@ajhalili20060Days 7 of #C045S4393CY|: Too close to miss it, like what happened during the Slack outage, but I successfully rebuilt my nixos configuration with new packages and stuff
@nulladmin10Finally figured out how to set up secrets in a config file for Wakatime using sops-nix, even though it's atrocious. Sops-nix: 1, Me: 1
@nulladmin10Fought with sops-nix and systemd. Sops-nix:1, Me:0
@nulladmin10Might not seem like a lot, but i spent a lot of time configuring my nixos system and trying to find what causes it to sometimes blackout and my wifi to not autoconnect. Found out it was due to nvidia drivers (obvisouly) and KWallet.
@nulladmin10I created a nix flake template for flutter.
@nulladmin10I added a vimPlugins builder template to my nix-flake-templates repo, with documentation (which took me MORE TIME than the coding part 😭 )
@nulladmin10I started to work on a NixOS Home Manager module for Wakatime:
@Jupiter0Created a front-end for my WAS Map generator. The only steps remaining are to write a flake.nix and get it hosted on ta.rdis.dev.
@nulladmin10In my configuration for NixOS, I added declarative managing of secrets using Sops-nix and used it to set my brave sync code, ssh private key, and my user password. I'll add more stuff later, but this is it for now. Idk what to upload for a pic, so I'll upload a pic of my encrypted secrets.yaml file, which is public.
@GGORG0Hi everyone! This is my first project for High Seas, and also my first Yew.rs project - my new personal website! It's going great so far - I've already set it up, added a Nix flake, and got some basic (of course Catppuccin Mocha themed!) design going.
Nix integration with any sort of non-standard thing is an absolute pain though...
@nulladmin10I gave up on using a prebuilt neovim ide (called Lunarvim) and decided to configure my own using Nixvim. Today, I: Add Ruff, Rust-Analyzer, and Statix Linters; add lspBuf keymaps for hover, definition, and codeactions; add nvim-lint with popular lintersByFt for over 16 different languages using their own linters and using a nixpkgs instances to get their linting programs; add conform.nvim for formatting, with the same previous 16 different languages, again using a nixpkgs instance to get their formatting program; add formatonsave for conform.nvim; and add autocompletion and snippets through nvim-cmp, cmp-nvim-lsp, cmp-path, cmp_luasnip, cmd-cmdline, friendly-snippets, and luasnip. (Dang that was a lot to type out.) This is a screenshot of the formatting part, cuz idk what to show lmaoo. Repo:
@ABadlyDrawnWobbler0This shows 6 hours of work.
• 2 hours spent on trying to get Astal bindings to work (gir-rs is too WIP to use it properly)
• 2 hours setting up regular gtk and messing my way around with it + nix
• 2 hours setting up meson and blueprints to properly work
I can now actually work on trying to get this as a layer-shell
Work up @ github.com/Suyashtnt/commashell
@Neon0My nixos dotfiles :D
> github.com/NeonGamerBot-QK/nixos@Victorio0My nest configuration
Hello chat, this is my nest configuration/services ported to home-manager. this was a small project and very useful, it helps me be the real Nix user. It also includes a script that autodeploys my home-manager config on each push.
github.com/v1ctorio/nest@Ashton0I've created a fairly basic NixOS configuration for my laptop, using GNOME. It doesn't have many features right now, but it's fully functional with everything that is implemented, and I've been using it as a daily driver for quite a while.
Configuration is here, it's pretty simple, so hopefully, somebody might be able to use it as a starting point or for reference: github.com/UHDbits/nix-config
Screenshots of the basic setup are shown below
@yaanae0Are you a producer working on NixOS? Well, with Nix automatic Windows VSTs all your Windows VSTs can be easily managed through your configuration.nix! Moving or reinstalling a system? No problem! This should do it just alright!
@Noah0I continued working on my NixOS config, updating and testing the installer, fixing bugs and updating my walker app launcher config.
Config: github.com/Noah765/nixos-config
@ari0I decided to redo my laptop’s nix configuration (using nix-darwin and home-manager) and make it public! this also gave me a chance to remove a lot of unnecessary hacks/fixes and make the configuration a lot cleaner and structured.
github.com/ari-kl/darwin-nix-config@Kieran0# REPOST
original message
I installed nix on my framework!!! I still need to finish up the list of tweaks i did but here's a rough list: hyprland with animations and pretty windows, waybar with a custom top bar and a really cool webcam module i made that detects whether an application is using your webcam, a super fast tofi dmenu launcher, vs code with a theme and go support (needs more expansion; currently its a very barebones install of vs code), spotify with spicetify configs, mako for notifications, fingerprint support that perfers password by default (really annoying nix behavior that its fingerprint first by default) this required a bunch of pam tweaks and was a pain, and best of all its all managed with flakes and my wifi passwords can be commited publicly because they are encrypted with agenix!
P.S. (Adendum?) i also did all of this while camping most of it over cellular on super bumpy Michigan roads while we were in the car for super long periods (~5 hours) i also discovered that the framework battery is almost perfectly 5 - 5.5 hours!P.P.S (doubular adendum??) i also attached a pic of my magnetic charging setup; i want to stick it into a framework module soon so it doesn't stick out but i'm pretty happy with it rngithub.com/kcoderhtml/dots@Kieran0I installed nix on my framework!!! I still need to finish up the list of tweaks i did but here's a rough list: hyprland with animations and pretty windows, waybar with a custom top bar and a really cool webcam module i made that detects whether an application is using your webcam, a super fast tofi dmenu launcher, vs code with a theme and go support (needs more expansion; currently its a very barebones install of vs code), spotify with spicetify configs, mako for notifications, fingerprint support that perfers password by default (really annoying nix behavior that its fingerprint first by default) this required a bunch of pam tweaks and was a pain, and best of all its all managed with flakes and my wifi passwords can be commited publicly because they are encrypted with agenix!
P.S. (Adendum?) i also did all of this while camping most of it over cellular on super bumpy Michigan roads while we were in the car for super long periods (~5 hours) i also discovered that the framework battery is almost perfectly 5 - 5.5 hours!P.P.S (doubular adendum??) i also attached a pic of my magnetic charging setup; i want to stick it into a framework module soon so it doesn't stick out but i'm pretty happy with it rngithub.com/kcoderhtml/dots
@Noah0Today I basically finished my calculator plugin for the walker app launcher. I learned a lot about bash (e.g. about named pipes and heredocs), expect scripting and systemd services in the process.
Walker module in my config: github.com/Noah765/dots/blob/main/modules/walker.nix
@Noah0Today I continued working on my NixOS config. I am currently building a calculator plugin for the walker app launcher and learned a lot about named pipes (also known as FIFOs) and expect scripting.
Dots: github.com/Noah765/dots
@Noah0Today I continued to work on my NixOS config. I chose an app launcher, styled it and added some useful Nix tools.
Dots: github.com/Noah765/dots
@Noah0Today I continued to work on my NixOS config. I chose an app launcher, styled it and added some useful Nix tools.
Dots: github.com/Noah765/dots
@Caleb0Redid my entire Home Manager config in NixOS in order to simplify it and add all of it into my NixOS modules. This modularizes it more and makes it easier for other people to use!
@Noah0Today I finished my fork of the Combined Manager project, a project that provides a new structure for NixOS configurations. My fork has some bug fixes, better error messages and additional features. This fork is part of my NixOS desktop setup project.
Repo: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager
@Noah0I have more or less finished my fork of the combined manager project and migrated my nixos config to it.
Combined Manager Fork: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager
@Noah0I continued to work on my fork of the Combined Manager project, fighting some bugs in the nixos module system.
Post about the problem: discourse.nixos.org/t/problems-with-option-evaluation/48763
Repo: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager@Noah0I continued working on my fork of the Combined Manager project, a project that provides a structure for NixOS configurations. My fork provides an even cleaner structure for NixOS configs, better error messages and some additional features. This fork is part of my NixOS desktop setup project.
Repo: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager
@Noah0I continued working on my fork of the Combined Manager project, a project that provides a structure for NixOS configurations. My fork has a cleaner structure, better error messages and some additional features. This fork is part of my NixOS desktop setup project.
Repo: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager
@Caleb0Did a couple things with NVIDIA in my NixOS config. github.com/techyporcupine/nixos-config
Built my Blender installation with CUDA support so I can render with my GPU now.
Also rolled back my Nvidia Driver to version 535 as 550 was causing kernel panics.
Hopefully looking at this config can help some people who might be struggling with doing either of those things!
@Noah0I created a fork of the Combined Manager project, a project that provides a structure for NixOS configurations. My fork has a cleaner structure, better error messages and will have some additional features. This fork is part of my NixOS desktop setup project.
Repo: github.com/Noah765/combined-manager
@Noah0I continued working on my NixOS desktop setup.
Eventually, it should include the following features:
• Impermanence (only keep the specified files)
• Efficient window managment (hyprland with the hy3 plugin)
• App picker (anyrun)
• Bar (using waybar or ags)
• Correctly configured apps (for my preference)
• Installer
• Probably more
Repo: github.com/Noah765/dots
@Noah0I started working on my NixOS desktop setup.
Eventually, it should include the following features:
• Impermanence (only keep the specified files)
• Efficient window managment (hyprland with the hy3 plugin)
• App picker (anyrun)
• Bar (using waybar or ags)
• Correctly configured apps (for my preference)
• Installer
Repo: github.com/Noah765/dots
@Caleb0Extension to my last NixOS project, I also worked on updating Plausible myself and donating it back to the community, but that ended up not working. (Feel free to not give me time for this, it was kind of a failure) github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/321814
@Caleb0Another NixOS project for #arcade
Combined Home manager into the rest of my config with it's NixOS module then went through all the files and added comments where I deemed necessary!
@Caleb0As the first thing I do for #arcade , I switched my NixOS config from using Powerlevel10k as my Zsh theme to Starship, and I'm liking it a lot. Here is a screenshot of my terminal now!