@OliviaChen0Arcade is ending ;(( so here is part 2 of my last scrapbook post. I’ve put together a small collection of cryptography puzzles in a form that slightly resembles CTF games. Along with it, I’ve written scripts to solve ciphers based on human input in a variety of languages. Some of these scripts match up with the puzzles, but their amount greatly outnumbers the number of puzzles I’ve written. While I’m not finished and many of my scripts haven’t been fully completed and quality checked, I’ve learned a lot about coding, puzzle designing, and even Github in this process. Find them all here: github.com/viamarkable/ctf !!!
@AdityaPV0I had started to make a capitalist slack bot (inspired by @/bag)
you could buy shares
start businesses
make virtual money
buy cars
a lot more business stuff...
couldn't finish it...
@Angad0I built Shroud, a Slack bot that allows for anonymous reporting whilst retaining live, bidirectional communication. I envision this being used as a way to report Code of Conduct violations in an anonymous manner.
Reports are sent to a central channel. The report can then be replied to, forwarding the reply to the reporter's DM with the bot.
@jeslyn0Ukulele Playlist of my covers online! Added 3 new songs, Say Something, Understand, and Pluto Projector. Practiced more ukulele techniques with fingerpicking, sliding, barre chords, etc! Implemented them into this site. (Note that there's two repos on GitHub, one for the covers- one for the website implementation.) (Ps: I know there is some ambiugity about these hours, but Zach approved them last time here.)
@Victorio0Only Once
This is a little slack-game?? kinda, its a bot that controls a channel, in the channel anyone can join through #C07JGDNQ91U| to be added to the private channel, there if you send a message someone else has sent before or above 300 characters, youll get banned. It uses an sqlite database and boltjs on typescript. Also theres a logs channel #C07JQF74HQT|. It's hosted on Nest.
You can try it now in #C07JGDNQ91U|github.com/v1ctorio/slack-only-once
@Rayan0I've finished coding a Slack app that converts the time to a specific timezone, the next step is to host it in Hack club Nest
@leost0Today I worked on hc-search, a search engine to find hack club relevant information from slack, the official websites and GitHub repositories. Check it out here: github.com/L-S-2020/hc-search