

1-day streak
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Just checking my unbanked before midnight sessions to see if I could salvage things - github.com/andreijiroh-dev (plz ignore, might delete later)
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I know I am late adding my last tickets for Arcade, but anyway, I implemented HCB badges (currently donate and balance badges) to badges.api.lorebooks.wiki. Just add org query parameter to point to your HCB organization on <https://badges.api.lorebooks.wiki/hcb/donate> or <https://badges.api.lorebooks.wiki/hcb/balance>. (I am worried about the dark theme logo size but I'll ask later in #CN523HLKW|.) Sources as usual: github.com/lorebooks-wiki/badges-api
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I am actually rewriting the entire codebase for dotenv-tools CLI in TypeScript on Deno and even moved into its own repository under Recap Time Squad after a month of hiatus (well school and other things in a nutshell for those who asked). I bet I'll be working on this after Arcade to make sure it's at least I do config parsing and other stuff. Sneak around mau.dev/recaptime-dev/dotenv-tools (also mirroring on GitHub at github.com/recaptime-dev/dotenv-tools) for install docs and feel free to send patches. 🙂
I actually made a <http://img.shields.io|img.shields.io>-like API for Recap Time Squad's projects (including lorebooks.wiki) without the pain of long query parameter values by storing them over Deno KV. By the way, I also made custom Hack Club-related badges (built during Arcade, Arcade participant and HCB-related ones), which are in time for Arcade 2024, and you can grab one here. Source: github.com/lorebooks-wiki/badges-api API Docs: badges.api.lorebooks.wiki
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So I remade gh:hackclub/dns but in Caddy, currently running as an experimental instance in a e2-micro GCP Compute Engine for redirects in #C07H1R2PW9W| domains and also to host parking and blocked pages in lorebooks.wiki github.com/recaptime-dev/proxyparty-caddy Note to reviewers: Some commits were not included in the sessions because school.
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Updated the API docs for my golinks service, alongside backend related changes including added features to /go Slack slash command and improved help message. This is like milestone 2 for the rewrite of my golinks service, and you can test it in staging via /go-stg slash command. Sources: github.com/andreijiroh-dev/api-servers/tree/main/apps/golinks-v2
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Hi there! Sorry for the late update, but due to super typhoon Gaemi, our family experienced an emergency power outage for 12 hours, hence the temporary rest period. We're relatively safe, although I also worry about others in other parts of the affected areas.
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Devlog: Progress is being made at golinks v2, although roadblocks are being experienced in storing Slack bot tokens at Cloudflare D1 via Prisma at the moment. I expect to fully implement the bare bones within this week, among other things.
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Lately on the golinks rewrite, I am start to work on adding a bit of Slack slash commands integration (which you'll be able to try on Hack Club Slack over the staging environment soon) and some behind the scenes work for a landing page on deprecated golinks. Also I'll be taking a bit of day off for this Sunday (PH Standard Time) for some house chores and then some. See you on Monday then!
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Just a devlog: That's a blast for now, and I'll be sleeping by 3 am here in the Philippines for more extensive chaos engineering involving writing backend code in Node.js/Deno soon. btw exploring Zed editor right now
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It's been 5 days (technically 6 if we count the first but now-deleted entry for some reasons) since I hopped into #arcade and turned those late night sessions into technical projects work. Please bless my sanity once the school year starts.
Not a official #arcade entry yet (because Heidi Hakkuun is possibly being hit by the autistic burnout bus (own head-canons here, pardon for the uninitiated) and is being recovering from that lately), but I made greate progress to my golinks rewrite, including a no CSS deprecated golink landing page and CI deploys via GitHub Actions. github.com/andreijiroh-dev/api-servers/commits/main Also apologies for late night posts from the Philippines for those on the other side of the globe, mostly because I am a night owl autistic as a coping mechanism.
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No official submission from #arcade for today (god why I do this before 3 AM PHT), but currently working on implementing configuration stuff for dotenv-tools CLI, as well as doing a TypeScript rewrite of my golinks Cloudflare worker with sqlite involved (via D1) and Prisma ORM. What could possibly go wrong?
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Published my dotenv-tools CLI, a Node.js package for managing dotenvx-backed secrets in a centralized git repository like you would do on gopass but for projects. You can try now with npx @andreijiroh-dev/dotenv-tools init command or sneak around the source code at github.com/andreijiroh-dev/dotenvx-secretstore (under the tools directory).