I updated my website to have my new CSS animations, and made those changes public for peer review. I also fixed an unanimated link in one of the articles (because the text was too long) and removed the search icon (it's because I'm using a documentation builder), added a spellcheck plugin, and added a note for JS
Submitted my riceathon submission and worked a bit on my website (and also submitted our Counterspell game to the global submission!!)
Worked a lot more on riceathon (I think I'm about to submit)
Got started with riceathon (I'm using Kubuntu since Ubuntu was being annoying and Linux desktop environment wise is a lot closer to the Steam Deck which I might rice later)
Today I started learning how to program with the Blot editor.
Updated the README.md for the game we made at Counterspell. Now it actually tells you the game, how to play it, and who made it!