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Posts tagged with :linux:

#arcade of the day! I was always fascinated of VMs and I always wanted to run kali linux on my personal laptop but it never worked out cuz windows just because muscle memory. So to relive my needs of learning ethical hacking I spent the day today downloading Kali and VirtualBox and setting everything up for my needs. So I ended up with this! I also documented everything in the github (includes the virtualbox files and screenshots) Github Repo: Commit of screenshot proof: Commit with VirtualBox files:
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Automated MAC Address Changer Wifi providers normally "block" your device from accessing the internet with your MAC address When someone blocks internet access to your device, it can be super annoying especially if you need to do homework at an ungodly time of day. Luckily for you, I have just the solution (for Linux users only) Normally if you go into settings and change it, you are still blocked from accessing the wifi. With this script you can change it, efficiently by using the ip link Linux command. To Run: pythnon3
learn hacking using kali linux
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Fitness Tracker: fixed up some platform-specific bugs, Windows and Linux support is complete alongside GitHub Actions for automated builds & releases. The Android app is functional but has a long way to go before being on-par with the desktop version. Next order of business is to transfer it out of the test repo and into the main repo. GitHub: Main Repo:
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started work on a cross-platform file sharing app called CrossLink GitHub: uses tauri, with solidjs as a frontend framework, and rust for the backend currently supports Windows, Linux, and Android
For #arcade I am building and investigating the use of a docker container to build rust containers in, so that I can easily incrementally deploy to a dumb linux machine as a server. the server costs like $4AUD/month and can't even compile serde! I've get a VEEERY slow build system using a Dockerfile and docker build, but this is currently suboptimal because docker build 1) doesn't log very well 2) requires a full rebuild even on little state change because 3) the dockerfile can't reuse state from the last build (that would defeat the purpose of the repeatability of docker builds!) There is a very old project I'm taking inspiration from, I'm building it here:
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I have started work on creating a 2d platformer/ top down combo game for #arcade. So far I have added basic platformer movement, a simple damage system, carrots, and my favorite and what i belieeve to be completely unique to my game: a burrowing mechanic! Every bit of pixel art in the game i created by hand over many hours. Here is the game for both Windows and Linux, since i couldn't get the web version to work:
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Made a markdown previewer in Rust using Tauri and only pure JS so it's nice and fast. Supports Linux, Windows and MacOS (windows and macos untested), and it doesn't do everything in the CommonMark spec yet but does enough for now to work fine for quick previews. Downloads for all platforms are at
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rustlang emoji
Tired of someone stumbling upon your diary? This awesome CLI lets you journal super quickly without anyone discovering your thoughts, thanks to its strong AES encryption. Features: • Protects your posts using AES-256 encryption • Ensures only you can access the journal • Works on Linux, macOS, and Windows • Create, view, edit, and delete journal entries • Easily find posts by keywords or dates • Supports terminal-based text editors for seamless writing • View posts by year and month for easy navigation • Perform specific actions directly from the terminal To install it, run: npm install -g secret-journal For more info or in case of issues, check out the repo:
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Created simple installation setup script for linux (I use Arch btw), still in development. This is first more or less stable release. Soon will be added installation steps into, using chezmoi and custom scripts., for now works on Arch linux only.
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linux emoji
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Finally have a Minimal Viable Product for the Ghostkey suit: • Ghostkey is a fake HID inputdevice that can be used to simulate keyboard input. It was inspired by the Rubber Ducky and the Bash Bunny. For hardware, it uses the XIAO SAMD21 board to do the HID through USB, and the XIAO ESP32C6 board to do the WiFi connection and deploy selected payloads. > Also developed a test environment and network using proxmox and widows 11/10, Kali Linux and Debian 12 to test the full project and all its components.
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linux emoji
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I'm making a retro games focused distro based on alpine linux, it was a hassle to install some things but here we are, I will modify the alpine linux install script for automating all the steps that I've made, the default frontend that I'm going to use is pegasus: Im planning on making an entire ecosystem so you can play your retro games at any moment on any device with file and progress sync heres my github link to the proyect: I don't have the install script prepared yet but you know it's a WIP, so I've provided a download link to a VMWare machine that I'm currently working on while I work on the first Milestone: good luck to all Arcade contestants!! 😁
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summer-of-making emoji
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Here is first version of the python version of the wc linux command. p.s. more features to be added just wait :O rn it works exactly the same as the wc command. #arcade
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I finally finished the demo of my ultrakill inspired FPS, BLAST PIT, with tracks written by @JaydenWeng. It's not a huge demo, but as my first time ever writing a game in 3d, like a real one, especially in a 2d framework, I think I did okay. The lighting model is pretty bad as of right now, but I'm working to improve it. Also it's 100% written in lua and glsl so it's incredibly unperformant. Originally I was using Menori as the backend but it was SO SLOW like 20 fps on 300 tris slow so I switched to g3d, which helpfully had a generic fps controller baked in. So much thanks to the people over at g3d. I only have a windows version because it was throwing an error and I had to manually compile, and macOS and Linux are almost impossible by hand.
worked on a audio playing issue of our productivity cli ( Issue 1: Sound file not getting detected Fix: The first 2 screenshots, adding the static files path to necessary files Issue 2: Audio not getting played in Linux (specifically arch, working on windows) Fix: Still working on, using playsound (
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Made my own file explorer, it's compact, simple, and fully customizable, works on linux, windows, and mac as long as you have python, it has some standard file explorer features like a context menu, a directory navigator, a search bar, and more!
summer-of-making emoji
linux emoji
python emoji
#arcade Finally finished my AI calendar assistant! I designed it to be as open source and offline as possible. Currently, there are two main modes: google calendar and local. The local version can be run completely offline(stores your calendar in a local json file), but the gcal version needs internet to communicate with google(uses your primary calendar to read and make events). You can create and read calendar events just by talking! Only would recommend running on linux (more info on my readme)
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linux emoji
summer-of-making emoji
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Today, i finished a github repo summarizer + idea generator. it scans your github repos, summarizes them, then tell you how you can improve each one, and generates more project ideas based on similar skillsets. when is ran, it will generate summaries for each repo in summaries folder. the .env variables required are: APIKEY= github api key ORGANIZATION= github organization key PROJECT= github project key GITHUB_USERNAME= github username. Example result (also generates repo summaries in the summaries folder):
### Suggested Additions and Project Ideas

Based on the summaries of your repositories, here are some possible improvements and additional project ideas. These can leverage the similar skillsets you've employed in your current projects:

### Suggested Additions:

1. **AI Classification with OpenCV (AI-classification-opencv.txt):**
   - **Real-Time Object Detection**: Implement real-time object detection using webcam input.
   - **Performance Metrics**: Add more detailed performance metrics such as FPS, memory usage, etc.
   - **Model Customization**: Allow users to switch between different YOLO models or other architectures like SSD, Faster R-CNN.
   - **User Interface**: Develop a GUI for ease of use, allowing users to load videos, visualize output, and adjust parameters.

2. **Mouse Brightness Control (mousebrightness.txt):**
   - **Multiple Service Support**: Expand support beyond Spotify and Apple Music to other streaming services.
   - **Voice Commands**: Add voice command functionality for controlling the music services.
   - **Cross-Platform Compatibility**: Ensure the scripts run on multiple operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux).
   - **Mobile App Integration**: Create a mobile app to provide these controls from a smartphone.
3. **Screen Mirrorer (Screen-Mirrorer.txt):**
   - **Screen Mirroring**: Extend the functionality to actual screen mirroring rather than just input sharing.
   - **Security**: Implement encryption for socket communication to ensure security.
   - **Performance Optimization**: Optimize for low latency and high performance.
   - **Multiple Clients**: Allow multiple clients to connect and control the server screen.

4. **Sample Interaction (sample1.txt):**
   - **Extended Interactivity**: Add more interactive features such as dragging and resizing the boxes.
   - **Scoring Mechanism**: Add a scoring mechanism to gamify the interactions.
   - **Network Multiplayer**: Allow multiple users to interact with the system simultaneously over a network.

5. **Hack Club Shop Interface (hack-club.txt):**
   - **Enhanced GUI**: Improve the GUI aesthetics and usability.
   - **User Authentication**: Add user authentication to personalize the experience.
   - **Detailed Item Descriptions**: Fetch detailed descriptions and images for items from APIs.
   - **Tracking Progress**: Track user progress towards earning specific items.

6. **Tetris Game (final-game.txt):**
   - **Multiplayer Mode**: Implement a multiplayer mode for competitive games.
   - **Power-Ups**: Add power-ups and special blocks to add variety to the gameplay.
   - **Levels and Challenges**: Increase difficulty over time with different levels and challenges.

7. **Guessing Game (guessing-game.txt):**
   - **Leaderboard**: Create a leaderboard to track high scores.
   - **Different Modes**: Add different difficulty modes or timed challenges.
   - **User Profiles**: Allow users to create profiles and save their progress and high scores.

### Project Ideas Using Similar Skillsets:

1. **Personal Fitness Tracker:**
   - **Skillsets**: Web scraping, API interaction, data visualization.
   - **Features**: Track fitness goals, integrate with APIs from fitness devices, visualize progress with charts and graphs.

2. **Home Automation Dashboard:**
   - **Skillsets**: GUI development, IoT integration, real-time data processing.
   - **Features**: Control smart home devices, monitor statistics (temperature, energy usage), voice control features.

3. **Virtual Paint Application:**
   - **Skillsets**: GUI development, real-time processing, interaction design.
   - **Features**: Create digital art with various tools, layers, and effects; support for drawing tablets.

4. **Travel Planner App:**
   - **Skillsets**: Web scraping, API interaction, UI/UX design.
   - **Features**: Find and book flights, hotels, and activities; create itinerary and travel logs, real-time updates.

5. **Stock Market Analysis Tool:**
   - **Skillsets**: Data scraping, machine learning, visualization.
   - **Features**: Real-time stock price updates, predictive analytics, custom alerts, and notifications.

6. **Educational Platform:**
   - **Skillsets**: Web development, user interaction, data handling.
   - **Features**: Interactive lessons, quizzes, progress tracking, and custom curriculum creation.

7. **Mental Health Assistance App:**
   - **Skillsets**: API interaction, data handling, NLP (Natural Language Processing).
   - **Features**: Mood tracking, daily journal entries, AI-driven advice, resource recommendations.

8. **Weather Notification System:**
   - **Skillsets**: API interaction, real-time data processing, UI development.
   - **Features**: Fetch and display weather updates, push notifications for severe weather alerts, customizable dashboards.

Implementing these suggestions and branching out into new projects can help expand your portfolio, enhance your skills, and potentially provide useful tools and applications for various users.
I made a small bash based fetching system where it shows your system details, your computers model and your terminal palette colors to run: wget <> &&amp; sh (LINUX ONLY) Repo is
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Hi there! Finally have audio passthrough on lindroid, with socket server running on host and client in piperwire module on linux side to create sink and push data to android side. Its now fully working basic impl. I will likely work on impoving it, mainly allowing other configs then fl,fr, config change on fly, and main one implementing source AKA microphone passthrough. Here is vide and link to squashed cleaned-up commits.
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A simple CLI to connect to a random protonvpn config file, as the ProtonVPN linux app is really buggy
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first mvp of "universal" linux application streaming project, testing using supertuxkart but there are a lot of things not supported yet • encoding is laggy since it's not hardware accelerated, it's using vp8 on cpu rn which is why obs is dropping frames • it supports anything opengl + sdl2, not sure about sdl3, and some basic glx things • idk what happened to the frame pacing • the capture method is subject to change, esp since I want to support vulkan • I should prob also optimize encoding parameters later • oh yes this is rust debug mode, release mode makes it slightly faster • not much of a frontend purpose, might be obvious • todo: implement input (a lot easier)
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Day 3 of #15-days-in-public; Today I made a personal information detection bot for the great hcb scrub; I also started to try and setup Linux uploading for my app but failed because wwdc was happening and the developer portal was down; I also updated to iOS 18
This is a continuation post in #hack-hour for my bad ducky usb. I seem to have come into some error while working adjusting my code that is meant for the pico to the stm32. I will continue to work on this as this may take more time that adjusted for my schedule. I will contine to work on this on my next hack hour. I can't seem to screenshot as im working on an secure version of linux but heres a part of the work I'm currently working on "def parseLine(line): global defaultDelay if(line[0:3] == "REM"): # ignore ducky script comments pass elif(line[0:5] == "DELAY"): time.sleep(float(line[6:])/1000) elif(line[0:6] == "STRING"): sendString(line[7:]) elif(line[0:5] == "PRINT"): print("[SCRIPT]: " + line[6:]) elif(line[0:6] == "IMPORT"): runScript(line[7:])" Good luck to all other hackers
#hack-hour finished with linux had to rewatch some of the videos but network chuck is great at explaining 🤓
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:scratch: :shipitparrot: SCRATCH SHIP: SSH FOR SCRATCH!!!:scratch: :shipitparrot: The past week I've been working on getting SSH over WebSockets working to allow for building SSH apps with TurboWarp, a Scratch fork with custom extensions. It required me to write Go code compiled for WebAssembly to get a full client working, but it does work! Introducing, - building blocks for SSH apps in Scratch. It allows you to connect to any Linux server provided it has a WebSocket tunnel to SSH (see websocat/websockify) like Nest! You can execute commands, have full programming control flow with Scratch, and more! You can try this extension today at ,or by loading bundle.min.js in the package through a NPM CDN (like jsdelivr) from the "Custom Extensions" tile. Git: NPM:
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#10-days-in-public made it to day 4! My main pc broke but my think pad with 9 missing keys is going strong! Installed Linux on it and getting ready for web development :10daysinpublic:
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Day 3 of #10-days-in-public Installed arch on my PC for Linux+, now it doesn’t work! Currently trying to fix it and then I’ll start the course :10daysinpublic:
Day 2 of #10-days-in-public! today i added a leaderboard for #10-days-in-public to my website which you can find here: I also got 2 new Dell poweredge r210 ii servers and 6 older supermicro servers! I will probably set them up later today. Also used GitButler quite a bit to manage my website repo and it was a joy to use!
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React is going to be easy. Very excited! tags: js, react, linux, firefox, website, designing, programming and coding
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My OS running on real hardware. Now it has a functional PS/2 keyboard driver and a very basic (unfinished) shell.
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Camera operating for SeaGL (Seattle GNU Linux Conference)
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Updated the attend page for SeaGL (Linux conference) (updated page not yet live) #100-days #100-picasso
a normal linux distro