linux emoji

Posts tagged with :linux:

installed kali linux on my new rasbey pi 5 16 gb pc that i will now use every day... gona learn hacking in python and js (if posible
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Today/Yesterday I finally shipped my game! I made some more levels, fixed some bugs, made a linux build, and made the ( page, and now it's finished!🎉
I fixed a few styling issues in Codeboard, I reformatted all of my unused SD cards, and did a bit of Zed setup yesterday. I tried to build Aseprite too, but there’s no Skia build for Linux ARM64 and I didn’t have a particular use for Aseprite anyway so I didn’t finish building it. (I forgot to click send on this yesterday
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making a FOSS spotify frontend that doesn't need premium , auth, or api keys. complete with playlists, shuffling, looping, and cross platform between web/windows/linux/android (no ios/mac because i dont apple)
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Got started with riceathon (I'm using Kubuntu since Ubuntu was being annoying and Linux desktop environment wise is a lot closer to the Steam Deck which I might rice later)
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Been a long time since I actually posted something on here... I have made an app for android (and linux) that makes using AirPods on those operating systems way easier and better. Do you know how much Apple likes to restrict most of the features to their devices. Well, I removed the restriction! I reverse-engineered how Apple devices communicate with AirPods and wrote an app for linux and android. AirPods use the L2CAP Bluetooth protocol to communicate with apple devices. The linux version of this app has multiple scripts. One of them runs as a daemon to handle the connection, and others to handle UI, userspace, like pausing music, lowering volume, etc.. I did this so that I can have multiple applications which can talk to the AirPods without interrupting the other one. It is written purely in Python. Currently, I have made a tray application using PyQT5/6. It manages ear detection, conversational awareness, and gives me control over ANC. And, it shows the battery level too! As for the Android app, well I have attached a few images! Yes, I have tried to clone iOS's settings screen for AirPods.
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The android app was a pain to work upon. For starters, Android's bluetooth stack sent extra packets to the AirPods to check for some flow control mode. The AirPods will not respond to anything until they receive a specific handshake packet. I had to download the entire android source to test out and edit the (the bluetooth stack). Then, I used my smol brain to make a few changes to the source code (and by a few changes, i mean commented a few lines)... And, it worked! Rant about Apple - Guess what- They hide their handshake packet from the PacketLogger app which allows me to view all the packets sent/received from my mac to any bluetooth device. Fortunately this was available online thanks to some other people who worked way before me. Apple even hid another packet necessary to activate Conversational Awareness and Adaptive Audio! Somehow, I got really, really, really lucky, and the packet just showed up in the PacketLogger app, shortly after which, it crashed.
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What works on the app – • Accurate battery levels • In-Ear detection – Music is automatically paused when they're taken out of ear! Plus, AirPods are removed as an available audio output device when none of the AirPods are in ear. • Conversational Awareness – Lowers volume when you start speaking! • Set Noise Control Mode – I can change the Noise Control Mode on my AirPods Pro 2! • Renaming AirPods • And a bunch of other settings extracted from the iOS/iPadOS settings page. ◦ Namely, Toggle Conversational Awareness, Toggle Loud Sound Reduction, Set Adaptive Audio Noise level, Toggle Automatic ear detection, Off listening Mode, Tone Volume, Noise Cancellation with Single AirPod, Toggle Volume Control by swiping. • And, of course, a debug screen, which lists all packets received, and even allows you to send packets! GitHub: upvote the issue on android issue tracker so that the bug gets fixed: :>
Today I have been polishing app (it is multiplatform (so it works on android, ios, macos, linux, windows)). I have fixed quite a few complicated bugs related to websocket and channels communication. I have also added a leaderboard ui to the app (I have added it to the backend for quite a while ago). Improved some ui elements
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Didnt know there was thanksgiving special cause it was school time for me this is from yesterday.Worked on shipped it aswell though it didn't do that well sedly....
Made a silly linux mint theme
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Just installed arch linux onto a usb stick.
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Set Linux mint, first time using Linux really fun. Curious about how to program my pine time. I think I just need to set wasp os.
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#C06SBHMQU8G| After some work, the first official release of my library, perfjail, is finally here. It's a Rust project inspired by sio2jail - a tool the Polish Olympiad in Informatics uses to failry measure time on its contests. My main goals are to do what sio2jail does, but significantly faster (at times) and as a library instead of a CLI tool. You can find the library here: (it's not yet released to, but this is a working, albeit sometimes still slightly buggy, version), and I've made a quick little demo of it working on a branch of my CLI testing tool Toster, which you can find here ( To see it in action you can simply build this branch and then use Toster with the sio2jail flag, however all you should see is faster runtime when running smaller tests, which might be difficult to notice, but it's defintely there. If you have any problems running it or understanding any of the code, please feel free to message me - this is a really interesting field to me, and I've encountered many fun challanges to work around whilst doing pretty pure systems programming interfacing directly with the Linux kernel.
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got to play around with this thing yesterday. I'm putting Debian on it soon
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RemoteLogViewer RemoteLogViewer is a desktop application with the initial intention to view logs from a remote server easily. Since then the use cases have been extended and will be in the future as well. It's written in Java using AWT and Swing. I just released v1.0.0-beta. Here is a current feature overview: • easily view logs via sftp from a remote server • automatic refresh every few seconds & autoscroll • smootly download the newest log into your desired folder • upload files to a remote server via sftp • functional on Windows, MacOS & Linux • automatic storage of login information • logging of uploaded files in a session
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linux emoji
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sorry for inconvenience! I noticed that some of my arcade sessions of my previous projects (completed ones) weren't banked (since I missed clicking a few sessions when hakkuun asks) so I am making some scrapbook posts about that. here is about my wc for linux gh:
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Frederick-rs Frederick rs is a cli which purpose is to add audio metadata (tags) to audio files, it uses the MusicBrainz API to retrive the music data. Another project using rust, I feel l'm the real rustacean. It was "fun" to make, rust is kind of a difficult language for me compared to js and I dont care that much about performance but tbh I just wanted to create a single executable. You can read more about the project in the readme 🙂 or try it yourself, I only have builds for linux but its super easy to compile. Also I used VHS to make these cool gifs WAIT THE GIFS IN SLACK ARE BROKEN, HERE ARE THE LINKS <|help>, <|usage>)
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I created a 2D shooter game in the terminal using C. It took me aprox. 11 hours, and its the third game i made (I wanna move on to 3D for the next project). It was made for the linux terminal. You have 4 stages, and two weapons (you upgrade to a shotgun on stage 3). You also have healing potions with a 10% chance of dropping. github repo:
Cool little autoclicker I made in Svelte & Tauri sadly linux wouldn't build and I couldn't run it on my Macbook I never could figure out how to fix anything...
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@NikoKompella0 not sure why i didn't commit this a couple of months ago, but I made a script in shell that installs all required programs on enterprise linux computers.
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Added a main menu to my stacking game, Polygon Bazooka. The controls are now changeable in game and with a preferences.txt in the game's working directory (which is the folder the PolygonBazooka.exe is in). Currently, the game is compiled for 64 bit Windows. This should work on Windows 7 and above, but was only tested on Windows 11 23H2. (I'm too lazy to compile for Linux and macOS at the moment) You can download the game and/or see a more detailed changelog here:
I created remindme, a lightweight (0.04MiB) Linux CLI for managing timed reminders using libnotify It's available on the Arch User Repository (AUR) as remind-me-git
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Hello everyone, I am happy to present you a cross-platform game engine made with c++. 🎉 It currently supports Web, Android, MacOS and Linux! (and theoretically Windows and IOS, but don't have these OSses installed) You can play online: or Download Mac and Android here: or It was a hard road to build the project on Web with Emscripten and Andoroid with NDK. All the docs were either wrong, outdated or outright undocumented. The errors were also really cryptic. You can see a whole list of difficulties that I encountered here: PS. Sorry for the low quality phone video, it was filmed with a tablet.
Sorry, BUT this was HELL - I found out the hard way that running a script via sudo, DOES NOT open it in sudo passwordless (common sense), so i had to refactor everything, but i need a tester... ANYONE please who uses linux and has discord (i only have kali linux no discord though) PLEASE test this. I will show you the documentations later 🤗
Fixed bug where script not run as root, merged the cracker script as function
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GUINOTE CLI Guinote CLI is an open source terminal (ugly implementation) of the Spanish card game Guiñote. In rust using the ratatui rendering engine. This is a milestone release for basic rendering, handle user input and stuff like selection, wins and loss. I only have binaries for linux. It has reallly helped me learn rust and terminal rendering. I would like to make it prettier tho
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hopefully the final major feature i'm adding to my website, which mimics a linux terminal: folders! • use cdto navigate between the only two directories that exist right now (~/ and /blog, which contains - you guessed it - blog posts). • there's also support for reading files from the parent folder! (cat folder/file ) • also made a bunch of fixes to try and make the code less spaghettified
Created a program that utilises machine learning in Python using OpenCV, Scikit-learn, and tensorflow. It takes images and tries to recognise if the image contains Hackclub's mascot Orpheus. I had some issues running on my main laptop which is Linux so I had to change to my Windows laptop and reinstall the packages which is why the screenshots are a bit different. github repo:
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I created a CLI tool to create and manage Minecraft servers on Linux and Windows. Check it out here:
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Made set of scripts for Windows (yes this laptop I have is specifically for windows and not linux) wifi hotspots for that one intel laptop I have that optionally works with instable internet to allow people to access a jellyfin server only picture doesn't show much but yea you can setup ssl while you have internet see repo prob will work on a daemon in the future to manage this but for now I wrote some bash scripts for windows
HI! I just finished creating the Snake game in the terminal. I did it in C and it took me 3 hours. If you wanna play you'll have to compile it yourself (It will work only on Linux, because of some libraries) Github repository:
I finished making a Flappy Bird copy in the Terminal in C. It took me 5 hours and it's the first game I've ever made. If you wanna play you'll have to compile it yourself (It will work only on Linux, because of some libraries) Github repository:
I made a virtual machine manager in python. When you want to test out something or when I want to try windows on linux, you can run this program and you can manage all of your virtual machines. It even has a menu to use in the terminal. Please read the readme here: Make sure to have python and lib virt installed
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summer-of-making emoji
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