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ArduinoFlightController Flight controller based on the Atmega328p microcontroller The gerber files can be found in my github repository: Features • Supports MultiwiiConf flight controller software • Has FTDI pins for programming • Has 3-axis accelerometer and gyrometer • Barometer to measure altitude • Has 3-axis compass Attached below are some images of the PCB, and a video of the 3d view
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AnsonSSTVProtocol [WIP] A custom sstv protocol i made, with a website that can encode and decode (This is a failed project, but the project is shipped and somewhat playable) Visit the site and try out the game yourself Source code can and installation tutorial can be found in my github repository: This is how the protocol work • Each tone is sent for 20ms • The header sent is 011000010110111001110011011011110110111001110011011100110111010001110110, which is just ansonsstv in binary where the lows are 400hz and highs are 700hz • The payload is sent subpixel by subpixel, each subpixel color value is 0-255, which is mapped to 900hz to 1900hz. • In between each pixels, it is seperated by 700hz for 20ms and 2200hz for 20ms • In between each lines, it is seperated by 01101100011010010110111001100101 which is just line in binary where the lows are 400hz and the highs are 700hz Attached below are some photos and videos of the site in action
BadCloneOfCrossyRoad [WIP] My attempt to copy crossy road using three.js (This is a failed project, but the project is shipped and somewhat playable) Visit the site and try out the game yourself at Source code can and installation tutorial can be found in my github repository: Features 1. Uses three.js to create isometric view 2. Random world generation 3. Camera centers after 2.5 seconds Attached below are some video and photo of the gameplay
PanicAltTab Quickly alt tab when someone walks in on you (Coding when you're supposed to be studying) Coding while you're supposed to do homework? Quickly alt tab when somebody walks past Source code can and installation tutorial can be found in my github repository: Use cases • Beside your door to switch tabs when it opens • Beside your laptop if you're sitting by the wall • Facing upwards, acting as a hotkey to alt tab with a gesture Attached below are some pictures, and demo of the thing in action
USB3Hub Custom made USB 3 hub using USB5534B Host Controller Gerber files can be found in my github repository: Features • Supports 5Gbps SuperSpeed protocol (With supported hardware, and while using one usb port only) • Has 4 Usb 3.0 capable ports (480Mbps when used simultaneously) • Type C input Parts (Significant) • USB5534B-5000JZX USB Host Controller • Type C input • 4x USB3.0 output Attached below are some images of the PCB, and a video of the 3d view
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GraphingCalculator A graphing calculator made on html Uses javascript and chart.js to plot a mathematical equation. Source code can be found on my github repository: Try out the graphing calculator here: Usage 1. Type in any mathematical equation 2. Set your X domain below the keypad 3. Press the graph button to start plotting 4. Use the arrow button to move the caret (text cursor) How it works 1. First a lower and upper domain is determined, and the range between the domain is calculated (upper - lower domain) 2. 5000 data point is obtained by using a for loop and the equation: LowerDomain + (Range*n)/5000 3. Y value is calculated by subbing into the equation 4. 5000 pairs of coordinates are obtained and plotted Attached below are some pictures and video of the graphing calculator in action:
CycloneArcadeGame A replica of the cyclone (rigged game) in arcades. To win this game, press the button and stop the led at the exact position to win Usage 1. Press the button at the point where the led is (Shown in video) 2. LED will flash green, and OLED will display 'You Win' of you win 3. Type in mastermode to enter the master menu. The password is HackClubArcade 4. Press the button to switch between game speed and rigged percentage in master menu 5. Type in exitmastermode to return to normal game Features • Game master can set rigged percentage and speed Installation tutorial, source code and more info can be found in my github repo: Attached below are some pictures and video of the game in action:
SpinningLedDisplay Line of leds spinning in a circle to make a display SpinningLedDisplay is an array of led, with a hall effect sensor to sync the led while spinning to create a circular display using the principle of persistent vision Parts • ESP8266EX • ACS712ELCTR-20A-T Hall Effect Sensor • AMS1117-3.3 LDO • 74HC595D Shift Register Features • Hall effect sensor to sync rotation speed with led • ESP8266 for wireless OTA flashing and LED control Gerber file, component documentation and more can be found in my github repo: The 3d view of the pcb can be found: Attached below are some photos of the PCB:
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WirelessCharger A custom wireless charger I built, mainly to experiment with EasyEDA WirelessCharger is a thin and portable Wireless charger that is functional and lowcost Parts: • XL6009 DC-DC Buck boost converter • IRFZ44N MOSFET • NE555P Timer • Half Bridge MOSFET Driver • 74HC04 NOT Gate Gerber file, component documentation and more can be found in my github repo: Attached below are some photos of the PCB:
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ESP32Joystick A wifi joystick with the interface hosted on an esp8266 (Despite the name "ESP32Joystick" it uses an ESP8266, it is because I intended an ESP32 to be used at first, but it got too complicated) This esp8266 joystick has an interface made with html, css and javascript which are hosted on a WiFi capable microcontroller, the esp8266. The esp8266 communicates with an Arduino Pro Micro which emulates the Xbox 360 HID controller over I2C bus protocol. The reason I chose to emulate an Xbox360 controller was because of it is widely supported by many devices that runs on android, IOS, mac or windows. Installation tutorial, source code and more info can be found in my github repo: Attached below are some pictures and video of the wireless joystick in action
MultiplayerAirHockey A air hockey game with multiplayer ability Reason for not hosting webpage: Most browsers and webpage hosting like github pages try to automatically upgrade the http connection to https, and will make the ws:// connection method invalid. The reason why I didn't implement wss:// was because it would be too complex as it involves SSL certificates and keys which the user have to generate Features: • Only the host are allowed to kick users • Depending on the client, players are only allowed to move the paddles on one side Installation tutorial, gameplay tutorial and more info can be found in my github repo: Attached below are some pictures and video of the gameplay:
MicroscopyLabPlanner A website to assist in microscope related lab experiments, guiding the user on how to setup the microscope, the precautions, and how to store the microscope in a lab to ensure maximum effiency Features 1. Remarks saving Allows user to type in any remarks for a specific task, and download it at the end 2. Scrolling by spacebar or enter key Allows user to scroll without needing scrollwheel, just press the spacebar or enter key to progress to the next task, and stage More info, and source code can be found in my github repo: The link to website to test and demo: Attached below are some pictures and video of the website:
SlidingTilePuzzle SlidingTilePuzzle a fun puzzle game inspired by 15 puzzle. It has 6 difficulty modes ranging from 3x3 to 8x8. It has 3 gamemodes which are classic, snake and spiral. NOTE: IMAGE UPLOAD ONLY WORKS WITH 1:1 RATIO IMAGE More info, and source code can be found in my github repo: The executable file to play the game can be found here: Attached below are some pictures and video of the gameplay:
SolarPoweredPiano SolarPoweredPiano is a customizable and programmable piano keyboard built using an ESP32. It's an easy project for new coders to learn programming. The programmable macropad has a a 24 programmable capacitive touch sensor. More info and gerber files can be found in my github repo: View and explore the 3d model of the PCB here: Attached below are some pictures of the PCB, and a mockup video made in canva
BartoszDetectorSite BartoszDetectorSite Uses javascript to convert uploaded image into a 30*30 matrix by extracting rgb values and finding the average of each large pixels, it checks it with bartosz's matrix and calculates the similarity More info and HTML files can be found in my github repo: You can view and test the website here: Attached below is the demo video of the website in action:
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ProMicroMacropad a customizable and programmable macropad built using the Arduino Pro Micro. It's an easy project for new coders to learn programming. The programmable macropad has a a rotary encoder, an OLED display, a touch-sensitive button, and 16 physical buttons that can be programmed to perform different macros Features: 1. Rotary Encoder: The rotary encoder allows you to navigate the menu on the OLED screen by twisting and clicking. 2. OLED Display: The OLED is programmable and can display anything from curernt time to status of keys, or custom messages. 3. Touch-Sensitive Button: The touch sensitive buttons are programmeable, and can act as modifier keys for the 16-key keypad 4. 16 Programmable Buttons: The macropad has 16 physical buttons, each of which can be programmed to send macros. More info + gerber file can be found in my github repo: 3D view of the PCB and components can be found here: Attached below are some pictures of the PCB, and a demo video of the prototype in action:
Made a car on a PCB Features: • ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 for processing and connectivity • NRF24L01 for 2.4GHz wireless communication • MPU6050 3 axis gyro and accelerometer to dectect orientation of the car • HMC5883L 3 axis compass that can determine direction • L928N H-bridge motor driver to move the wheels • Reflective IR sensor To detect when the car is about to fall off a ledge • HR-SC04 Untrasonic distance sensor to detect object in front of the car More info + gerber file can be found in my github repo: 3d View of the PCB can be found here: Attached below are some pictures and video of the PCB:
Just started learning PCB design yesterday and made a better version of flipper zero (unfortunately no code as this is a very complex project) Features: • ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 for processing and connectivity • MFRC522 for RFID and NFC read and write • NRF24L01 for 2.4GHz wireless communication • CC1101 Transceiver for sub-1GHz communication • IR Blaster and Receiver for infrared copy and retransmitting • Passive Buzzer for audio feedback • OLED Screen for easy interaction • TP4056 chip IC for integrated battery charging More info + gerber file can be found in my github repo: 3d View of the PCB can be found here: Attached below are some pictures of the PCB:
Made a business card / profile card on a printed circuit board (pcb) Features a NTP53321G0JT NFC chip, with 13.56 MHz tuned antenna, 8*8 RGB neopixel matrix, and an ESP8266 to control the neopixel matrix. The NTP53321G0JT NFC chip can be programmed via I2C with pins on the board, and the ESP8266 can be programmed through serial with a usb c port More info + gerber file can be found in my github repo: 3d View of the PCB can be found here: Attached below are some pictures of the PCB:
features an HC-SR04-based reservoir water level detector, powered by an ESP8266 with a web server interface. The design of the web interface is inspired by Hack Club Arcade's shop. Users can interact with three buttons to view graphs for "Today," "Past Week," or "Past Month." Instead of using a real-time clock module, the ESP8266 retrieves the current time from a world time API. More details like wireing can be found in my github repo ( Coded in arduino ide, and vscode Video attached below shows data plotting using sensor value, and the screen recording below shows the UI design in more detail
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WirelessVoltmeter -ESP8266 Voltmeter using phone screen as display How it works: Uses the analog to digital pin on the ESP8266 to read analog values, can be configured with potential dividers in the future as well to measure larger voltages. UI inspiration: 'Yair Even Or' More details about wiring and PCB can be found at the repo Github repository: Made in arduino ide and vscode
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An esp32 that controls a 32x8 neopixel matrix that displays a few of Hack Club's logo featured from (, and has a button which cycles between those images. My github repository also includes a python script that can convert any image into the matrix array. Github repo: Coded in arduino ide, and vscode Warning to those who want to try to run the project in Wokwi, it's extremely laggy and will take around 50 minutes for it to load
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PortableCredentialStorage - An esp32-s2 that is able to store domain name, username and password automatically as the user access when websites, It also able to hold the info when powered off because it's stored in the 4mb flash using the FATFS partition. In the case that the user wants to login on another computer, the esp32-s2 can be plugged into another computer and it'll automatically type in the username and password automatically on a login page Github repo: any extra info about running the code is in the repository Made in arduino ide and vscode
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Esp32 gadget that chooses a random idea from a predefined list (over the internet!) and displays it on an ILI9341 display. It has a 1 hour timer to count down for arcade. Made on arduino IDE, simulated on WokWi All circuit diagram and connections can be found in the repo Github repo:
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A remote controller with an OLED screen to control WifiDuck hardware (remote keystroke sender) credits to @SpacehuhnTech for inventing WifiDuck No need to be concerned despite the intimidating name, it's simply a remote control for managing slideshows and other tasks on your computer. The scripts in the WiFiDuck are intended for helpful, not harmful (video demonstration shows the remote controller running a script that plays random sound effects) Github repo: Commit history: