@EddieBian0:hyper-dino-wave: my first unity game!! called pong fusion@EddieBian0the good-ish copy of ragnohacks is on ragnohacks.ca!!
btw credits to renran and vivian for the designs + dino :ragna:
+ credits to sam and adam for also working on the website coding-part :D
@LinuxDino0Portfolio project (Part 1): I created my first-ever portfolio using raw HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (No frameworks, just pure 2000s-style web designing). The concept around this portfolio is my character of the dinosaur, mainly themed around the Jurrasic time environment. I managed to complete the pre-home page which is a dino game, and the home page as well. I am taking a break from this for a while since I don't really have the motivation to finish this right now, it's been over a week since I edited this as I am on vacation as well. I have fallen as victim to the hands of laziness and relaxation. Anyways, GitHub repo: github.com/LinuxDinoGitHub/Portfolio24 Some screenshots and demos are attached.
@ArnnavKudale0For #arcade and #sprig I created a dino game! I also added an invincibility powerup!
@RyanFarnell-U04KNK837S40I finished writing the chrome dino game to work on an arduino (or other supported dev board, i used a pi pico) with an ili9341 display!
@AkshatKhurana0I made my own game for Sprig called 'Sprig Dash' and it combines the looks of geometry dash (the player and the triangle obstacles) as well as the game play of the chrome dino game. Heres the link to the repository: github.com/akshatk-khurana/Sprig-Game
@LinuxDino0I made a sprig game (not the one for submission) just for me to understand the syntax and ways of sprig. It is in fact the iconic chrome dino run game but the quality is so bad since I had to debug for a very long time. Demo video attached. Github repo: github.com/LinuxDinoGitHub/DinoJumpSprig
@LinuxDino0I developed my existing foundational level (basically only cout and cin) C++ knowledge by building a console-based Chrome dino run game. The best thing about this game is that no browser is required and it runs on your local terminal. Even though the browser version might be more fun, the main purpose of this project was for me to better grasp the syntax and techniques in C++ such as memory allocation (took me 2 hours to debug). Github repo: github.com/LinuxDinoGitHub/ConsoleDino Demo video attached ("no no its not a bug its a feature, a very hard obstacle that trains your reflexes"):
This repository contains a Gradio interface for the StableDiff model and the DINO model. In one of the tabs, the user can input a text explaining what he wants to see, and he will get the image generated by the StableDiff model as an output.
In the other tab, the user can input an image and some text explaining what he wants to identify in the image, and he will get the image with the identified object highlighted as an output.
Repo link: github.com/Neetre/gradio_stablediff_DINO.git
@LinuxDino0I created a chrome dino inspired game in Unity with C# in 2 days (mainly exploring the program). The dinosaur in the game is my avatar and icon, which I thought was really cool. I've learnt a lot of techniques in Unity from this project, glad I did it 🙂
Github repo: github.com/LinuxDinoGitHub/LinuxDinoJump
@EddieBian0:hyper-dino-wave: i just finished my first IOS app for Cider! The app is called "Hooked" and it is a bobber-detection app that notifies you when your fishing bobber is not detected (when a fish pulls it underwater).