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Posts tagged with :vsc:

I made a dice roller on vs code in python. You can use this to learn probability, or maybe just use it as a normal pair of dice if u have lost ur current one. If you wish, view my project at github.com/Adi-2079/Dice-roller
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Kleur V3 is now out! Featuring: • A proper light mode :sunglas: • Base24 support • Hand-written editor themes for Vscode, Zed, and Helix (Vscode is particularly cool as it has full semantic highlights!) • A hand-written gtk 3 and 4 theme! (Actually being a tonal theme now. Also has support for the upcoming css variable rewrite for libadwaita) • A huge refactor to how themes are made to make it easier to add more in the future Check it out and use it @ github.com/Suyashtnt/kleur
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I created a game in vs code python called deal or no deal. It is based of the real tv show. I incorporated a login system to keep every game scores private and a high score system to keep track of your past winnings. github.com/Adi-2079/DND
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finished the hack club personal website tutorial and figured out how to commit my code from vscode to github! here is my repository github.com/emilymo999/personal-website.git and here is my page emilymo999.github.io/personal-website. For some reason the page doesn't have all the recent updates as the html vscode file so i'll work on that next, then i'll work on making my personal website more fun and createive
During today's session, I downloaded Git and VSCode, and went through the tutorials to understand how to use those apps. I then connected VSCode to my Github, although I'm still figuring out how to do commits- I was having issues but I'll fix the next time I start a session. I finished off by starting on the screenshotted tutorial to make my personal website.
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Major Arcade VSC feature ship! 🚢 A side panel has been added to the arcade :vsc: extension! You can now start, control, and end sessions straight from vs code! You can give it a try right now by switching to the pre-release. Do keep in mind that my code isn't perfect 😁 Note: there latency, and a limit of 16 interactions per hours due to API limitations to prevent abuse.
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#arcade -i made a flappy bird clone while learning game dev in java , the github repo contains all the required files to complie it into a .jar file to run on windows , im trying to convert it into an apt to get it to work on android which should take some more time, the game can be played on a computer for now using the jar file can be run using vs code or the .exe file , github repo link-<https://github.com/ristonrodrigues723/FlappyBird/tree/master> no of hrs it took me-3.5.
github.com/SriramKalki/Arcade29/tree/main Learnt how to use OpenGL/GLEW to render triangles and tetrahedrons. Most of the time was used to install necessary packages and set up VSCode +C++ and MingGW. In the future I want to make a 3d grapher using OpenGL
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I just set up this repository locally as well as did some changes in the vs code application for future development
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Arcade vs code extension update :yay: if you don't know what this it, it's a simple extension that adds the arcade timer to the bottom right of your editor to help you keep track of the time left. the extension now notifies you when your session starts/ends/pauses you'll also get a handy reminder if you're coding but haven't started a session yet these are now configurable via vs code's configuration menus and lastly, it no longer forces you to reload vs code when an error occurs with the api, it now tries to fix itself in most cases! if you haven't yet, you should give it a try! it's been helping me a lot :arcade: marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=samdev.arcade-vsc github.com/samdev-7/arcade-vsc
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Day 13 of #15-days-in-public; today I had to study for a chemistry test tomorrow so i wasn't able to get alot done sadly; I installed several new tools: pretty typescript errors and supermaven for vs code and then I downloaded and setup graphite which is a stacking pr layer that goes ontop of git; I was also able to fully finished the 3d modeling for the basilica models which was nice; I also did a bunch of quoting for how much it would cost to get the models manufactured but with the tight timeframe i have I probably need to just get a new 3d printer and print them myself
I made a very configurable vscode extension to track your #arcade timer. It supports 4 different modes (small/large and percent done/time left). It is not yet on the vscode marketplace but I'll look into publishing it there tomorrow. The github can be found at: github.com/PotentialStyx/arcade-vscode-extension
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:arcade:#arcade is awesome, but amidst the focus of :cat_typing: typing, I lose track of time. I can't be the only one who forgets to start a new session after an hour, losing those precious 🎟️ As someone who spend 80% of their time coding on vs code (the other 19% are on stackoverflow), something right in the editor would be awesome :thinkies: So, I spent the past 3 hours and made ✨ Arcade VSC :partyparrot: It's a vs code extension that brings the arcade timer right to your editor! Setup is sooo simple, you only need your slack id. Being my first vs code extension, I was impressed with how easy the editor's api was to use! I'll be using my extension over the summer. You should give it a try too! :D 👇 marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=samdev.arcade-vsc github.com/samdev-7/arcade-vsc
Day 2 Tried out this new IDE (cursor.com) and I really like it. I might switch over from VSCode. Added a visible property to my display framework for my trial project to set a component’s visibility. My new soldering lead just arrived today, so I finished soldering the rest of the components for my musical Tesla coil project! I still need to 3D print the body and buy some magnet wires though.
Day 3 of #15-days-in-public ! So i got flaskworking after i disconnect from the nest server over ssh by making a bash script that runs the ython file and redirects the output to a log file and its actually running rn if you want to check it out! its simple right now because it took me like over an hour to figure out why i couldnt view the website on other devices than my pc or even from my pc when vscode wasnt running and i realised that its because i was using the private ip and i just needed to use the public ip. I also started working on a script that kills the website when i want it to but i get an error when i run so for now i have to open btop and kill the process manually
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Did a lot of bug wrangling for my language today. I added anonymous functions, some in-language tests, better lexer pre-checking, pretty AST printing, and a vscode language extension for syntax highlighting and such. Spent most of the rest of the day bashing my brains out over my expression parser implementation, but i think I'm on my way to fixing it with a total rewrite github.com/Elijah-Bodden/dialog-lang
Day 6 for #10-days-in-public (I am the 1st one who sends smt. I didn't expect that with a +2 timezone) Today I had an Arduinolessonindexpage overhaul. I put images in every lesson, added info about every lesson, and changed the background (idk if I like it). Here is a video and a useless photo from VScode (it is the Arduino lesson index page):
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Just finished modding vscode
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Winter Hardware Wonderland Day 1: Installed the DC Buck Converter. Wired the battery pack to it and used the output of it to the servo. Configuring each servo with VSCode and calibrating them
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Unexpectedly took an interest on Raspberry Pi Picos from Arduinos and decided to experiment with them. The windows setup with vscode was definitely a pain and it took ~2 hours, so I didn't have much time to do any other project but a modified blink project with a reset switch. Also I almost bent a pin 😑.
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I finally add more colors to my vscode theme! Now I'm ready to work on the syntax highlighting! :vsc: :burst:
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:burst: More research for my vscode theme! I need a good background color. :sadge: Now I'm looking at solarized and rosé-pine for ideas, most likely I'll go with a dark gruvbox like color.
Today I started to remake a workshop repo I did and learned more on how to make a vscode theme! Also here's my macbook uptime.
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Learned about gitub.dev and made my first PR :pr: to Sinerider! :sinerider:
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I'm going to be making a Slack bot with Bolt! 🤖 Also I learned how to make a VScode theme :vscode: , I was planning to start this first, but I need to think on the colors I'll use so I'll work on the bot first. :salute:
Today I learned a bit more on how npm :npm: works, made a small test site with Astro :astro: to understand deployment and changed my VScode theme to Vitesse! :vsc:
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made a vscode extension! it's going to be a status updater (e.g. editing one.js in adventofcode_2022)
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Updated my VSCode theme and installed some extensions! I'm trying to learn Vim, so I found an extension for that, which is pretty nice
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finally learning how to go from figma to a website. BUTT new fav vscode theme?? 👀 "Winter is coming dark blue no italics" theme is hot af
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Today I learned more on how to work with VScode! :vsc: I didn't knew :thinking: it was possible to open a terminal :macintosh-stcicker: on it! I tried as well to open the neofetch command and Vim :vim: on it and my Splatter Paint 🎨 project files! Today I also worked again on details for two new Hack Club :hack-club: PR! :pr: The first one is to add Scrapbook to the GitHub :github: README and the second is my Workshop translation guide! :mexicoparrot: All of this are from ideas talked with @jessicard yesterday, thanks a lot for guiding me and reviewing my work! :yay: Lastly for today, I kept studying for my Biology Exam! 🦠 🔬
Today I started to work on my Visual Studio Code setup! :vsc: I installed Atom's :atom: One Dark theme which is awesome, and Prettier code formatter :macbook-air-space-gray-screen: that was a recommendation from @caleb! I also studied for my exams 🦠 , and worked on a new PR :pr: for Hack Club! :hack-club: Also here's macOS penguin default wallpaper. 📸
today @belle and I got commodore 64 emulators running so we could write assembly programs in 6502! we followed github.com/Esshahn/acme-assembly-vscode-template, but had to make a few tweaks to make it work. first, their application path to VICE is different than ours was - ours was /Applications/vice-x86-64-gtk3-3.6.1/x64sc.app/Contents/MacOS/x64sc second, when assembling the program, our vscode setup didn’t automatically open VICE for us. so we had to manually open the .prg in VICE after we created it
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:sunglassesblob: I have finally found a theme & font combo I love. It might only be One Dark Pro Darker and JetBrains Mono but I still love it
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Here's an extra image from yesterday's Biology Lab Class! 🪴 🧪 (I forgot to mention yesterday that my next practice besides Connective tissue will include Epithelial tissue as well!) Also today I'm setting up VScode again to add a better theme and maybe some cool extensions to get done things more easily and add new functions to the IDE! I'm learning too Firefox customization with CSS and how to make a theme for the browser and lastly learning about SSH Connections! 💻
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Day 2 of VS Code import pygame import time import math from utils import scaleimage, blitrotatecenter GRASS = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("images/grass.jpg"), 2.5) TRACK = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("images/track.png"), 0.9) def newfunc(): TRACKBORDER = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("images/track-border.png"), 0.9) newfunc() REDCAR = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("images/red-car.png"), 0.55) GREENCAR = scaleimage(pygame.image.load("images/green-car.png"), 0.55) WIDTH, HEIGHT = TRACK.getwidth(), TRACK.getheight() WIN = pygame.display.setmode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) pygame.display.setcaption("Racing Game For None!") FPS = 60 class AbstractCar: def init(self, maxvel, rotationvel): self.img = self.IMG self.maxvel = maxvel self.vel = 0 self.rotationvel = rotationvel self.angle = 0 self.x, self.y = self.STARTPOS self.acceleration = 0.1 def rotate(self, left=False, right=False): if left: self.angle += self.rotationvel elif right: self.angle -= self.rotationvel def draw(self, win): blitrotatecenter(win, self.img, (self.x, self.y), self.angle) def moveforward(self): self.vel = min(self.vel + self.acceleration, self.maxvel) self.move() def move(self): radians = math.radians(self.angle) vertical = math.cos(radians) self.vel horizontal = math.sin(radians) self.vel self.y -= vertical self.x -= horizontal def reducespeed(self): self.vel = max(self.vel - self.acceleration / 2, 0) self.move() class PlayerCar(AbstractCar): IMG = REDCAR STARTPOS = (180, 200) def draw(win, images, playercar): for img, pos in images: win.blit(img, pos) playercar.draw(win) pygame.display.update() run = True clock = pygame.time.Clock() images = [(GRASS, (0, 0)), (TRACK, (0, 0))] playercar = PlayerCar(4, 4) while run: clock.tick(FPS) draw(WIN, images, playercar) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: run = False break keys = pygame.key.getpressed() moved = False if keys[pygame.Ka]: playercar.rotate(left=True) if keys[pygame.Kd]: playercar.rotate(right=True) if keys[pygame.Kw]: moved = True playercar.moveforward() if not moved: playercar.reduce_speed() pygame.quit()
Zeus update: Got a new UI with better perf and rewrote some hacky parts of codebase. The version is now testable github.com/Borrus-sudo/Zeus Currently is supports traversing the file directory and opening files in VSCode. Next I am gonna code opening the command line at the clicked folder to save us unnecessary cd, cd .. and stuff!
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going to try vscode again some bumps in the road aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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