

0-day streak
greatly improved the user interface of my portfolio website idea. For now this is a showcase of UI design but I plan to eventually add more functionality but OH MY GOD look at how clean everything is !!! the animations and stuff they're so smooth and took so long to debug ahhhhh but yeah its a really really cool page. view source code here: github.com/shuklabhay/portfolio
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im creating a portfolio website, I just finished creating a basic outline for the site and everything I plan to put into it! I'm sure excited to keep working on this project and see how it continues/turns out view source code here: github.com/shuklabhay/portfolio
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ive been working a machine learning model that can generate audio to varied success, but during this scrapbook session ive been able to really really increase the performance and accuracy of the model. ive changed the model architecture and stuff a lot so most of it is just notes for good things to keep in mind about the paper when I acutally write it lol, but I think this is a great place to wrap up the project though, because its generating audio very well and for now at least I think the project is almost completely done and ready to be seen! check out the source code for the improved model and paper rough ideas notes here: github.com/shuklabhay/deep-convolution-audio-generation
ive been working a machine learning model that can generate kick drums, to some varied success.... during this session I actually got the model to generate kick drums but it still needs a lot more work, to im posting because its a pretty big success that the model finally sort of works!!! I also started working on a draft of some sort of paper about my findings, most of the draft that can be done at this stage of the project is done. the paper is mainly to help me with my English skills and also academic writing skill. significant takeaways are that the model actually generates what I want now!! I just need it to generate it better, which I'll work on eventually. check out the source code for the improved model and check out the paper draft! github.com/shuklabhay/deep-convolution-audio-generation
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I created a cool poster with some words on it so I can improve my vocabulary to prepare for the sat.
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I worked on adding functionality to an application I made for a hackathon. I created a completely new interface that's super clean and modern, and now the application works to schedule college application essays!!! the app generates schedules now but in the future I want to make the generation algorithm better and also fix a lot of other quality of life changes, yet here the app is, functionally complete! github.com/shuklabhay/velocity-draft
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github.com/shuklabhay/deep-convolution-audio-generation I finished working on this project a little earlier and I posted it here with nine sessions. I forgot to link the tenth session so I'm reposting it so I can do so. essentially im trying to generate audio using a deep convolutional approach, turning audio in an "image" representation and trying to generate those "images" to convert into audio- just to see if it's even possible for deep convolution to learn about the trends in audio over time
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I worked on refreshing an application I made for a hackathon. I created a completely new interface that's super clean and modern, this repo kind of acts as a showcase for the new pages of the application. I'll work on adding functionality another day but this a really impressive front end development project. github.com/shuklabhay/velocity-draft
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Continued project trying to find the limitations of deep convolution with regards to audio generation by experimenting and improving my DCGAN model. Changed data structuring, experimented with model architecture, and overall tried to improve performance, further proving my hypothesis that ONLY deep convolution can not learn to generate audio. Source code found here:github.com/shuklabhay/deep-convolution-audio-generation Optimization additions found here:github.com/shuklabhay/deep-convolution-audio-generation/pull/6