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Posts tagged with :rustlang:

Messing around with some rudimentary networking things. Rust makes my life worth living.
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For day 11 of my #C045S4393CY|, I finished the logic of the assembler for my Rusty-Man Computer project! I just have to add some more tests and write up some documentation about it, and then I'll have a fully-functional assembler for the Little-Man Computer system :P You can take a look at all of today's work on the Github repo. Here's a screenshot of it running (after a few Rust warnings that I might want to fix at some point)
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Today I worked on a Little-Man Computer assembler for my Rusty-Man Computer Rust project. After doing a lot of thinking and coding, I wrote all of the parsing logic in one go, to create something similar to an AST. That bit seems to have worked, which is great! Next, I just need to create a symbol table to keep track of labels, and then actually converting the parsed structure to machine code. I've implemented it by splitting each line into space-separated parts, and parsing each part (which also has to depend on if the first part is a valid opcode or not... I should probably just pop the first part off if it's a label so that the rest of the code can be consistent but that's for later me). This isn't as flexible as a proper parser (which would go character-by-character) but seems to work well for LMC assembly. I'm pretty sure this is now day 10 of my #C045S4393CY|! 🎉
Today was day 7 of my #C045S4393CY|, and while I don't have much to show, I started work on a new program in my Rusty-Man Computer project called rmc_assemble (an assembler for LMC assembly) that will be able to be used with the LMC emulator I've made. I decided to develop this tool using test-driven development, because I can steal the example programs from the online simulator and use them as test data. Today I set up a test and a stub function, but haven't started implementing yet. I also updated my project to the 2024 edition of Rust (which became stable this month). This didn't require any code changes. Tomorrow I plan to continue working on the assembler program :)
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For day 7 of my #C045S4393CY|, I improved my bin_creator program (part of Rusty-Man Computer) by letting it accept multi-line input, because that's the format you get when you copy memory data from the online LMC simulator. This should make it much more convenient to use (previously, you had to manually remove the newlines). This involved learning how to get the last two digits of a string in Rust, which is a bit more involved than it sounds (I got away with line.chars().rev().take(2).collect::<String>()) I also wrote a script ( to use cross to cross-compile my code for 3 different target platforms, and then copy the generated binaries into a single folder to make them easy to upload to GH Releases. Naturally, I used that script to publish my first release that contains pre-compiled binaries for multiple platforms, which you can read about at Next, I want to start work on an assembler tool to add to the project :D
For day 7 of #C045S4393CY|, I started work on automatic cross-compilation of Rusty-Man Computer for various platforms. I added a list of fully-supported platforms that I intend to build binaries for to the README, and set up a Github Action to use cross (Github) to compile the code for various platforms. (Of course, users can still run the Rust compiler themselves if they wish.) This is an important step for distributing my program and making it accessible to more people. I also added 14 more tests to the code, which test that each individual instruction works correctly. This should make it easy to pin down any regressions during development in the future.
Today in my Rust LMC emulatior, I implemented a custom integer struct that will only allow values between -999 and +999 (to match the behaviour of the online simulator). I wrote more about that change in pull request #6 (read the embed below :)) I learnt how to use modules for organisation and to keep my private fields private. I also wrote a whole bunch of tests (8 tests) for my struct's behaviour. This marks my 5th day of #C045S4393CY|, which means I'm half-way to the 10-day goal! Tomorrow, I want to investigate cross-compiling my program with cross, working towards perhaps releasing a stable version. But for now, it's 7pm, and I should really be revising for my Physics mock tomorrow morning. Cya!
I'm working on my Rust Little Man Computer implementation for #C045S4393CY|. Today (day 2), I wanted to improve how output is presented to more closely match how the official simulator does it. I tried representing the output as a Vec<[char; 4]>, toyed with the idea of a Vec<String>, before deciding to go back to a simple String and only split it into lines when rendering the output. A challenge came from trying to work out how the LMC simulator decides when to insert a line break: numbers on their own are always on their own line, but numbers with some letters after them all end up on the same line... but if I just print a 1 and a Space a bunch of times, there's a new line in between each iteration... I'm still trying to wrap my head around the logic for those line breaks, so I haven't finished "fixing" my output-printing code, but the work-in progress commit is on GitHub.
oops i misclicked, take two. heyya! today i 1. visited a dinner venue, it was pretty good id say, not as great as the atrium tho 2. learnt rust 15.1 & 15.2 !!!! i have not given up i sometimes just dont have as much time for rust with all the revision i need to be doing
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helloo! today i: • athena nbo, (now jua) - worked on emails + i think the budget is done now, i liked doing the math lol. also followed up w web dev. • rust - i infact did NOT stop learning rust lol. did ch.13. learning rust has been interesting, its just so many new concepts that ive never heard. (peep the ferris drawing)
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today i: 1. topic 12 in rust (i wasnt planning to do rust today then i remembered i have a scrapbook goal to stick to so i locked in) 2. fd stuff! a couple of meetings + introducing the new ppl in the FD defo make sure to say hi to the new fire fighters in #C01D7AHKMPF| 3. athena nbo! added more guests to the guests list + discussed some stuff ab new ppl + partner orgs with @/Dhriti Panchani 4. i feel like this is worth mentioning but a 4 hour nap lol
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I started my custom DNS server today. I started it in Rust, which was a bad idea. (I’m a beginner and I don’t know anything about bits and DNS
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) At least it’ll be fast anyway.
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1. finally figured out what was not making sense in rust form this amazing vid. my notes are all over the place for this so i will not be showing yall that
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2. did some athena nbo emails + msgs 3. i had an idea, going in w/ impulsivity to make it happen (like i talked ab in my prev post)! 4. more robotics and we're back to DDE scrappy doesnt like when i have links only
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so here's a pic of some code i wrote from what i learnt in rust tday
I got a bit more done on Slack Summarizer today; I added the Python OAuth server and I started working on the Rust side of it. My wifi was really slow for most of the day so hopefully it’s fixed tmrw.
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Working on a number system convertor in rust, have the validation done for now
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today i did alot lol: 1. after lots of post office processes they found the LLM book
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') 2. i made my site mobile friendly + joined placeholder webring + minor updates 3. i started working on the dti site, changed up a lil bit about he concept and i need to figure out alot of animation stuff since atm its kinda basic 4. in the process of adding a new feature to LYLA (i just need to add an auto-deletion part to something) 5. no rust today </3
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today i: 1. ownership in rust (i will say this has been kinda hard) plus some kinds related stuff to do with memory in general. i think the whole concept of stacks and heaps is really neat. 2. also lots of mechanics in math, i feel like theres got to be an easier way to go about mechanics lol 3. ive still been trying to think of my next high seas project because as much as id wanna submit stuff like the slack hwf i feel like it doesnt really tick the criteria i set for myself for my high seas projects
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today i: 1. i was out of nairobi for a huge chunk of the day 2. continued learning rust. rust data types are…interesting, ive only covered scalars so far. decided to go for pen and paper notes so heres a pic of that (ignore the pen smudges) :P really hope rust clicks in 🤞 3. had to stop working on xbox status for slack because microsoft will not let me make an azure account because it cant verify my phone number (i did some reading and it seems to be an issue in my region so i might not get to make this 🥲)
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pretty much done with catsay, and the web version is fully functional!
Running rust in the browser via wasm!
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You don't know how much pain such a simple thing took in Rust ( But at least now I know how to pass state to child components (this is my first ever project)!
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Started working on a bazic kernel and OS in rust called Donald.
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can someone remind me again, WHY THE HELL did I decide it was a good idea to write a website in Rust???
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completed aoc day 2! rust is fast
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Ohh shiny rust advent
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Advent of code day 1 in rust
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I hate the Rust borrow checker sometimes... Especially when writing websites in a React-like framework ( Today I also learned a lot about OpenID Connect, which will be useful in a project soon Shipping my personal website probably tomorrow or the day after!
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Day 5, made a rust cli project that check the changes you made a in your files after a center amount of time
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AA havent posted the last few days cuz i forgot but been implementing my personal website with rust htmx and tailwidncss some cool features, music player in the top right, time, and dark/light mode in the bottom right, cool navigation system on the top left going to now add an org based prose collection and rendering https<//>
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started learning egui dw there's no gui cause I have to write the backing code and rust doesn't let you make MVPs that fast but that's ok
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It's slowly coming along... I've noticed that the Rust ecosystem for frontend web development is really lacking currently... For example there isn't even an icon library for Yew!
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trying to learn tauri and vite and rust for the first time!
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Okay - for my Nixvim configuration today, i added autocompletions and snippets using friendly snippets and nvim-cmp; add whichkey to show set keybindings; add Lazygit support; add enum all for treesitter; add telescope keybindings; and add debugging for: c using codelldb, c++ using codelldb, rust using codelldb + rustaceanvim, go using dap-go and delve, and python using dap-python. The rustaceanvim alone took me more than an hour 😭. Though, here's a pic of my debugging setup with codelldb + rust with the simple Josephus problem:
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today I made the base structure of my rust discord bot. very exhausting as i'm new to rust, but i'm enjoying the speed and productivity so far. my bot's called eve, and i will tell you more about it tomorrow!
im working on my own basic browser engine in rust so far i'm working on the HTML/CSS rendering component of the project, and it's really close to completion, hopefully soon I'll be able to start working on the javascript engine part of the project obviously it's not a full featured engine that supports the entire HTML/CSS/JS spec (and only supports CSS 2.1) but the project is fun and I enjoy low-level programming
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I gave up on using a prebuilt neovim ide (called Lunarvim) and decided to configure my own using Nixvim. Today, I: Add Ruff, Rust-Analyzer, and Statix Linters; add lspBuf keymaps for hover, definition, and codeactions; add nvim-lint with popular lintersByFt for over 16 different languages using their own linters and using a nixpkgs instances to get their linting programs; add conform.nvim for formatting, with the same previous 16 different languages, again using a nixpkgs instance to get their formatting program; add formatonsave for conform.nvim; and add autocompletion and snippets through nvim-cmp, cmp-nvim-lsp, cmp-path, cmp_luasnip, cmd-cmdline, friendly-snippets, and luasnip. (Dang that was a lot to type out.) This is a screenshot of the formatting part, cuz idk what to show lmaoo. Repo:
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update to commashell: Astal is working in rust! This should make my life significantly easier
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Update 1 It's the first day of #C07NUNPGEU8|! Yesterday, I worked on my Slack bot made in rust! I rewrote the events system basically entirely and almost got stuff mostly working. (theres no gh yet, so have an image of wakatime from yesterday) [edit: there is now a GitHub @]
#C06SBHMQU8G| After some work, the first official release of my library, perfjail, is finally here. It's a Rust project inspired by sio2jail - a tool the Polish Olympiad in Informatics uses to failry measure time on its contests. My main goals are to do what sio2jail does, but significantly faster (at times) and as a library instead of a CLI tool. You can find the library here: (it's not yet released to, but this is a working, albeit sometimes still slightly buggy, version), and I've made a quick little demo of it working on a branch of my CLI testing tool Toster, which you can find here ( To see it in action you can simply build this branch and then use Toster with the sio2jail flag, however all you should see is faster runtime when running smaller tests, which might be difficult to notice, but it's defintely there. If you have any problems running it or understanding any of the code, please feel free to message me - this is a really interesting field to me, and I've encountered many fun challanges to work around whilst doing pretty pure systems programming interfacing directly with the Linux kernel.
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I implemented Nicky Case's "smooth criminal" from her backlog of projects! It comes with a UI to inspect individual matchups! Everything is written in rust as well. Check it out...
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tried making a cli pomodoro timer with rust, and ... it works??? rust is so annoyingly difficult when you have no background in any similar languages
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*(This is a repost for @hakkuun )* I created a todo cli utility written in Rust. It is buggy, undocumented, untested, and probably even the most ardent opponent of "Clean Code" would be horrified to see it. (You have been warned). However it is my first project in Rust. Clap and rusqlite have been used to parse the arguments (1) and save the data into a SQLite database (2). Here the github repo: (I apologize in advance for any typos).
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