sync issues and did some code optimizations
• Added crafting to the game (pain)
@Sunny0Worked on my juice game and added animations in which the player and horse both have an idle and walking animation, i also added the horse riding system. Day 9 of #C045S4393CY|#C088UF12N1Z|
Day 4 of #C045S4393CY|, today I didn't do that much but worked around an hour on my open world game!
• Made tool animations sync accross clients
• Fix minor issue in health bar anchor
• Add so you could attack players
Tmrw: durability bar, and maybe crafting :p
Sadly I'm on phone so can't get brand new screenshots, but ill do tmrw and reply in this thread with them, here is a SS of the axe anim cause it's the most relevant I have on my phone
@HridyaAgrawal0Day 8 #C045S4393CY|
worked quite a bit on the website for juice game, looks pretty sick now, and also did new builds for updated version of game, also worked on a frontend to control ne/on led matrix!
@ByteAtATime0day... 3? of #C045S4393CY|. Today I worked on my #C088UF12N1Z| game a lot, adding a resource management system, tooltips (this was really hard to get right
), and a smarter tower (now it shoots in the general direction of enemies
!). Most importantly, we also started a doc formalizing our game and dividing up tasks.@Boa_n0day 5 of #C045S4393CY| today I speed ran a hack pad keyboard PCB. created a sprig game and worked on the BOM for my printer.
@ChessThinker0Day 5 of #C045S4393CY|. Today, I realized that the editor will not be powerful enough for a full game without crazy optimizations that I cannot do. So... I'm revamping to a dice/coin app. I have made the numbers work:
Day #3 of #C045S4393CY|! Today i still countinued work on my open world game.
• Added new class ToolItem which is just tools and stuff, extends BaseItem, and Harvestable which is for harvestables
• Coded tools (rn just axe) to work and harvest from harvestable (rn just tree)
• Made tree give resources, and dissapear for all clients once chopped down
• Made holding tool sync with all clients, so they see u holding it
Soon ill fight next boss, but gamme gotta be fun first it says
This was an actual pain
why did i choose to make a multiplayer game
@anne0day 5 of #C045S4393CY| i worked on my printer, a new ysws idea and juice game :3
Day 2 of #C045S4393CY|! Today i countinued work on my open world game:
• Added dropping items (which syncs accross clients ofc) (i discovered i cant send nodes or more classes over RPC
• Fixed some multiplayer and sync issues
• Added credits page with button on main menu
• Made github repo public and uplodaded binaries to itch for first #C086MACKK43| fight
@Manni0Day 3 of #C045S4393CY| (Late cause slack not working)
Got Bugs! (Implementing Textures)@anne0day four / fifteen for #C045S4393CY|! i worked on my printer and my jungle game :3
@Cyteon0Day #1 of #C045S4393CY|, today I worked on my open world game and:
• Fixed some visual bugs when loading into world
• Added an inventory so when no space in hotbar it goes there
• Made a mock player for the server so server didn't need to have a whole CharacterBody3D and stuff
• Prevent you from picking up items when you have no space
• Looked at some gamedev legal shit (Im just gonna publish without a legal entity
• Made #C08EL3G9K2B| (polyworld is game name) and made clickup send when status of stuff changes
@PianoMan00I worked on my game, You Find Yourself In Elon Musk's Bathroom!
@anne0day 3 of #C045S4393CY| i worked on my jungle game + worked on my printer :3
@Andre0Day 1/15 of #C045S4393CY|!
I've been working on the inventory and party management system for my Juice game for a bit over a week now, but it's finally almost done! I have the code to update the party slot texture depending on the member in it, and the code to add new items to the inventory and have it actually reflect in the UI, and finally connected them all to a few signals to keep them running in tandem. I started adding the functionality for the UI to actually spawn the party members using the glob script I made earlier (the bauble_manager), but I've yet to iron out all the bugs on that one, having so many pieces running from one signal is proving to be a bit more difficult that I expected, and I have plans to refactor later but need to move on in the meantime! Next I'll finish adding that functionality, then add more function to the party members overall as at the moment they just trail behind the player.