Posts tagged with :linux:

(the bluetooth stack). Then, I used my smol brain to make a few changes to the source code (and by a few changes, i mean commented a few lines)... And, it worked!
Rant about Apple - Guess what- They hide their handshake packet from the PacketLogger app which allows me to view all the packets sent/received from my mac to any bluetooth device. Fortunately this was available online thanks to some other people who worked way before me. Apple even hid another packet necessary to activate Conversational Awareness and Adaptive Audio! Somehow, I got really, really, really lucky, and the packet just showed up in the PacketLogger app, shortly after which, it crashed. 

my wc for linux
gh: github.com/suryaanshah/my-wc-for-linux

in the game's working directory (which is the folder the PolygonBazooka.exe
is in).
Currently, the game is compiled for 64 bit Windows. This should work on Windows 7 and above, but was only tested on Windows 11 23H2. (I'm too lazy to compile for Linux and macOS at the moment)
You can download the game and/or see a more detailed changelog here: github.com/BlastyTheDev/PolygonBazooka/releases/tag/v0.0.3-alpha
It's available on the Arch User Repository (AUR) as remind-me-git

Fixed bug where script not run as root, merged the cracker script as functiongithub.com/DefinetlyNotAI/Hack_Club/commit/5e290316073d1a2d009e0ce439ffc925474b5d56

to navigate between the only two directories that exist right now (~/ and /blog, which contains - you guessed it - blog posts).
• there's also support for reading files from the parent folder! (cat folder/file
• also made a bunch of fixes to try and make the code less spaghettified