finished a first draft of cad for #the-trail-blackbox:
Worked on CAD-ing a case for my #the-trail project:
I've finished 2/3 of the cad for my B3rry Rover v2:
Cad for a motor module for my next robot is coming along!
Day 13 of #15-days-in-public: fox hunting at my local radio club's field day.
Day 12(?) of #15-days-in-public, did some more contributing on SO today, its a great habit im getting back into :D
Day 11 of #15-days-in-public: finally soldered my open sauce badge:
Day 10 of #15-days-in-public: today i finished all my geo work early, so i did some review on SO. Succesfully passsed a few silly little tests:
Day 10 of #15-days-in-public, worked on debugging usb, finding parts for my open sauce badge, and getting going on arcade.
Day 8 of #15-days-in-public, today i was yet again at open sauce here in SF:
Day 7 of #15-days-in-public: im helping out with open sauce, a big maker fair in SF:
Day 6 of #15-days-in-public, partially so k dered on one wire before my parents said i had to stop soldering in my room, i think ill finish the soldering tomorrow. Also excited to go to open sauce tomorrow :D
Day 6 of #15-days-in-public: tracking down where i need to slice my pcb, and working up the nerve to do it. I also noticed a few odd things when checking the pcb layout so im also figuring that out:
Day 4 of #15-days-in-public, mainly doing research today, and trying to work up the nerve to do surgery on my pcbs. Im also taking a summer geometry course, which im basically smurfing in. Also got webssh set up on a pi for easy acsess
Day #4 of #15-days-in-public, researching a good offline and open source music client for the trail, also further debugging usb for my board.
Resending day two bc it was forwarded and not seen by hack hour: Day 2 of #15-days-in-public, i spent a lot of time today debugging an issue with the usb on my board for the trail, with the prime suspect being noise from other circuits on the board.
Got a 28 mile contact on my handheld from #hamradio:
we are cooking ham
Got my sprig!
I was sick yesterday, so I worked on my PCB for #onboard :
Did a little work on a PCB for #onboard :
Recreated the classic Chrome dino game for #sprig: