Today I worked on my wakatime plugin for KDevelop. It has the basic event listeners and sending heartbeats now works. Now I just need to add a caching system for offline heartbeat, and set up fetch requests for displaying the hours/minutes in the editor.
(i've already set the api url to hackatime v2, but the screenshot was from before that).
Today I worked on a prototype for a basic 2D robot simulator for my robotics team. The idea is that we can use it to train a neural network using a genetic algorithm. Most of my time today was spent trying to work out how to simulate the differential drive of our robot (1 set of wheels on either side), and getting the rest of the physics to work. It uses pygame and pymunk for now, but I might switch to c++ and SFML (or raylib or something) if it's not fast enough. Next is a system for the sensor inputs and then the neural network!
Today I worked a bit on my black box project. It turns out math.h isn't available, so I did some digging so I could write my own sine & cosine functions (which turned out to be a bit of a rabbit hole). I ended up using the Taylor series approximation, which works alright for values between -PI and PI (and makes my brain go a bit mushy).
Now I can draw a rotated rectangle (yay!).
Today I continued working on my opengl wrapper. I'm finished with the basic window and opengl context management (cmake = pain), so today I added the ability to render textures and filled rects. The idea of this project is to allow me to do as much rendering as possible without touching any opengl boilerplate (2D at the moment, 3D is next). The test below only took 26 lines of code!
Today I started doing some stuff with C++ & OpenGL. Dunno what it's gonna be, so I'm just working through some stuff for now.
Today/Yesterday I finally shipped my game! I made some more levels, fixed some bugs, made a linux build, and made the ( page, and now it's finished!🎉
Today I added the last few significant "things" to the game (the stuff worth mentioning). I added a win screen, an option to mute the volume on the main menu, some warning messages on the main menu, and an icon for the window and the executable file (though that isn't visible on the recording). I also made a quick soundtrack for the menu and main levels (I just need one more). Next is finishing off the media for the game (trailer, itch page, etc) and then I can release/ship it!🎉 (the game is called Defblade, not paperworld btw).
Today I worked on the main menu, and gameplay loop - the idea is that you lose money by dying (in the hard platformer levels), and gain money via collecting coins by fighting enemies (in the inbetween levels). This means that I will have two types of level - spiky and dangerous platformer-style levels, and levels with a bunch of enemies and decoration where the player can replenish their coins (at their own risk) by killing enemies. I also added some more sound effects, and some ui animations. Next is a soundtrack and some polish (backgrounds and more vfx and stuff).
For some reason the logo didn't show up in the recording:
Today I continued adding some stuff to my game. It now has lava, the start to a main menu, and some level transitions (with portals). I also added some shockwave vfx for the explosions.
Exam week is finally over! Today I added some coins to my game, with some more vfx, some more sounds, font rendering (with SDL_ttf), some ui improvements, leaves (particles that fall from the trees and stuff, kinda hard to see with all of the coins), and did some debugging (another seg fault waah). Next I am planning to add some lava, music and a main menu (finally).
Today I added water to the level editor, as well as some more sfx (waterish sounds?) and some bug fixes. I haven't been able to do much because of exams :)Today I added some water to my SDL2/C++ game. It's basically just a line of springs joined up but it looks like water if you tweak it a bit. I also added some decorations (trees! yay!) and some more sound effects. I also wasted an hour or two fixing a segmentation fault 😭 (pain). Next is leaves!Today I added some sound effects to my C++/SDL2 game to make the combat a bit more juicy. I also added some sparks vfx, worked on the turtles, and fixed an annoying bug with the health bars. Next is water and leaves! (hopefully)
Today I added some turtles to my SDL2 game. They are peaceful, so you can bounce on them and kill them, but they won't do anything back.
Today I ported my SDL2 game from using Makefiles to using CMake and Ninja. Now I don't need to recompile the whole project every time I want to make a small tweak, only the files I changed (plus it looks fancy).Today I added some combat to my game. The player has a sword and can now finally fight back against enemies! I just need some health bars now.Today I did some debugging 😖.
I fixed the grassToday I started working on some DaFluffyPotato-like grass for my game. It's kinda working?Today (yesterday) I added some more animations to my c++ & sdl2 game (so the player is not a plain blue box anymore). I also added some springs and fixed some scaling issues with fullscreen and resizing the window.Added some bats to my game. They still do way too much damage though, so they're a bit of a menace to society right now (I still need to fix that).Added some animations to my game! There are green slimes now instead of plain red cubes.Added entities to the level editor for my game. The game is in c++ with sdl2, but the level editor is in python with pygame-ce.Fixed the entity management system. Every group of entities is now managed by a single entity manager, which cleans up after itself (Phew).Today I continued working on the entity class in my game. I now have a working entity management system (along with some segmentation faults 😞 ) and better player following (not so hard to improve from what is was before 🙂), and a simple health bar.The player can now be hurt by the enemies in the game (though the "following the player" script is kinda dubious (still need to fix that)).
Today I started working on some enemies for my game (the player has a little friend now).
Today I continued adding some more vfx to my game (there are fire particles now 🎉). I also added support for window resizing and fullscreen (though the clip doesn't show that), and did some refactoring 😑.Today I used some smoke, particles and screen shake to give the player in my game a satisfying death.Added some smoke to my game.Today I added some particles (they bounce around). It has some "finicky" memory management.
Today I fixed the player movement and added some spikes, plus some bug fixes/optimization.
Finished level editor with autotiling and stuff. Starting working on player movement.
Today I made a quick level editor with pygame-ce for my game. My game is in C++ and SDL2, but I store my levels in JSON so it is easier to make the level editor in python (so I can easily code up features like autotiling and autosaving), as it doesn't need to interact with my game in any other way than accessing the same map save file. Plus, the level editor is just a small python file, I don't need another Makefile system to compile it with SDL2 🙂.