goose-honk-technologist emoji

Posts tagged with :goose-honk-technologist:

Just booted an Ubuntu Server on my raspberry pi zero 2w ! gonna use it to code in vim and make terminal programs!!
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A while ago, I designed the merch + logo for “Jua”, the Athena event in Nairobi by Hack Club! ☀️ I am so lucky to have been part of something this bold and creative (P.S check out #C05T8E9GY64| for girls/gender diverse teens!!)
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#C0M8PUPU6| !🚢 Last year I made a database of every name of U.S. citizens. Over the last couple of weeks, I made a web tool to view this data! If you’re a data nerd like me, you can see where names are most popular, and where the name is more popular. It features a table, graph, maps, and much more. FYI, It will omit any names with under 5 people born that year for privacy reasons. This has been a really fun dataset to work with. The site is made with Next.js
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, mySQL (with Drizzle as the ORM), shadcn/ui, D3.js, and
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. You can visit it at and the source code is available on GitHub (maybe give it a ⭐ ?
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) Have fun playing around with the data!
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worked on initialization code for the board:
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finished minimax code:
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added onto minimax code:
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commented out game logic: working it out in code.
worked on tic -tac-toe -ai a project sitting on the side of my computer for over 6 months: debugged the board code
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another ship, naturally it's like a week and a half old

web-development: i made a website that got 2nd place in a statewide website design competition (
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)! the theme was vegetarian restaurant, and i made a website for a fictional mediterranean restaurant called Azur. i went for a rustic vibe with sort of a contemporary twist, and i made a full menu + "backstory". the website is live at! the code is also public in gusruben/restaurant-website but please don't read it 😭
trying to get back into learning defensive programming n such by implementing a banking system I have got the authentication and ratelimiting in place, I'd say its very secure. But obviously not perfect Today I implemented the client, added logout functionality, and improved the server vastly. with 320 lines of Python code I'm planning to host this on the raspberry pi, and also expand on the architecture to create even more services for the home! Maybe a printing/VoIP server?
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got an app store for my hack club to work
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woohoo! threading! (more performance soon) tags: C, code
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writing C code 🙏
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Day 15 of #C045S4393CY| I really wanted to show the redesigned clock app today, I worked on it a lot, but my code completely stopped working around 2 days ago and its showing no errors, I spent a few hours today trying to fix it adding debug prints everywhere and more, but I can't seem to fix it, but I'll keep working on it, but there will not be a big reveal. I have been using try and except blocks but somewhere along in the code something has to be happening, and if it's really small, I might have to add back code function by function and see what happens. I did work on the app some amount in a different program for testing so I could integrate it but again, it needs other functions and all so I am focusing on making sure the phone does not stop right after starting.
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Day 14 of #C045S4393CY| I am expecting to finish the clock app redesign tomorrow! Today I worked on functionality and logic. But I have a huge error right now that stops my code from opening, the code does not even show a single debug statement which is a huge problem, it suddenly started happening and I have to fix it so I have been trying. Don't have much to show though.
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Day 10 of #C045S4393CY|
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I cleaned up a ton of Archimedes code! There's still a LOT of work left to do but this is already a really good start imo - probably will work on it a bit more next week? Not sure
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Day 10 of #C045S4393CY|: Pardon the hiatus, but currently cooking up the rejection reason modal flow and rewriting custom Express routes code for @HackClubLeeks alongside some website updates for Recap Time Squad behind the scenes in the previous days.
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a little delayed but i'm gonna try to get caught up on scrapbook, i already posted this in #C0M8PUPU6| (sorry for the double ping :p)
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SCRAPYARD TIME!! i went to Scrapyard Flagship and while it was an absolute blast here's what I made

ytm:You Throw Me: A mobile game about satisfying those deep down primal ape caveman ooga-booga urges to DESTROY EXPENSIVE TECHNOLOGY. Ever lose a game of brawl stars? Ever get a notification about a bad grade on an assignment? Ever get a text from your ex? Doesn't it just make you MAD? Doesn't it just make you want to THROW YOUR PHONE LIKE A BASEBALL? Now you can assert dominance over your friends at the exact same time! YTM uses your phone's accelerometer to measure how far you chucked it and gives you a score based on our proprietary algorithm, factoring in metrics like distance, rotation, how long i took you to navigate the app interface, Mercury's retrograde status, and karma. Whoever has the highest score wins. ✨ Features include: • Head-to-head mode (because raw, natural competition is clearly more important than your phone's structural integrity) ◦ Share a QR code from the app to let anyone play from their browser, making it even easier to convince your friends to risk their devices • Pass & Play (you destroy your friend's phone) • Solo leaderboard, stored securely in our Jettisoned Synchronous Octet Network™ (JSON) Database The web demo is NOW LIVE at YOUTHROW.ME!! Go play it!!! (Code is at <|gusruben/you-throw-me>) The best part is, YTM actually won third place overall! Made with @Plastuchino and @guacmd !
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Day 9/15 of #C045S4393CY| Today i ended my code for my keyboard for #C07LESGH0B0| • added layers • wrote my BOM (Bill Of Material) for my keyboard it was accepted! yay
Today I worked on a Little-Man Computer assembler for my Rusty-Man Computer Rust project. After doing a lot of thinking and coding, I wrote all of the parsing logic in one go, to create something similar to an AST. That bit seems to have worked, which is great! Next, I just need to create a symbol table to keep track of labels, and then actually converting the parsed structure to machine code. I've implemented it by splitting each line into space-separated parts, and parsing each part (which also has to depend on if the first part is a valid opcode or not... I should probably just pop the first part off if it's a label so that the rest of the code can be consistent but that's for later me). This isn't as flexible as a proper parser (which would go character-by-character) but seems to work well for LMC assembly. I'm pretty sure this is now day 10 of my #C045S4393CY|! 🎉
I fixed the Vercel deployment issue with Code today, and I spent a while trying to make my pi faster. (Day 10 of #C045S4393CY|)
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Day 7 of #C045S4393CY|. Today I worked on my hacpad case, and got ready for submission. I also worked a little bit more for a Hack Club application in my school.
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Day #GQU39BB50| of #C045S4393CY|!!!!! Today i didnt code as much as i wanted, but i still coded for around 40min, countinued work on my open world game polyworld!!!!!!1111111!!! • Set up some syncing of variables to server only with a interval of 0.1 (syncs to server only cause other players shouldnt know health and stuff). This is base of persisntent data and stuff. • Added death, when u die u drop all your stuff and respawn at x=0, y=10, z=0. Last img is respawn code to respawn, second to last is part of drop code
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Day 8/15 of #C045S4393CY| Worked on my Hackpad + Learned more Generative art for #C089WSLC59V| • Made the rest of my silk screen! • started making the code • Also choosing in how do i want the layout of every key.
Today was day 7 of my #C045S4393CY|, and while I don't have much to show, I started work on a new program in my Rusty-Man Computer project called rmc_assemble (an assembler for LMC assembly) that will be able to be used with the LMC emulator I've made. I decided to develop this tool using test-driven development, because I can steal the example programs from the online simulator and use them as test data. Today I set up a test and a stub function, but haven't started implementing yet. I also updated my project to the 2024 edition of Rust (which became stable this month). This didn't require any code changes. Tomorrow I plan to continue working on the assembler program :)
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Day #C0806K243T4| of #C045S4393CY|! Today im still countinuing work on my mulitplayer open world game #C08EL3G9K2B| • Minor code optimization and fixes • Added better syncing of items and world objects, specifically it initally stores and updates on server too so when ppl join they all see the same and current state instead of some random state. First ss is server
Day 6 of #C045S4393CY| Today I got started with the application for starting a Hack Club in my school, and sent an email to jhopefully get it approved. Iwas pretty swamped with school work, but I was able to make some progress on mys hackapad case.
hi, i’m guac and this is my first scrapbook post! i just did scrapyard austin and i feel wayy more inspired to actually code things instead of just… breaking them. i like Python and Java like a basic bitch, but i’ve also been using C# and .NET for a school project and oh my god it’s like if you could actually make GUIs in Java… anyways i bought a kick-ass little $30 ESP-32 demon that has some DANGEROUS capabilities, and i think my next project is to write some firmware for a hardware cryptography module i bought for it!
Day 7 of #C045S4393CY|. Day 7: Changed some function and got rid of the pandas_datareader because it was causing too many errors. Fixed code so now it shows me where the buys and sells would have been for the best fit waves. Still getting hold but getting closer to fixing it.
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Day #5 of #C045S4393CY|, today i kept working on my open world game #C08EL3G9K2B|
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: • Fix some minor sync issues and did some code optimizations • Added crafting to the game (pain)
For day 7 of my #C045S4393CY|, I improved my bin_creator program (part of Rusty-Man Computer) by letting it accept multi-line input, because that's the format you get when you copy memory data from the online LMC simulator. This should make it much more convenient to use (previously, you had to manually remove the newlines). This involved learning how to get the last two digits of a string in Rust, which is a bit more involved than it sounds (I got away with line.chars().rev().take(2).collect::&lt;String&gt;()) I also wrote a script ( to use cross to cross-compile my code for 3 different target platforms, and then copy the generated binaries into a single folder to make them easy to upload to GH Releases. Naturally, I used that script to publish my first release that contains pre-compiled binaries for multiple platforms, which you can read about at Next, I want to start work on an assembler tool to add to the project :D
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Day 6 of #C045S4393CY| Worked on testing the granularity number and years worth of data. Still getting hold (incomplete decision). Adding dates for waves that best fit the path to help understand how accurate code is.
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For day 7 of #C045S4393CY|, I started work on automatic cross-compilation of Rusty-Man Computer for various platforms. I added a list of fully-supported platforms that I intend to build binaries for to the README, and set up a Github Action to use cross (Github) to compile the code for various platforms. (Of course, users can still run the Rust compiler themselves if they wish.) This is an important step for distributing my program and making it accessible to more people. I also added 14 more tests to the code, which test that each individual instruction works correctly. This should make it easy to pin down any regressions during development in the future.
Day 8 of #C045S4393CY| I worked so much on stuff today, I never knew I could get this much done but turns out all of the loading time and stuff could be fixed with a few code changes! Face ID is complete! It logs you in easily, and I removed most of the instances where the code crashes randomly, I also added a settings page for the weather app where you could change between C and F. Today was great!
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day 5 of #C045S4393CY| today I speed ran a hack pad keyboard PCB. created a sprig game and worked on the BOM for my printer.
Day #GMM0VHBBM|: I finally finished the inventory/party management system! Today I added the ability for the player to use the items they collected to spawn more party members. I did so by connecting the events that occurred when the player dragged an item onto a party slot to the global Bauble_manager script I created a while ago, and using a signal the script can receive the info needed to spawn a new guy. I also changed the party UI code to update itself based on the global manager instead of updating the 2 of them seperately. Next I'm adding actual UI to the Baubleheads so they can do more than just follow the player. #C045S4393CY| (posted this on the wrong channel 2 days ago)
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Day 5 of #C045S4393CY|. Busy day today so worked on getting code to be more accurate in selected waves but also making sure to clear up any errors. Took like 90 minutes to run so lowered how accurate the wave selection is.
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Day 6 of #C045S4393CY| Today again like yesterday was a debugging day, I don't have much to show visually but I was able to make the code a bit faster, not crazy faster but a bit faster, and I am still working on connecting apps and building prototypes of code to integrate the AI with the clock app. This should help everything work better when I do implement new features, because sometimes if the setup is not nice everything breaks down and it becomes a mess
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day 6 of #C045S4393CY| i had some fun writing code to use my school directory and scrape it
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I've spent the past 5 days working on a Little Man Computer emulator, but until today I hadn't actually read through the Wikipedia article for it! I also discovered an alternative simulator on, and I borrowed its factorial example code to use as a demo for my emulator. I also added an intergration test that uses that program. This marks Day 6 of my #C045S4393CY| submission
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Day 4 of #C045S4393CY|. Spent around 1hr debugging and moving through code error by error. Started to figure out what it is analyzing. The code is now analyzing the waves but still working on the decision making.
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day 3 of #C045S4393CY| trying to use auth0 to code a login/logout feature for our to-do list. i keep getting errors but i'm powering through
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