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Update to my Escape room game: • Added feature to combine items in the inventory by selecting an item and clicking the correct combine item • Replaced all placeholder picture frames with artwork and added more assets • Many bug fixes and some code optimization Many of the invisible changes were code refactoring, making functions reuseable, renaming variables/functions, and moving stuff into folder to make my code more organized and easier to work with in the future. Game Demo (might be laggy initially): caramel4764.github.io/escape-room Repo: github.com/Caramel4764/escape-room
Finally finished my phone holder model! The phone fits perfectly (although I needed it to take this picture)
I'm just linking a bunch of sessions I abandoned lol, reviewers just reject them all and uhh glory to ur quotas ig lol (Also scrappy is forcing me to upload a picture lol)
Made significant updates to my 📖 Book review site. Added a few things: • Review Page ◦ Overview Book ◦ Tags ◦ Review About the book ◦ Author section ▪︎ Author profile pic ▪︎ Author Name ▪︎ Short author overview ▪︎ Link to authors page ▪︎ Interesting fact about the author • Author Page (As in person who wrote the review about the book) ◦ Author profile pic ◦ Author Name ◦ Short author overview ◦ Interesting facts about him ◦ Gallery with pictures of achievments ◦ Long story about the author ◦ Quote • TAGS!! Each book has it own tags :github: Github Repo: github.com/EmreKadirTiren/BookReviewSite :website: Live on: emrekadirtiren.github.io/BookReviewSite :copilot-github: Github Copilot was used while making this project.
attempt to make a cute cat salon! HTML CSS and JS #scrapbook (Website where you can design the way a cat dress with a hat and collar) jasminefar.github.io/cat-salon <i still need to add pictures
#arcade This isn't a completed project, as there really isn't an end in sight. Endless iterations ahead. However, I recently finished a major part of the project, which is the next-gen PCB (printed circuit board). It is the size of a gumstick! For context, this is part of my open-source high-altitude ballooning tracker (also could be used for other high-altitude things!) These require a large amount of reliability, as they go to over 100,000 feet! (~31 km). High-altitude tracking systems are used to track the balloon throughout the flight, from launch, to the burst, down to landing so it can be recovered. This entire project has been in development for a little over a year, and I started the new PCB a bit before Arcade started. It features a much lower cost, assembly by JLCPCB (as I had to manually solder all the 0201s and stuff), and new parts. It uses a SAMD21 MCU to control the Si4063 amateur radio band transmitter, by getting data from the BME280 environmental sensor and the ATGM336H GPS receiver. It uses a cutting-edge protocol called Horus Binary v2. There is currently a gap in the tracking market, as they are all for ISM or use APRS. While this is the standard, there are many lacking features (explained in the attached slideshow). P.S. The new revision contains breakaway boards, hence the cursed appearance! P.S.S This is my first scrapbook, so i probably did a whole lot wrong! Github Repository: github.com/maxsrobotics/Tiny4FSK (the latest PCB is on the rev4 branch!) Research Poster: docs.google.com/presentation/d/173erHb0MfFF4htj0cGblVwo2uqi6NlSAoiPumya2R7A/edit?usp=sharing The first picture is the preceding revision, and the others are my new one.
i finished making the project that i made a scrapbook post about a few days ago! it is now a finished product. its a react native app for a first responder system that my friend and i submitted for a hackathon, medihacks-2024.devpost.com, and features location tracking, notifications, and a chat system. i used react native, tailwindcss, the google maps API, the nominatim api, and firebase firestore. you can see our full submission including a video demo and explanation of the project here: devpost.com/software/lifelink-24fd3g. download and installation links for the mobile app are on that page, too. my friend worked on the hardware aspect while I focused on the software. all my scraps in arcade were for my work on the software. the final github repo is here: github.com/ericli3690/lifelink. attached are some pictures of the final product, but the devpost link and video shows off a full demo of it working.
I created a simple random number generator using a light sensor combined with an Arduino Uno. I'm currently saving up for an actual Arduino, but for now, I had to use an emulator. I expect to improve this in the future, potentially by adding new modules to connect to randomness. github.com/infection-tag/arduino-light-sensor-rng Attached is a picture (video unsupported by Slack) of the light sensor generating simulated light levels. It was coded in C. In the future, I want to do something similar with a Flipper Zero (assuming I can get enough tickets)
I made a python script that analyzes user inputted text to pick up on emotions and vibes. The script then creates a picture reflecting the mood of the text. More to come! github.com/JackIceHammer1/Idea-Art
Using YOLO V5 for object detection to detect plants and drawing an hitbox around them, now I just need to increase accuracy and make it so that it only detects plants and not humans, cups and vases as they wont be present in a farmland lol! ps: this will be used to detect plants and take pictures of them so that the rover doesnt need to take pictures randomly and it knows when to take a picture i.e when there is a plant in frame (not using mobilenet anymore as its accuracy was extremely low)
I've hacked in support for hooking unity games in my new google stadia ripoff homegrown application/game streaming implementation, so now most SDL games and Unity games should be supported. Note: keyboard input only, mouse + gamepad support is coming soon. Here is a video of it working with the GOG copy of Hollow Knight. also i plan on testing this over the internet with lots of ppl sometime in the future (there may be a slack channel created for this) I wanted to record a video of the stream on iphone side by side but as I found out you can't have picture and picture playing while an application is using the camera in ios (once again the frame drops are because the machine running and streaming the game is also recording this scrapbook video at the same time lol so it's deciding to drop frames from my windows laptop, the game is actually much smoother on the actual testing laptop) not depicted: • various performance enhancements and network stability things • window focus lost events are now dropped so you can run celeste and other FNA games without requiring it to be focused on the host, thank god FNA is open source otherwise guessing how the logic works would be a bit annoying
I've finally finished a major update to my smart digital clock! It now features a 3.2" TFT screen instead of a little 16x2 LCD display. I've also taken the time to optimise my code as much as I can. It's a lot more smooth now! You can take a look at my Github repo here: github.com/cabbagecultist/Digital_Clock/tree/tft. It also includes some showcase pictures!
Made a discord bot in C++ for tracking assignments for school. Currently I use it for my chemistry class to track homework. I've attached some pictures and the github repo link, which has instructions on setting it up for yourself. github.com/cluac7/chembot
This session I finished working on my dog's website. I added one point in HTML, added an icon from google and finished the animations. I also removed unnecessary code. The rest of the time I spent, deploying the website to github and linking it up to my personal domain. Commits: • github.com/nik-lmao/hackclub-arcade/commit/7dabd0760caf6c3033d3a2961500d2b6a8452ef0github.com/nik-lmao/hackclub-arcade/commit/1bf9fc058e9f895a829490407c1c9fcbe69e24f5 I also moved the online text editor: • github.com/nik-lmao/hackclub-arcade/commit/89be9e0ad35c92d087e1f03aaed64b145bd0bb09 Finn's website This webpage, I designed, is actually a "portfolio" for my dog. It has a nice UI design, a picture of him and some interesting points about his life and interests. You can either check out the video at the bottom of the post or just click the link and try the page by yourself! Link: hackclub.nik-dev.eu/finn or nik-lmao.github.io/hackclub-arcade (it redirects anyways)
I finished assembling all the electronic components for replac3d, a 3D printer build plate replacing robot. This includes the drag chains, and custom mounting plates for the components. More info is in the project's README. If you are interested in this project at all, feel free to DM me! All the building should be done. The repository contains the README, .STEP and .F3Z (Fusion360 Archive) files. For assembly proof, there are pictures. Repository link: github.com/morotonai/replac3d/blob/main/CAD/Electronics/README.md File commit link: github.com/morotonai/replac3d/commit/bccbbfab687896220803ecd148ca24ec1dd9bab8
I think it's time to share what I've been working on for my last few sessions of #arcade ! A few weeks ago, I talked with my friend about an IRL version of Mister X/Scotland Yard we used to play (for you guys who don't understand now, Mister X/Scotland Yard is a board game; a Team has to track down another player who is hiding on a map). In our IRL version, we used to text each other our current location while running away from each other. So a few weeks ago, we thought, why don't automate this and let a telegram bot send pictures of the current view of the chased one? So I started programming it. So far, I have a working Python script that is processing the Telegram bot requests and taking user commands. Some code for my esp32, who will later take the pictures. This project is really a work in progress, but I'm really enjoying the journey so far! More coming soon... github.com/maxc0des/coming.soon
I've made a smart alarm clock that also displays the latest Splatoon 3 rotation! Features: • An RTC Module, ensuring that the clock stays functional even when not connected to the internet. • Automatic time synchronisation with an NTP server, preventing the need for manually setting the time in case the RTC clock loses power. • A simple menu system featuring two modes: A time display and a current rotation display. You can switch between them with a simple button press! • The current rotation screen displays the current gamemode and the time at which it will change. You can look at my project's repository here: github.com/cabbagecultist/Digital_Clock. I've also included some videos and pictures under the Media folder!
I programmed and wired for "replac3d", a 3D printer build plate replacing robot. I used TMC2209 stepper drivers and the AccelStepper library for arduino, as well as perfboard for the wiring. More info is in the project's README. If you are interested in this project at all, feel free to DM me! The repository contains the README, .STEP and .F3Z (Fusion360 Archive) files. For wiring, I have included pictures, and for code, I have included the .INO file. Repository link: github.com/morotonai/replac3d/blob/main/Code/README.md File commit link: github.com/morotonai/replac3d/commit/6f599c084e723da04941348ac8e002660741304f
I manufactured the plates using a CNC router for the extending assembly of "replac3d", a 3D printer build plate replacing robot. I assembled the plates with drawer slides, extrusions, and electromagnets. More info is in the project's README. If you are interested in this project at all, feel free to DM me! The repository contains the README, .STEP and .F3Z (Fusion360 Archive) files, but the proof of my manufacturing and assembly are the pictures in the README. Repository link: github.com/morotonai/replac3d/blob/main/CAD/Extending%20Assembly/README.md File commit link: github.com/morotonai/replac3d/commits/main/CAD/Extending%20Assembly/README.md
Integrate your WebUntis timetable into your Notion boards! This Python project automatically fetches your timetable from the WebUntis API and adds it to a Notion database (--> picture) Check it out here: github.com/CodeModeYT/Notion-WebUntis
Welcome to Major Milestone #GMM0VHBBM| of Oris. This major milestone incorporates all of my previous minor milestones combined into one neat package. The latest features and changes are • Welcome • Settings • Profile Pictures • Deleting and changing email for account and also password These latest changes can be seen within the video demonstration and some pictures. I had also been working on some cool ideas for allowing an ecosystem to begin (like themes) As I am done with the settings and the initialization of an account, I can finally work on the next major milestone, which will be being able to upload your documents and your research to the platform, with customizability and protections enabled (DRM). These latest changes can be viewed at oris.avnce.org or oris-one.vercel.app Thank you!
I have achieved another minor milestone in my project for an open research platform called Oris. I have managed to fully get the setup process working and have also styled the website, with me also leading to the creation of the settings page which allows you to delete your account. This account deletion is significant for my authentication system as you can delete it, with no data being stored thereafter (including your profile picture)! This will also allow for further ease with being able to work on the core features, uploading papers with protection (which I'll be working on and publish as my next major milestone). As usual, the platform is available at oris.avnce.org and also oris-one.vercel.app
@JaydenWeng and i spent around 5 hours working on installing octoprint on his sovol sv06+ and giving it a camera too the project consisted of getting the pi flashing the firmware waiting for it too boot and connect to wifi attempting to find it on the network (took forever bc turns out first time we didnt add the name and password to its data and second time it just kept taking forever to startup and connect to wifi) finding a working data cable for the printer (tried like 6) covering the cables 5v power pin setting up octoprint fully troubleshooting connection issues printing some tests addinf some plugins and ensuring the ui was how we liked it and finally plugging in a camera too!! note: this was all done on a pi zero w which technically isnt supported on octoprint!! heres some pictures:
I soldered together a little circuit board and controller on a PCB that buzzes and flashes when it detects a high or low temperature (set when powered on). It was a fun little project to practice and used up all of my solder 🤣 Here in the pictures you can see my horrid set up, but it got the job done. In the video I set the high close to room temp and breathe on the probe to increase the temp and demonstrate the capabilities. In the long term, I’m thinking of a way to add this to the coolant system on our cnc router for my FRC team to alert us when it’s getting to warm and should be switched
This is a bit of a small milestone for Oris, but... I have successfully set up a welcome system for the website and have then made profile pictures work!!! The issue with it though if you were to test, after creating the account, you would then need to reload or go to the /platform route since it wouldn't work for some reason as the platform Also this is a multipart form The website can be found at oris.avnce.org or oris-one.vercel.app Enjoy!
I got to a semi-usable state of my project, with many features that still need to be added. Despite that, you can still use it to set up basic systems and be able to configure the variables and relations to create a "visualized" system. It'll also auto-update upon variable changes and serve as a flowchart maker with reactive variables. Unfortunately, all the arrows in the picture are hidden, but they're there Repo - github.com/raienelliston/Dynamic-Variable-Diagrams
Not done by a long shot but wanted to post an update from the last couple of weeks. I actually did a TON more work on this thing than I documented, but thats mostly because the arcade system is hard for me. Some of them have more proof than others, I didn’t get pics of everything so ig there is some trust involved, let me know if something needs more and I’ll do my best. Note I’ve refrained from posting a full picture of everything, mostly for drama purposes 👀 dm me if you need a full photo for verification purposes but I want to save the full reveal till v1 is done
#scrapbook I've made my first-ever project: A website for Boba Drops! Took me two hours on the dot, my first time ever doing something like this so half the time was spent setting things up 😅 Again, first time so I've never done commits before and didn't know how formal they were supposed to be 😅. They're bound to make you laugh so I'd say check them out! Github is here: github.com/aspiringdev-007/BobaDropsAssignment And some pictures as well: