

1-day streak
summer-of-making emoji
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cooll-dino emoji
3d-printer emoji
for #arcade, I finished up upgrading my nozzle from a brass to hardened steel. I also got a new GDStime 3010 fan which is 2x more powerful and will stop heatcreep\
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ooh yeah #arcade and i also got strain relief using a PG7 relief thing and installed it onto it (it works so well, my wires are never dying of stress again)
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for #arcade, i redesigned and printed out my XY joints which were bulky and not at all sturdy. after this redesign i installed them and am getting much higher Y accelerations and soon™️ x accelerations aswell once i tighten all my screws
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for #blot-3d and #arcade, i started working on a custom 3d prrinter pcb, this pcb has 5 mosfets, 3 thermistor ports, 4 tmc 2209s (soon™️ buzzer and screen and 24v down to 5v/3.3v)
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for #arcade, i just finished up a redesign of my XY joints for my printer and have light weighted them. next steps are to make them more optimized ig? and CNCable
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just made a cardboard enclosure for my printer last night, it works surprisingly well and is able to reach 60c without any active heating (only bed which is passive)
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#hack-hour Just finished up my CANbus toolboard setup! Only 6 wires heading back to the mobo compared to 20! (Yeah ik, the back is messy, I'll fix it tonight)
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goose-honk-technologist emoji
yay emoji
working on some landing feet things for my 1kg tricopter, tpu clearly takes the win here after some quite hard landings on asphalt