
Posts tagged with :sunny:

Summer paintings, before going to my main ideaa
FUMO-BOT v2 This is a Discord bot written in rust (I'm learning rust this summer) which purpose is to work along with the fumo-API, a project I made a few years ago and kinda abandoned, it allows you to submit through a Discord channel new fumo to add to the API, are more info about them, approve or deny them and use the fumo APi inside of Discord to retrive results from the fumo-API. Also the project includes some scripts I used to both upload the fumo images to cloudflare (I lost everything) and retrieve them from a Discord channel. Fumos are japanese plushies of characters from the game series Tohou. I hope you like this project, I find Rust a really reliable language to code in, harder compared to javascript but 90% of the time my code compiled it worked just how I wanted. github.com/v1ctorio/fumo-botv2 showcase video hackclub.slack.com/files/U072PTA5BNG/F07CX04570X/2024-07-20_20-28-57.mkv
day I stopped counting of #arcade summer: I had lots of work this week outside of arcade projects so I only logged a couple hours but I'll just post the completion of yet another project, MacroPed! Why use two limbs while coding and have your other two jut sitting there wasting space? Make them useful by putting macros on the floor. This pico-based mechanical switch macropad lets you do that with a bunch of configurations for cad, vim, browsing the web etc. I wrote a couple keymaps but you can add your own too. (PRs more than welcome!) find out about it at github.com/Devnol/MacroPed
I will be going for a day or two so I'm posting my current progress on a game demo that I hope to finish by the end of the summer. The .zip file for everything required by the very bare-bones demo is here: "github.com/FattestCatto/the-hackathon-game/tree/v0.0.1-alpha" The link to the repository on GitHub is here: "github.com/FattestCatto/the-hackathon-game/tree/dev-branch" Some features that may appear are not yet finished but I feel like I should post something of my progress so far. It is very much a WIP.
Day n+1 of #arcade summer: This weekend I barely got anything done due to some other things but I did finish the physical design for my foot pedal macropad, routed all the cables and wired up everything together. Continued working on the code a bit but it's crashing in some places, I'll need to figure it out tomorrow.
Day 23 of #arcade summer (probably, I've lost count by now): Continued working on my foot pedal macropad today, started printing the ring that will hold all the switches together and did some code refactoring. I realised I should probably add a window for the status led and a passthrough for the bootsel button in my cad model, I'll add that to my to-dos for tomorrow.
Day 21 of #arcade summer: Yesterday and today I didn't do much, I tried starting building something with #blot but I kinda left it in the middle: A little generator for putting different kinds of borders around a post-it note for decoration, like you can do in pages in Word. Did a solid and a dashed line but not much else. Then I remembered I had another old project in the backlog, A pico-based macropad for your FEET! (Trust me it makes sense). I had designed and ordered some boards last year using the OnBoard grant, wrote some basic code and did most of the 3d modelling but left it at that. In this coming week I've left I'll try to make some progress in that front and try to finish it all off. Today I designed some bridge things to align all the footswitches together in a sort of arc on the floor so you can easily access them like you would with keys around the home row of a keyboard.
Day 20 (dang) of #arcade summer: Today I got to finish the pcb design for PinPoint, my diy bluetooth tracker project I’m making together with @leost. I also added a usbc power in port for my portable monitor project and the new enclosure for that is printing at the moment. Tomorrow I’ll either work on making an enclosure for the tracker or maybe do something entirely different. Perhaps try blot or continue working on my unfinished foot pedal macropad
Day 19 of #arcade summer: I finished the pcb design for the BLE tracker @leost and I are working on. It still probably needs some stuff but overall it’s complete! (P.S. if you have any EE knowledge I’d love to hear your input on this, it looks correct technically but I still feel like I’ve forgotten some passive or something like that. Project is up on github: github.com/pinpoint-dev/tracker
Day 18 of #arcade summer: The board for our bluetooth tracker is taking shape! made an outline for it, added a buzzer for finding and a pin header for programming, as well as a coin cell slot on the back for a cr2032 battery. We’re thinking of also adding a usb header for easier dfu programming but we’ll see how that goes.
summer season through a window made using CSS, and HTML #scrapbook
Day 17 or #arcade summer: I had some extra time today so I got a couple hours into this open source BLE tracker I’m working on with @leost. Couldn’t find a symbol for KiCAD for the Bluetooth module we’re using so I had to make my own. Thankfully the stock KiCAD lib had a similar module but still having to cross-reference three datasheets was a pain. I got it in the end though and got it loading in eeschema and pcbnew. (Just realised I have to fix that keepout tomorrow)
Day 16 of #arcade summer: I’m starting a brand-new project today (this always goes well), making an open source BLE tracker for FindMy together with @leost. Today was mild setup day so I got to work making a hardware repo: github.com/pinpoint-dev/tracker, doing some sketches and finding where to start designing the board. We’re probably going to be using this Ebyte nRF528 SIP, which has very little docs and design files available so I’ll have to do those myself (fun!). But that’s for tomorrow, now I gotta go rest because I also have classes tomorrow…
Day 16 of #arcade summer: I took the leap of faith and ordered a small batch of the pcbs I needed for my wii mini mod. I opted for cheap shipping because of course and I really hope they arrive fast enough for me to try it out before leaving for vacation. With that, I’m finally out of hardware backlog projects to wrap up for arcade so I think I might go on with doing some ysws’s from hackclub or maybe redo my personal website? We’ll see… Super stoked to be done with all the things I’ve had on a shelf for the past 2 years though.
Day 15 (I think?) of #arcade summer: I finished the pcb model for my Wii mini today and 3d printed a mockup of the board to do some test fits. It looks like it might barely fit but I’ll have to investigate tomorrow. Here’s some pics from the fit test process, model and pcb are up on the github.
worked on a summer robot using a goBilda chassis, and turret powered by an axon max. it shoots ping pong balls using a flywheel
Day 14 of #arcade summer (somehow I lost my streak, damn you scrappy!): Yesterday. I assembled the portable monitor and got it working, I’ll put it away for now as I need some help by my grandmother to make a cover for it. That marks the 3rd project finished this summer, hooray! Now today I got back to working on a mod for the Wii mini that lets you connect a gamecube controller. I’ve started designing the pcb and I’ll need to redo my old 3d printed mount for the connectors. Tomorrow I’ll wrap up the pcb and maybe get to that 3d mount again
I've been working on a robot that can work entirely in simulation so that I can work on it over summer. I think I've hit my first milestone: modular autonomous 😮 Repository Preview:
Figma added slide decks?! , also I missed figma config this year since Im in leangap , a summer program for teen entrepruenrs lol
Day 12 of #arcade summer: I’m really losing momentum with all the classes and stuff but I’m still getting at least a couple of hours a day in. Portable monitor is pretty much done with all 4 parts fully printed. Honestly it turned out better than I expected, especially that 🔥 hc embossed logo! I just printed the front bezel but I still haven’t assembled that, though the key part missing is a cover to flip around and hold the screen upright. I don’t have a sewing machine to do that or know of another way so I’ll leave that currently and figure it out later with a little help from my grandmother. In the meantime, I got to find other projects to work on, of which I have lots in the back of my mind. I’ve been really exhausted this past week with everything but at least it feels good knowing I’m finally popping things off my backlog after years of having them stale sitting in a shelf (I bought parts for this monitor in the summer of 2022).
Day 11 of #arcade summer: I’m really losing momentum here, I only got 2 hours today and 2 yesterday but regardless, 2/3 active projects are finished now and the 3rd just has a lot of printing that needs to be done. I’ve printed 1/4 panels of my portable monitor thingy for which I’m still not exactly sure how it’ll work out in terms of standing upright. I still have 15-some hours of printing left on a bunch of other different parts but so far it seems promising. If only I could get more consistent bed adhesion for these wide parts…
I learned C++ today, and I decided to explore the drake equation. I made a fun little program using what I've learned that shows the probability of alien life and a few other things! Can't wait to see what else I can make this summer. The formatting took forever omg setw() github.com/gamer6700k/c-plus-plus/tree/main
Day 9 of #arcade summer: Another finished project today! I only managed to clock in a few hours today but I did finish up the Juicebox, my diy powerbank made of 2 18650 cells and a pd-compatible multiport travel board. After calibrating the charge controller the cells work fine and I did manage to charge both my 5000mAh phone and give a little to my mother. pretty small but powerful battery, I'll probably use it to power a wii or my portable monitor too since it can do 9 and 12v as well.
This is as far as I have gotten on my sprig game. I do not see this game continuing further for the time being because it has become to ambitious of a project for my skills. I might come back to it later this summer when I have improved, but this is how it stands now: sprig.hackclub.com/share/kP8P5vTIeMqcCudReFuL
Just made a little atm system in java! I am using this to create a bigger banking system as a summer project 🙂
Day 8 of #arcade summer: My ender is finally starting to catch up to all my queued prints. The control board enclosure for my portable monitor is finally ready (see previous scrapbook post). I think I’ve worked out all the kinks from my key holder, though it’s still printing at the moment and finally I think I finished the design for the powerbank enclosure, though it’s still untested. I did print the bracket that will hold the board and battery holder together and beautifully soldered the connections (inhaling abs vapor mixed with flux is delicious btw).
Day 1: Started a website for making project suggestions using your hobbies. Added half the landing page, somewhat of the login/register page. This is for #arcade and will hopefully be a full summer project
Day 7 (wow! a full week huh?) of #arcade summer: I came home really late today and had a bunch of things to do so I started today’s run really late. Did 3 hours, one on each of my 3 running projects. It is now 3am and I have a lesson in ~7 hours. Woo! In any case, today was a bit of a quick fixes day, I made some little changes both on the portable monitor driver board case and the keycase I’m working on but most of the significant progress was made on my powerbank design. I made a very rudimentary box to basically friction-fit the driver board and 18650 enclosure, poked some holes through it and made a nub to press the button that most definitely won’t work. These are all things that need to be worked on tomorrow though, for now I really gotta run to bed.
Today I have finished the website made to help users calculate how much time per day they would have to spend this summer to get everything they want from Arcade. I improved the knowledge of html, sass, and js. Additionally, I tried to make it responsive. The project's repo is here - github.com/Artem4852/work-time-calculator. I also hosted the website on github pages - artem4852.github.io/work-time-calculator. I hope this tool would be useful for some!
Day 5 of #arcade summer: My folding key holder is complete! I have modeled all of the features I needed and it’s looking pretty good, at least on-screen. I printed some tests but they had some things I needed to change and I almost ran out of my blue filament so I switched to the new white one I got by Rosa3D. As it turns out this one’s pretty bad so I either need to dry it out or it just doesn’t print. I’ll leave it on the heatbed overnight to dry it and try again tomorrow.
Day 4 of #arcade summer: Unfortunately my parts weren’t here on time so I had to get started working on a different project (boo hoo). I’ve always liked the Ridge keychains but 100$ is just prohibitive. To this I say: YOU WOULDNT DOWNLOAD A KEYCHAIN Enter, The Summit! An open-source “demake” of the ridge keychain designed for fff production in mind, coming soontm to a github near you. github.com/Devnol/The-Summit
Finished my first website for me (my first scrapbook post, so no idea if you even post like this). Looking a bit empty at the moment, but hopefully not by the end of the summer!
Day 1 of working on my massive backlog of projects for #arcade: I had this portable monitor project that was left stale for a while, started working on it again and I hope this gives me good motivation to complete it. Keeping the streak alive isn’t gonna be easy with summer classes and stuff but it’s probably my last year on hack club so I’m gonna give it my best shot. Made a github repo to house all the design files github.com/Devnol/Port-a-panel (although working with Fusion and github is pretty inconvenient). I worked a bit on the enclosure of the monitor’s driver board, fixed some physical issues with the design and made the mating of the parts a bit better. I still got to go buy some filament before I can print these and try them out so I have some time to do some changes in CAD and perfect it before running the next test print.
:arcade:#arcade is awesome, but amidst the focus of :cat_typing: typing, I lose track of time. I can't be the only one who forgets to start a new session after an hour, losing those precious 🎟️ As someone who spend 80% of their time coding on vs code (the other 19% are on stackoverflow), something right in the editor would be awesome :thinkies: So, I spent the past 3 hours and made ✨ Arcade VSC :partyparrot: It's a vs code extension that brings the arcade timer right to your editor! Setup is sooo simple, you only need your slack id. Being my first vs code extension, I was impressed with how easy the editor's api was to use! I'll be using my extension over the summer. You should give it a try too! :D 👇 marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=samdev.arcade-vsc github.com/samdev-7/arcade-vsc