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Posts tagged with :ultrafastparrot:

Made a few Blot projects from scratch, one is currently being printed by @RyanFarnell-U04KNK837S4 ! I based my later designs on my first one, but only the signature, and the last one (fractal_circle) adds its own twist! github.com/nicolandu/blot
Made an App on VisionPro
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Hello, I just released a Fabric Mod for Minecraft 1.20.1 which adds a new mineral: Ruby! You can also craft tools, various items from the Ruby, and also trade with villagers with it! This release may also contain a bunch of other stuff that I'm working on so please feel free to check everything out and let me know if you have any suggestions in the thread! Here is the Github link for the release: github.com/notnovayt/Ruby-Mod-1.20.1/releases/tag/Minecraft
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Im making a surprise~~~
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Just made a levitron! It works pretty good, the magnet hovers at about around 2-3mm from the electromagnet!
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im makin a suprise!!! (ill send it when im done :DD)
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Got the Driver board to run both motor sets, but only if you touched one of the connectors right. That needs to be fixed.
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I'm making a game about some of the characters in my favorite book series
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hi all! :hyper-dino-wave: this is my first ever ship! i made a website with next.js showcasing the awesome #the-trail equipment so people can look back in the future and remember how epic each project was. i have the main framework all done so now it's very easy to add more projects, which i'm going to continue to do. the theme is a pcb trail map! over the next few days, i'm hoping to make the art better, get it to be aligned on different sized-screens, put more information about each project, and add more projects! :) also i think it would be really cool to add a function where you can "buy" the product by getting in contact with the people who made it. there are so many cool trail projects! github.com/magic-frogg/trailwebsite
HIII I made a website (hosted on netlify, thanks for making my life easy). It's a simple UI, but it processes 147mb of data remotely so it takes a minute or 2 to load. After it does, there will be a drop down menu that allows you to choose different states to focus on and plots every instance of gun violence, uses machine learning with linear regression to create a line that gives a risk for gun violence in that state. This is just v1, so I will make the website nicer and easier to use!! Thanks! main--golden-basbousa-041418.netlify.app
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made the complete app for urban company and its ready to be shipped now, made a full fledged product for them and it's called WallCraft let me know what you guys think about it. Also if you have any suggestions please let me know
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MangaSeer (2/4) Finally finished the OCR & popup generation, and added a simple text-to-speech feature for preliminary testing of MangaSeer. Honestly, it's so satisfying to see actual results after many hours of hard work. github.com/Icemaster-Eric/MangaSeer
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Got this far! It loads the MOTD and stuff from the config file and shows it in the server list. And you can also try join the server, and it shows the 'Joining world' screen! A lot of progress~~ Make sure to star it <3. github.com/Sweattypalms/ferrumc/tree/dev It's a basic server reimplementation of the minecraft server framework. Made with ❤️ in rust!
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Update: I've added 2 ores to my fabric mod, the ruby ore and deepslate ruby ore! They can be mined with an Iron Pickaxe or higher and drop from 2 to 5 raw ruby! 見てくれてありがとう!
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Created an intent handler to check the price of items in the Arcade store inside of my Alexa skill
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Finished my v1 Swerve Drive! (going to work on a v2 later as I noticed some improvements I can do!) Day 2 of Arcade.
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you know what they say... those who can, do. but those who can't come up with original ideas and have mild ocd, redesign their personal websites over and over!! 🚢 I'm shipping my new personal website, and this one's my favorite design yet. I took my time with this one, designing it on figma first and building it up over a month's time. The transitions are made with framer motion and the project thumbnails are made with canva. There's a bunch of easter eggs and hidden references on there, and many more to come—let me know how I did! deployed here >> linkaiwu.com github here >> github.com/linkai101/site
Second demo video of my JARVIS project, with sound 👇 On May 30th, I had the opportunity of demoing JARVIS at the Vancouver AI Community Meetup! In this video, I showcase JARVIS, an AI voice assistant on a hat! • It can describe what it sees in front of you • It can search the internet and answer your questions • It can converse with you with low latency thanks to Groq's blazing fast speeds An application of this technology is for visually impaired people to know more about what they are looking at or facing, know their surroundings, and have someone to talk with and get help from! There are a lot of companies (such as Seleste) who are trying to achieve the same goal, but what I think is unique about my project is that everything I used was either already on me (Raspberry Pi) or was very cheap to buy (mic + speaker), and the software I used is completely free, making this proof of concept very economically viable and useful. Updates on JARVIS: • Added a speaker so others can hear it • Used a smaller microphone to reduce weight • Used Gemini v1.5 Flash for vision-based prompts • Used Groq's Llama 3 70B for text-based prompts and for conversation mode • Implemented conversation mode so the user can talk to JARVIS as if it were their friend • Implemented short-term memory for conversations • Added faster voice streaming • Added ability to stop speech from JARVIS by clicking the button This was my third attempt at the event to try to get it working. I'm glad I fixed the issues I encountered and that everyone loved the demo! The video was recorded from my friend's phone, so it's not of the highest quality, and a bit of the last part of the demo got cut off, but I'm happy with how it turned out! LinkedIn post | GitHub code
Introducing... Musical Pie v0.5! Do you have a Subsonic-compatible server? No, probably not. How about an RFID RC522 reader and abundance of NFC stickers? Bit more likely but probably not. A 16x2 LCD? Maybe? A Raspberry Pi? Quite likely! Well, if you're like me and have all of the above, you can use my Musical Pie project!! Musical Pie is a Python program that will play music that's attached to NFC stickers from a subsonic server. A sticker could reference an artist, album or track. When the sticker is scanned on the reader, it will play the music. Headphones/aux and USB speakers are supported. I also added a potentiometer for volume control. In the full release, there'll be two push buttons for toggling play/pause and for skipping to the next song. Here's a quick demo which went perfectly to plan with no hiccups whatsoever. Everything worked first try, if you disagree then I think you forgot to get distracted. Anyway, the code is available at github.com/DillonB07/Musical-Pie and I'll be working more on this soon! If you've got any feature suggestions, please leave them in the thread, I'd love to add more stuff to it.
Introducing... Musical Pie v0.5! Do you have a Subsonic-compatible server? No, probably not. How about an RFID RC522 reader and abundance of NFC stickers? Bit more likely but probably not. A 16x2 LCD? Maybe? A Raspberry Pi? Quite likely! Well, if you're like me and have all of the above, you can use my Musical Pie project!! Musical Pie is a Python program that will play music that's attached to NFC stickers from a subsonic server. A sticker could reference an artist, album or track. When the sticker is scanned on the reader, it will play the music. Headphones/aux and USB speakers are supported. I also added a potentiometer for volume control. In the full release, there'll be two push buttons for toggling play/pause and for skipping to the next song. Here's a quick demo which went perfectly to plan with no hiccups whatsoever. Everything worked first try, if you disagree then I think you forgot to get distracted. Anyway, the code is available at github.com/DillonB07/Musical-Pie and I'll be working more on this soon! If you've got any feature suggestions, please leave them in the thread, I'd love to add more stuff to it.
burned out an SMT inductor, did one of the craziest hacks i've ever done, and... it worked (it's that yellow "coil" that i hand-wound in 5 minutes)
Implemented Paging and Virtual memory in my OS! (i caused this error on purpose by just writing something to 0x12345678)
Added a setup thing to my OS! You can now select a resolution on startup
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we are cooking ham
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Custom 3D printed mount for my ultrasonic distance sensors. Brass inserts to bolt into the chassis.
Oscilloscopes! ✨
Started reading this interesting book!
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It was hard for sure, but at the end of the day, we made a really fun project!
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I started using graphics mode in my OS, so i have to render fonts now
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Unassembled a landline :evilplotting: I now have a taste for breaking apart old tech...
:kitty-dance: 🌸 *days of service ship incoming:* :kitty-dance: 🌸 Blossom 🌸 was held in Atlanta, Georgia from March 15-16th. working closely with the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta :girl-scouts:, i had the privilege of organizing a day-long event that brought together a team of high school female mentors and dozens of eager girl scouts. beginner girl scouts embarked on exciting journeys - from crafting their own PCB :pcb: keychains that they later had manufactured through #onboard to delving into an introduction of javascript :js: to code drawings on #blot the drawing robot. every girl went home with a unique new hardware or software project that they 100% created themselves, but most importantly, the confidence needed to pursue coding further :blobheart:. we also had a brilliant dinner (with ricotta balls :blobby-doughnut:) the night before with 28+ women in technology and STEM who guided us with their stories and experiences in their fields. all the high school mentors and i were fueled for the day ahead of us by the end of the night:half-salute:. it was so motivating to see girls who had never touched code before leaving the event with the confidence that they had a place in the world of technology & finished projects that they could show off. 🔗 website: blossom.hackclub.com :githubparrot: github repo: github.com/hackclub/blossom 📷 day of service photos: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-XnTK7QPwufdo4flwsF7syqOoZwB0z6C?usp=sharing 🥂 women in STEM dinner photos: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-WR0RY4SCYAOzAD3T-Z6aT0_DYBsNGgj?usp=sharing thank you to @MariannaLudensky @NilaRam @christina695 &amp; the whole <!subteam^S06A2EGQ29M|@blossom-team> for the wonderful event we pulled off, hopefully inspiring many girls along with each other through the process.
Made a lot more progress on Celeste: Sprig Edition (all behind the scenes stuff really :( )! Very happy with the dash detection system although the timings are going to need a lot of tweaking to make it feel better as there’s a fair bit of latency atm. Only upwards dashing is implemented properly now but gonna keep working on that and maybe get some animation in too 👀
It can display 3 different hard coded letters! I'm going to need something else...
ultrafastparrot emoji
since my last video about making PCBs, I’ve had a bunch of feedback about people who had trouble submitting PRs. now there’s new video about submitting a PR in (almost) under a minute! www.youtube.com/watch?v=qL4d6AFx-9E, and it was made in under a day in #onboard-bts— check out the channel for the whole WIP thread