

0-day streak
Working on an academic progress tracker in Grafana! It will (hopefully) eventually log my grades and show me how they change over time using a graph
got to play around with this thing yesterday. I'm putting Debian on it soon
Got a 3D JS library (threlte) to work and render something after 5 hours of not cooperating. This will be part of what will probably be one of the best websites I've ever made! (future ship)
Tried out rpi-connect!
raspberry-pi-logo emoji
This PCB will be somewhat expensive
Day 7 of #10-days-in-public: Took some more photos today to improve my ML model. Apparently it still mixes up a few items sometimes so more data will help. Also looked into public ML model datasources. Coming up tomorrow is a fun adventure!
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Day 6 of #10-days-in-public: Relearned some python and did some exercises… this will help me later when I integrate ML model with external inputs with python
python emoji
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Day 5 of #10-days-in-public: Not much today, just did a bit of CAD and laid out some revised parts so they'll be ready for laser cutting. This will eventually be a camera/display mount!
Day 4 of #10-days-in-public: Exported my ML model to a python script today! Had to install a few libraries and fix some bugs in the example code I used, but it actually worked pretty well! Soon I'll be able to make it automatically identify objects from a live Camera feed!
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wom emoji
Day 3 of #10-days-in-public: Fixed my previously defunct ML model by re-labeling my data to help my project classify trash types. Earlier it thought my ear was a chip bag and a wall was a soda can lol
Day 2 of #10-days-in-public: did some testing with public ml datasets today! They kind of actually work better than my own data lol but they're mostly image classification and not object detection (which is what I want). Also did some more research on why my own data didn't import properly into the ML training app, but didn't really get anywhere.
Day 1 of #10-days-in-public: Messed with machine learning and object labeling, still need to find a way to fix some of the issues that popped up
ah yes, more machine learning. Can't wait for #10-days-in-public to start tomorrow!
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yay emoji
One mysterious red box…
tw_red_circle emoji
Some photos from recent times, including a "Dino Mart". Also last #100-days & #100-gord!!!
Found an interesting book today (published 1984)
Made a few minor but well past due updates to my solar website. Also upgraded some of the hardware so I can view the battery and solar panel stats on my phone! (not pictured)
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hardware emoji
Too worried to open my email
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Watched an interesting video with interesting captions
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Was gone here for the past week! #100-gord
Did a speech here today #100-days #100-gord
Just another day with the laser cutter
monkey-laser emoji
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Worked on a fun project! (Coming 2024)
Truly a #100-days moment
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eggsdee emoji
Fine Arts Extravaganza @ my school #100-days #100-gord
Here's a preview of a presentation I'm working on in Keynote - featuring embedded USDZ 3D models and magic move animations! #100-days #100-gord
eyes_shaking emoji
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Booted up a new Raspberry Pi today! It took me 5 minutes to figure out how to remove the power cable after I was done…
sprig-dino emoji
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Laser cutting today! #100-days #100-gord
sprig-dino emoji
Working on a scavenger hunt - will be released "soon"!
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ubuntu emoji
Quick video on how my macropad works so far - right now makes navigating Slack easier. First 2 buttons let you go back and forth, the 3rd button lets you edit your most recent message in the channel, and the 4th lets you quickly skip through your unreads.
Quick video on how my macropad works so far - right now makes navigating Slack easier. First 2 buttons let you go back and forth, the 3rd button lets you edit your most recent message in the channel, and the 4th lets you quickly skip through your unreads.
Quick video on how my macropad works so far - right now makes navigating Slack easier. First 2 buttons let you go back and forth, the 3rd button lets you edit your most recent message in the channel, and the 4th lets you quickly skip through your unreads.
Went up in this thing today
got this stair rider working today for fun
rogue__staircase emoji
New milestone! My solar powered server (in my backyard) hit 120°F today! Yay……
Made this today at a science museum
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Today I got a drink from this café. Not too many employees around to see…
I worked on my macropad today! I added custom slack macros to allow you to do things in slack with the press of a button, such as editing messages and viewing unreads!
summer-of-making emoji
slack emoji
Today, I (accidentally) made a virus. First, I finally got my macropad soldered for #onboard, yay! Then, I decided to test it out using some hastily written code that was partially copied from the internet. (Foreshadowing: Nothing I try ever works the first time.) When I tried it on my computer, it started inputing a bunch of random characters and did really weird stuff, like opening the shut down dialog and running a bunch of keyboard shortcuts, even when I wasn't pressing down on any of the keys. Guess I'll be debugging code tomorrow!
summer-of-making emoji
yay emoji
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Yay my third round of PCBs came! Time to solder my mini macropad together! (Thanks to OSH Park for the beautiful after-dark PCBs!)
hardware emoji
To reduce spam :trashcanparty:, fake scrappy now sends messages in your DMs instead of in threads. For those who haven't heard about fake scrappy before, just react with :noscrappy: :noscrappy: to any #scrapbook post when @scrappy-U015D6A36AG isn't working.
scrappy-retry emoji
To reduce spam :trashcanparty:, fake scrappy now sends messages in your DMs instead of in threads. For those who haven't heard about fake scrappy before, just react with :noscrappy: :noscrappy: to any #scrapbook post when @scrappy-U015D6A36AG isn't working.
trashcanparty emoji
noscrappy emoji
scrappy emoji
This message contains interactive elements.
melting_face emoji
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peefest emoji
This message contains interactive elements.
summer-of-making emoji
Just added fake scrappy to #scrapbook. If @scrappy-U015D6A36AG ever stops working, react to your post with :noscrappy: :noscrappy: , and fake scrappy will be on the rescue!
noscrappy emoji
scrappy emoji
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Today I worked on building the WORST website I have ever made! I have project for history class where I have to come up with a guide on how one would host a party in the 90s, so of course putting the guide on a badly designed site will be perfect! Some features include great fonts such as Times New Roman and Comic Sans MS, usage of 100% modern HTML elements such as <marquee> , vivid color schemes, and flashy animations!
summer-of-making emoji
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90s-new emoji
Onboard PCB macropad tutorial (maybe with an OLED display) coming soon!
When life gives you wood, you make a model of a Daguerreotype camera using a laser cutter for history class.
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Demo of partially functional PCB business card!
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Hooray! Today my server's CPU temp went over 110°F! (don't worry, it's rated to withstand up to 185°F/85°C)
Hooray! Today my server's CPU temp went over 110°F! (don't worry, it's rated to withstand up to 185°F/85°C)
Finally got my PCB (not assembled)! They feel very smooth and look very crisp! Thanks to Maggie, Kevin, and HC Bank for their help!
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Sometimes it is hard to connect a fan to a motherboard and figure out how to control the fan speed. Other times the fan isn't good enough, especially if your electronics are outside. So today I came up with a (primitive) solution to outdoor electronics cooling during the summer: :ice-cube:
Today I am working on designing a birdhouse that I have to make for my technology class. Here is the bird that I am designing the birdhouse for:
Today I went to the state science fair and I was interviewed all day. A list of who won awards will be released in less than an hour!
Today, I looked into buying some computer fans for my outdoor solar-powered server project. Most of the electronics can withstand 120ºF temps, but the summers can get quite hot where I live, so having a fan would be a good idea just to be safe.
fan emoji
My first scrapbook post! Recently, I made a solar powered website and I'm actually taking that project to my state's science & engineering fair. I finally finished submitting all of the paperwork, forms, slideshows, images, and my lab report (that was a lot of work lol). The in-person fair is in two weeks, I'll be back after then with a lot more updates on how it went!