
Posts tagged with :microscope:

#arcade This isn't a completed project, as there really isn't an end in sight. Endless iterations ahead. However, I recently finished a major part of the project, which is the next-gen PCB (printed circuit board). It is the size of a gumstick! For context, this is part of my open-source high-altitude ballooning tracker (also could be used for other high-altitude things!) These require a large amount of reliability, as they go to over 100,000 feet! (~31 km). High-altitude tracking systems are used to track the balloon throughout the flight, from launch, to the burst, down to landing so it can be recovered. This entire project has been in development for a little over a year, and I started the new PCB a bit before Arcade started. It features a much lower cost, assembly by JLCPCB (as I had to manually solder all the 0201s and stuff), and new parts. It uses a SAMD21 MCU to control the Si4063 amateur radio band transmitter, by getting data from the BME280 environmental sensor and the ATGM336H GPS receiver. It uses a cutting-edge protocol called Horus Binary v2. There is currently a gap in the tracking market, as they are all for ISM or use APRS. While this is the standard, there are many lacking features (explained in the attached slideshow). P.S. The new revision contains breakaway boards, hence the cursed appearance! P.S.S This is my first scrapbook, so i probably did a whole lot wrong! Github Repository: github.com/maxsrobotics/Tiny4FSK (the latest PCB is on the rev4 branch!) Research Poster: docs.google.com/presentation/d/173erHb0MfFF4htj0cGblVwo2uqi6NlSAoiPumya2R7A/edit?usp=sharing The first picture is the preceding revision, and the others are my new one.
Day 9 of working on my OS/operating system teaching tool: Today I did a lot of work and research into memory allocation and the general structure of a memory management system. I also started work on adding support for different partition types (GPT / MBR) GitHub
Apple will replace your battery for free if it's 79% health or lower, and if you have Applecare Therefore I made a program to wear your battery for you, and contribute to cancer research in the process. Apple gets your applecare coverage money, you get a sweet new battery, and the scientific community benefits. Here's the end product: github.com/krishnayah/battery-testing We can also see how tricklecharging works in this graph I made. The rate of charging slows significantly after 50%
Today, I did a quick research project to look at the sentiment of Project 2025, a conservative political document. I didn't end up getting very fruitful results, and I wasn't entirely sure if it would count for Hack Club, but here are the results: Mean Polarity: 0.07823441578370974 (Not very polarized, which seems strange considering this is a far right-winged political document) Mean Subjectivity: 0.3793216593277873 (More reasonable but I also expected this to be higher) github.com/CrazeXD/project-2025-sentiment
#scrapbook I worked on part of my research project about sound absorption where I CADded different lattice structures for the project (there's a blurb in the github readme). I had a lot of fun learning new add-ons for Onshape and learned a bunch about how these shapes affect sound absorption. here's the github link: github.com/sh8nn0n/Sound-Project-CAD/tree/main and the Onshape link: cad.onshape.com/documents/0e8ddce26482a82d51c0894c/w/749a4c3a17907217f320f2f[…]a6f22f661890b3e?renderMode=0&uiState=66923f773e75cf6e2de04c46
Researched into and made a bot to play the children's game "dots and boxes". I read literature such as Berlekamp's "the dots and boxes game", "winning ways for your mathematical plays vol.3" and a few research papers on the game. I also watched a variety of youtube videos about the subject - e.g. the Numberphile video. I then learnt the minimax algorithm and started coding, keeping in mind the mathematical principles and optimisations that can be made to the bot. I made it a console bot only but aim to make it a website later to increase accesibility. github.com/suchir-g/doublecrossed
sfbayareadrugstudy.github.io My drug study is done as far as I can go! It doesnt look like much, but it has hours of interviews and research in it. The link at the top is another project I am doing that will hopefully go into greater depth on training a neural net + what this blog does but with more research. The ones that say "NOT DONE" are ones I haven't been able to inquire on.
Finished publishing issue 10 - Volume 5 on Youth Science Journal (YSJ) website... notice that I wasn't doing research, rather I was coding the research papers on the website. you can google it cuz I cannot upload external URLs Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, LaTeX, Git, Bootstrap 5, VueJS, Markdown, pandoc, python, SASS, JSON
Finished publishing issue 10 that includes 21 papers on Youth Science Journal (YSJ) website... notice that I wasn't doing research, rather I was coding the research papers on the website. you can google it cuz I cannot upload external URLs Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, LaTeX, Git, Bootstrap 5, VueJS, Markdown, pandoc, python, SASS, JSON
Finished publishing issue 10 that includes 21 papers on Youth Science Journal (YSJ) website... notice that I wasn't doing research, rather I was coding the research papers on the website. you can google it cuz I cannot upload external URLs Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, LaTeX, Git, Bootstrap 5, VueJS, Markdown, pandoc, python, SASS, JSON
Finally finished my open research platform prototype! I have built all the base features over the past few days, and it has been fun! You can now view journals and papers while logged out, as well as profiles as of my latest feature, as well as some QOL updates. These changes can be viewed at oris.avnce.org or at oris-one.vercel.app Thank you for viewing!
Welcome to milestone #3 for my open-source research platform, called Oris! This milestone is all about the core of an research platform, uploading files and being able to view them! Now, you can upload your research to the platform through a wizard, provided that the document is in a pdf file format. I have also created 2 adapters for this, being one locally through a directory path, and the other being through Vercel blob storage, with more being able to be created by the community! Some neat videos are attached to demonstrate these two adapters and the file uploading feature as well. As usual, next up is with me working on the journals aspect of the platform and then being able to create the fun stuff. That is all there is to it! You can view these new changes at oris-one.vercel.app or at oris.avnce.org and visit the repositories and be able to contribute at github.com/loomify/oris Thanks for viewing!
Welcome to Major Milestone #GMM0VHBBM| of Oris. This major milestone incorporates all of my previous minor milestones combined into one neat package. The latest features and changes are • Welcome • Settings • Profile Pictures • Deleting and changing email for account and also password These latest changes can be seen within the video demonstration and some pictures. I had also been working on some cool ideas for allowing an ecosystem to begin (like themes) As I am done with the settings and the initialization of an account, I can finally work on the next major milestone, which will be being able to upload your documents and your research to the platform, with customizability and protections enabled (DRM). These latest changes can be viewed at oris.avnce.org or oris-one.vercel.app Thank you!
i was interested in trying my hand at hardware and purchased a breadboard kit. my idea for a project was to build a bike-powered generator and a lot of time was spent on research how circuits function, as I was basically starting from zero knowledge. at the end, I succeeded in converting the power generated from a dynamo into powering a set of LEDs. the process of constructing the hardware was rather therapeutic and I would love to work on more projects like this in the future.
I have achieved another minor milestone in my project for an open research platform called Oris. I have managed to fully get the setup process working and have also styled the website, with me also leading to the creation of the settings page which allows you to delete your account. This account deletion is significant for my authentication system as you can delete it, with no data being stored thereafter (including your profile picture)! This will also allow for further ease with being able to work on the core features, uploading papers with protection (which I'll be working on and publish as my next major milestone). As usual, the platform is available at oris.avnce.org and also oris-one.vercel.app
This might be a major milestone, but I have finally gotten authentication to work on my research platform after several hours! Also the site works rather nicely, which I think is pretty cool! The website is here: oris-one.vercel.app or oris.avnce.org (depending on which channel you prefer) and even though it looks like as it is in the screenshot, it is still something that I am proud of, and I will be working on more things related to the site and improving the CSS, get ready for profiles 👀
Yep, Oris is an open research platform that I am making so researchers are able to access and publish their research with confidence and without the headaches associated.
Today, after 2 days of hard work, I have finally finished work on my personal website! The website can now be seen at de-y.vercel.app or at de-y.avnce.org. The site will also be updated whenever I feel like it or need to add some research. The GitHub repository is accessible at github.com/de-y/personal-website Fun fact, it pulls project data directly from the GitHub API by leveraging the client! Thank you for listening!
#arcade update! fixed a bunch of bugs in my research project and updated my preprint outline :partyparrot:
#arcade update! Worked a bit on bioinformatics research this morning.
i did some cool factoring research today and have replicated the results of a 10 year old paper! if i can find a general way to do this it would be really useful and like O(log n) or something very cool
Day 4 of #15-days-in-public, mainly doing research today, and trying to work up the nerve to do surgery on my pcbs. Im also taking a summer geometry course, which im basically smurfing in. Also got webssh set up on a pi for easy acsess
For my #hack-hour I wrote the finishing script which clean up after me, I had to do a bit of research but now im done Yippeeee, on the next hack hour I will continue to test and see if there are any error when using this payload
#hack-hour built a webpage on YSJ website, the first research team that publishes journals in Egypt. Today, I have published the "program application" page
After a lot of research I bought 1 lb of solder yesterday, hoping it lasts for >10 years
This is my continuation post for #hack-hour I am contining to work on my bad ducky usb, I came up upon an issue and will have to research more and borrow someone elses code or adjust the code myself. as the given code only works with the pico and not my stm32 wish me luck github.com/dbisu/pico-ducky (code i'm most likley to adjust)
Day 103 Started working on a Bin to Onboard jam! I am planning on making a magic 8 ball with a OLED screen, accelerometer, and a piezo buzzer. Today I wired up the OLED screen and buzzer in wokwi, and got hello world code working for the display. I need to do a bit of research for the accelerometer before I implement it. I also went on a hike & finished up a CS project for school.
Day 7 #10-days-in-public Did some research on the subject since the IDE does not want to load today 😠
first scrapbook post of #100-days (house picasso >>>). returned from brown fly-in today, which helped with researching for my college application field journal (incoming personal tracker/research assistant for college fit), tried a psl from starbucks, and caught up on my DoD ML course, calculus homework, &etc 🧸
100 days looking into algorithms research (surely the best way to be involved in current research is to watch a 10 yr old video on it)
#w-of-the-day day 158 More college research. I've got a pretty good idea now and currently compiling a list of scholarships along with sites i might use for various reasons
Started building a project to assist people in research rabbit holes and keep track of the path they have taken across paper references! Made a proof of concept in MIT App Inventor earlier this year and am now transitioning to making a more complete project using React.js.