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Posts tagged with :awesome:

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🚨 Did you even hear the news about the Spotify Car Thing? Apparently, it's hitting the road for good in December. Sad times! That little gadget had a surprisingly slick UI, paired with its handy media control knob. It was a bummer they never took it further. That's why I'm building this web project! It's like a mini graveyard for the Car Thing's potential, keeping its awesome UI alive. We might not be blasting tunes through the car speakers just yet, but you can still browse your playlists and see the next song up, just like the good ol' Car Thing days. Think of it as a tribute to a fallen hero of in-car music control! Find it here: The github page here: And my commits (for #arcade) here: Here are some screenshots:
Wow guys, so proud of my latest project. It's so cool! And awesome! (TEST POST, DO NOT REVIEW) (THAT MEANS YOU ELLIOT)
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Finished building my blot! Now to draw awesome things!
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Tired of someone stumbling upon your diary? This awesome CLI lets you journal super quickly without anyone discovering your thoughts, thanks to its strong AES encryption. Features: • Protects your posts using AES-256 encryption • Ensures only you can access the journal • Works on Linux, macOS, and Windows • Create, view, edit, and delete journal entries • Easily find posts by keywords or dates • Supports terminal-based text editors for seamless writing • View posts by year and month for easy navigation • Perform specific actions directly from the terminal To install it, run: npm install -g secret-journal For more info or in case of issues, check out the repo:
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I crafted this awesome dreidel!
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I crafted this awesome airplane!
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I crafted this awesome dragon bookmark!
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This is post (2/3) for my LOVE2D Horizon Driving Game! Github link: I have been working on this game since before the new limit of 25 sessions per scrapbook post, so I have been splitting it up. Post: (2/3) What I added during this chunk: • Special camera movement / positioning during a police takedown • Display player speed • Display nitro amount • Near Miss (and awesome near miss) Notifications • Dust Particles for collisions • GUI for police takedowns • Player actually has health now • Police attacks: Spikestrips and EMP • Police Heat level GUI • Sound Manager (Music plays during gameplay) • Fixed the traffic spawn warning to actually be centered Screenshot of what the gameplay looked like:
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I've been grinding the 2023-24 FRC Cadvent challenges a bit, and I thought I'd do a scrapbook post since I'm about halfway (11/25 done). These have been an awesome challenge to test my abilities to interpret drawings and generally understand how to use cad most effectively. Check out the Github post (with the onshape link on it) here:
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Day 143 Today I departed from my stay at HQ. I had a great time & met some awesome folks! On the 5 hour bus ride back I worked more on the backup board software for my group's trail project.
I'm working on a game where you have cards and you can place them down on a grid world to create an awesome ecosystem. Everything in the image is temp art none is finished.
hi all! :hyper-dino-wave: this is my first ever ship! i made a website with next.js showcasing the awesome #the-trail equipment so people can look back in the future and remember how epic each project was. i have the main framework all done so now it's very easy to add more projects, which i'm going to continue to do. the theme is a pcb trail map! over the next few days, i'm hoping to make the art better, get it to be aligned on different sized-screens, put more information about each project, and add more projects! :) also i think it would be really cool to add a function where you can "buy" the product by getting in contact with the people who made it. there are so many cool trail projects!
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For #arcade I have implemented (finally, took many hours of debugging) an authentication abstraction over surrealdb It allows you to sign up with a basic username / email / password which is persisted on the server, then sign back in with the same email and password Crucially, this is all implemented in Rust, including the databasing implementation itself (which is AWESOME!), the scripting language and the testing framework (cargo). Because of this there is rather a lot of dependencies, around 870! Takes a while to cold compile ;)
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For #arcade I made a complete surreal db controller CLI for a local testing suite and remote database It reads a bunch of environment variables, connects and logs in (depending on production/testing modes), can kill already running processes It is implemented as a local rust crate, so I can utilize cargo's awesome subcommanding schemes to make a cargo db alias!
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I made an awesome desk using onshape, based off my own desk • some cool slots to place stuff in • more slots for a monitor, power brick, headset etc • generally its cool i dun really know how to describe it except i like it :333 You can view the repo here: • The starting out step file contains the main desk • the STARTINGOUT step file contains a bonus; amogus phone stand You can also view the model here: It was fun learning! It was probably one of the most challenging so far though since I really cant wrap my head around the many buttons in the ribbon and how to do certain things; doesnt help that controls in all cads i tried so far were not the ones I was used to... But all in great fun! Onto the next project!
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So for today's session, I built a Two Sided Animated Login Form Using HTML, CSS and JS Features:- Interactable Browsable Working(Backend left) Visually appealing (Animated) Upcoming Features :- Backend initialisation You Guys Can Browse This Awesome Login Page By This Link, enjoy :- Also, the git commit :-
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Went whale watching today! Super awesome.
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It's been a journey to get from an app that works pretty well on Android to an app that Apple will approve for testflight, but thanks to the help of many people like Fayd, TheScientist/Urjith, Shreyans, Luke, and everyone else in #cider who helped me to figure out apple dev, my #cider app (Back on Track America) is finally on Testflight!! ( There's still quite a few quirks (react native is awesome but it's not without some goofy things), but I'll be working to fix them leading up to the app's official release on the app store after I get the license. All testing and feedback appreciated!
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Today I've finally released an important update for one of my plugins, ElectionsPlus. I'm really happy of all the work done on these days and really amazed by how awesome opensource is. A random contributor made a pull request that helped me a lot in improving my project!
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So today I made my personal Github Awesome looking, by making a custom Repo with a READ.ME File, which I modified to have some nice Graph on my Github. My Github:
I'm making a Pwnagotchi guide because most of the documentation is very outdated. If you want to build one yourself, you have to dig through Discord servers and other places. That is why I want to create a simple guide for newcomers (like myself a few months ago) about this awesome pet/hacking tool. Here is the progress of the first hour:
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The last few hours designing the PCB were close to hell, but also very fun! • Business card-ish PCB with personal designs • USB Hub with support for 2 Type-C ports (because I lack those) • 2 NFC tags for more information • Found an extension for 2 QR Codes; One for my github, the other... is a rickroll... Repo for all gerber files here: PCBs are super fun, especially if there's prior documentation for what you wanna do; even then, it was awesome exploring the connections (literally) in the board
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Happy to announce that my HOMEMADE RASPBERRY PI 3B CLUSTER is readdyyy!!!!! This is a very good project for those who are looking forward to hosting their own website locally on their home server 🔥 This server has 2 gigs of ram and is pretty awesome if you are serving small projects or maybe small webApps. Additionally this server can be equipped with thermal cooling and with temperature controlled fans to make the server stay cool as it can work 24/7. Nevertheless I'll also be uploading a full step by step tutorial after some time 🔥💪
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I followed the guide to make a Hack club card pcb and i think it turned out awesome
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:arcade:#arcade is awesome, but amidst the focus of :cat_typing: typing, I lose track of time. I can't be the only one who forgets to start a new session after an hour, losing those precious 🎟️ As someone who spend 80% of their time coding on vs code (the other 19% are on stackoverflow), something right in the editor would be awesome :thinkies: So, I spent the past 3 hours and made ✨ Arcade VSC :partyparrot: It's a vs code extension that brings the arcade timer right to your editor! Setup is sooo simple, you only need your slack id. Being my first vs code extension, I was impressed with how easy the editor's api was to use! I'll be using my extension over the summer. You should give it a try too! :D 👇
small :college-board: AP week ship!! my school lets people 🖨️ print 15 pages a month for free at the 📚 library, and that’s awesome! however, students are only able to print from 2 slow shared ⏳//|Print>! Print lets you drag & drop a file and get a short ID code to print it in one click from the shared computer. it’s nothing too special, but it’s a lot more convenient print files now at my school. feel free to try it out at the code is open source and available on github.
Announcing Chela! I took a few hours to try and make a nice little self hosted URL shortener like I wrote it in Rust and tried to keep it small. I'm currently hosting it at I used sqids to generate ID's which leads to super awesome short URL's like! The source is available here.
had a #purplebubble meeting which was awesome! also got my arch install back up and running!
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My updates for day 9 and day 10 of #10-days-in-public! Yesterday I spent some time getting up to snuff to run a workshop on how to build a game using it at #wonderland! It went really well and everyone built awesome games. I asked for feedback and got an NPS of 18%, which is good - but not great, so I’m working on improving it. The key issues people identified are: • Roughly 1/2 of people built something they were proud of, and a few people got super into it, but 1/2 of people didn’t customize and didn’t make something they’re proud of. I’m going to change the workshop so everyone comes up with their game concept and customizes from the beginning, rather than waiting to customize for the end • For the more advanced people who already knew JS, they wanted to see docs so they could figure out how to customize it deeper. So I wrote them! • The slides were hard to follow visually, so I am working on improving them