
Posts tagged with :robot_face:

Day 12 of #C045S4393CY| Added fun new messages the bot sends when prompted. The bot sends it on "stat sendfun" lol
day 7 of #C045S4393CY| today I worked on makeing a slack bot(it didn't like to work) and worked a tiny bit on my printer. Slack bot no want to work
heavysob emoji
Day 10 of #C045S4393CY|! I shipped a bot called at-channel - if you've ever wanted to do a @.channel ping but don't have admin on Slack, this bot lets you do that - and as a bonus, replying in the thread won't mention everyone :) To get started, just run /channel to do a @.channel ping, or /here to do a @.here ping! (if you're in a private channel, you'll first need to add @at-channel )
Today I worked on a prototype for a basic 2D robot simulator for my robotics team. The idea is that we can use it to train a neural network using a genetic algorithm. Most of my time today was spent trying to work out how to simulate the differential drive of our robot (1 set of wheels on either side), and getting the rest of the physics to work. It uses pygame and pymunk for now, but I might switch to c++ and SFML (or raylib or something) if it's not fast enough. Next is a system for the sensor inputs and then the neural network!
Day 8 of #C045S4393CY|, added error validation and logs to check if things were working, got stuff up and running on my big server that i have so now my bot is officially hosted using discord, discord.py and a week of time
Day 4 of #C045S4393CY| made thing where the player can kill the plant and also made the discord bot cleaned up and #C0M8PUPU6| ed it with @Sunny yay! finally done with sock
today: spent all day on my robotics homework + a couple of athena prep stuff like ordering chocolates
day 4 of #C045S4393CY| Testing is going well, implemented a DM system so that the bot can dm the users on discord, this was pretty hard in python bc of how garbage discord.py is but i made it work out in the end!
day 2/15 of #C045S4393CY| Today i made a thing to censor bad words on my discord bot by finding a huge dataset of bad words on github and applying it so it removes a level when you swear, also made it so negative levels are impossible.
bot converts currency
Day 1/15 for #C045S4393CY| working on #C088UF12N1Z| and #C08DPRYMWF8|, i made part of my discord bot today that detects cuss words and lowers your level based on the amount of times you use it. For #C088UF12N1Z|, made ant nest as obstacles and other stuff. Same image as Sunny cuz we both made that same discord bot.
Day 1/15 of #C045S4393CY| Today, I added a emoji detector and more commands to my discord bot that im working on with @Shree . I built more commands and made a button work with a fancy UI and made all the users emojis store to a list in which they can see through a command. Solid work time.
day 1 of #C045S4393CY|! today i wasn't able to work on my hackpad because of robotics but i did cad a plate for the robot!
Been working on my HCB grant bot more! Now it has fuzzy organisation & merchant category searches along with some backend work - this is actually a quite tidy codebase, probably my best yet for a slack app check it out here if you want: github.com/transcental/SlackHCBGranter
Gary Bot
heyy guys I've made a bot to make 'time.cs50.io' links directly from slack; you can use it by either using create a event link shortcut or by running /createeventtimelink cmd, and drop what you think should be implemented differently or added. Also, I've some TODOs like: • Drop the link in thread if the shortcut used there.. • Nd, if you use the global shortcut, you'll get the link shown in the next modal popup instead of sending them in DMs. • and also logging them somewhere to show them in the home tab and it is named timesaber; @ttt
made free games bot
1. finally figured out what was not making sense in rust form this amazing vid. my notes are all over the place for this so i will not be showing yall that
heavysob emoji
2. did some athena nbo emails + msgs 3. i had an idea, going in w/ impulsivity to make it happen (like i talked ab in my prev post)! 4. more robotics and we're back to DDE scrappy doesnt like when i have links only
pf emoji
so here's a pic of some code i wrote from what i learnt in rust tday
I made a discord bot that uses AI to yapp about conversations!
Today I discovered all scrappy's reaction keywords yay, OSF, hooray, arrived, bin, raccoon, draw, art, paint, wrote, slack, pcb, onboard, circuit, kicad, easyeda, figma, 3d print, 3d printing, 3d printer, covid, singapore, canada, india, space, sleep, hardware, roshan, sampoder, vs code, vscode, woo hoo, celebrate, cooking, cooked, cook, birthday, bday, pumpkin, fall, thanksgiving, christmas, santa, snow, snowing, snowman, vercel, sunrise, sunset, google, soccer, football, car, driving, bank, shopping list, github, twitter, bot, robot, robotics, minecraft, game, npm, solder, soldering, arduino, instagram, observable, js, javascript, reactjs, python, swift, xcode, x code, swiftui, swift ui, golang, rust, deno, blender, salad, adobe, photoshop, inktober, storm, rain, dino, school, backpack, linux, hacktober, hacktoberfest, exams, exam, studying, studied, study, react, apple, cat, dog, code, hack, autumn, Happy Birthday Zach, debate, next.js, nextjs, movie, halloween, pizza, scrappy, cycle, bike, Big Sur, zoom, ship, macbook, guitar, complain, fight, cricket, vim, docker, cake, notion, fedora, replit, mask, leap, discord, /z, postgres, gatsby, prisma, graphql, product hunt, java, repl, repl.it, replit, rick roll, BrainDUMP, firefox, vivaldi, ABCO-1, nix, nixos, nixpkgs, typescript, ts, zephyr, summer, plane, train, bus, bug, debug, debugging, awesome, graph, chart, boba, bubble tea, spotify, repair, cow, doge, shibe, dogecoin, blockchain, ticket, homework, hw, piano, orpheus, chess, pr, pull request, bread, nft, hns, wahoo, aoc, advent, svelte, cold, tailwind, tailwindcss, c, squaresupply, gamelab, annoying site, redwood, redwoodjs, homebrew, stickers, club, think, thinking, cool, science, research, biology, brain, science fiction, sci-fi, mexico, food, sad, galaxy, plant, plants, picture, pictures, photography, assemble, sprig, laser, music, #C045S4393CY, 10daysinpublic, hardware party, hardware wonderland, hardware-party, days of making, winter hardware, winter, wonderland, whw, ipfs, the orpheus show, orpheus show, the orpheus podcast, orpheus podcast, podcast, quest, puzzmo, purple bubble, purplebubble, summit, summit vision, apple vision, nest.
Worked on bot
Today i first time realized how important using robots.txt file is. i had 10,000 api credits for my crypto project from coinmarketcap api but last night google bot started to crawl all of the coin details pages (each page counts as 3 credits ) and i have about 15,000 coins in my db. resulting to my api credits being expired in single night. now im learning how to write a robots.txt file
Day 9: Refactored my discord bot planning on making it more general purpose
debugging my bot
Day 8: Created a discord roles bot
A remote control for a makerbuying robotic arm. It uses 2 arduino unos communicating via i2c, one for the robotic arm and one for the joysticks, so i can have a cable between them if i want to and i plan on using 2 esp32s to make it wireless in the future. I have never i2c before so i have learnt very much. Sadly i dont got any pictures of the projekt as it not here but here's a picture of the robotic arm.
I spent a couple hours today trying to get all the components to fit on a 2s battery 40 amp modular PSU pcb I'm currently routing. On my small board, just a USB-C connector takes a HUGE amount of space. Its like half the height of the board! I'll try to make it work, but space is sure at a premium, and I don't want to skimp on copper trace thickness either. This board is part of a larger modular control board project called CACKLE, Card Adaptable Controller Kinetic Link Electronics. github.com/techy-robot/CACKLE
finished tic tac toe game with bot. used minimax algorithm in js
Day 6: Finish personal task dm bot.
did some work on the websocket and working that into the bot
yay emoji
take a look for more at #C07R889PURK| btw (shameless plug) nothing too much to show but checkout a flow chart planner type thing to map out the work I'm doing/did and some UI already done :D
Today I experimented with a feature that I haven't used before in KiCAD: Net class Directives. This helps you section off nets that you are routing and to have pre-defined settings that are different for each group. It should speed up routing with automatic trace widths. I'm currently routing a PCB for my USB-C and 2s battery 40 amp modular PSU. This board is part of a larger modular control board project called CACKLE, Card Adaptable Controller Kinetic Link Electronics. github.com/techy-robot/CACKLE
Added a test method to track distance robot traveled over a duration of time at a certain voltage in C++.
Added an integration to my discord bot so I can now write typst snippets and share them directly in discord! (Typst is a scripting and markup language to write scientific papers. It can do quite a lot, especially with plugins, allowing you to plot stuff, design flow charts, circuits and more from a markup language!)
Today I started some layout and routing in Kicad for my USB-C and battery 40 amp modular PSU pcb. This board is part of a larger control board project called CACKLE, Card Adaptable Controller Kinetic Link Electronics. github.com/techy-robot/CACKLE
Today I did some cleanup of my Kicad schematic and I added some circuitry for the USB-C connector for my modular PSU pcb. Almost ready for layout. This board is part of a larger project called CACKLE, Card Adaptable Controller Kinetic Link Electronics. github.com/techy-robot/CACKLE
Modeled a new Odometry class for tracking robot position.
Created a readme today and shipped the first update to my discord bot!
Starting to port over a PID implementation from a library to my own robot code. Hoping to port/edit more code from this library in the following days.
today i finished my vex robotics high stakes simulator in python but somehow ended up updating it to 3 different repos by accident 😭
scrapbook for Thanksgiving day 2 : got a basic bot functional and shipped it
Today I reworked my schematic for a modular 40 amp PSU to use a CH32 microcontroller (CH32X035) instead of an STM32. My goal is to save costs and add USB-C Power delivery capability for charging a battery. This board is part of a larger project called CACKLE, Card Adaptable Controller Kinetic Link Electronics. github.com/techy-robot/CACKLE
Today I finished and shipped bilistats, a simple Slack bot to display the
bilibili emoji
bilibili video you're currently watching
today i worked on my python json chatbot. I got a 400 line json file for more data, made the file compatible with the bot, and made the ui easier to use