appleinc emoji

Posts tagged with :appleinc:

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summer-of-making emoji
appleinc emoji
summer-of-making emoji
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Scaffold update!!! It supports websites now! I also improved the delete feature of long pressing on a card to bring up a context menu which allows you to open website 🔗s as well as delete the image or close the menu; Scaffold can also grab urls from your clipboard now if you give it permission to paste! (Super privacy respecting here, it only can access your clipboard if you click allow on the iOS dialog and it asks every single time) I attached a TestFlight link if you want to try it out! You will need a Gemini api key for the tagging feature but that’s pretty simple to create
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Here’s what I’ve done for Lexify! • Settings Page ◦ Improved to include more features + delete account btn • Dictionary Page ◦ Added text to speech, variable word speed • Overall ◦ Added then removed gestures cause they’re annoying ◦ Added interactive btns ◦ Added apple and google auth + backend profile creation only when necessary
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This project showcases a minimalist HTML calculator designed with Apple's clean aesthetic in mind. It features essential arithmetic operations, responsive design for seamless usability across devices, and serves as a practical demonstration of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript integration for creating functional web applications. Commit:
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I transformed all of my figma code into swiftUI for my upcoming app booklove. - new books new friends Booklove will allow you to discover new books, find people who read similar books and create book lists. Because this took a hell lot of time and I didn’t want to bump into the 25h, for now there is no server functionality so you can only play with the design, different views all that. I sadly don’t have an apple license (yet), so you’ll have to clone the project onto your machine and run it through xcode Note: for some technical reasons, I cant submit all sessions, as not all of them are shown in the selector, so I’m submitting this in two steps (spoke with manitej)
I transformed all of my figma code into swiftUI for my upcoming app booklove. - new books new friends Booklove will allow you to discover new books, find people who read similar books and create book lists. Because this took a hell lot of time and I didn’t want to bump into the 25h, for now there is no server functionality so you can only play with the design, different views all that. I sadly don’t have an apple license (yet), so you’ll have to clone the project onto your machine and run it through xcode
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Apple will replace your battery for free if it's 79% health or lower, and if you have Applecare Therefore I made a program to wear your battery for you, and contribute to cancer research in the process. Apple gets your applecare coverage money, you get a sweet new battery, and the scientific community benefits. Here's the end product: We can also see how tricklecharging works in this graph I made. The rate of charging slows significantly after 50%
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Version 0.0.2 of my iOS app that tracks NYC buses is now out! It includes a minor visual rework and capability to automatically suggest nearby stops.
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I also made some apple shortcuts if anyone wants to use them (ik i can export them but it has my email attached to it if I do) one of them I had to hide my api key and another the api just want working
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Update/completed iteration #GMM0VHBBM| of my Patient Assistance webapp. I have added PWA support (meaning it can be "installed" and added to the home screen on mobile devices!) which is what my user has requested, and it also removes the browser UI, so more space for my app! This version also has brand new ⭐ reconnect ⭐ support so that the patient that requires assistance can put their device to sleep/turn off the display on mobile, upon reloading the device, it reconnects to all assister devices, which is neat! I also made sure all buttons work and fixed the WebKit weird rendering behaviour on Apple devices. GitHub: View Page:
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Today I got a barebones version of my weather report machine working! It uses Apple WeatherKit in a Python script to pull, format, and print the weather data. In the long run, I want to make it look nicer and hook it up to a Raspberry Pi (think push button, get weather). Code is on sourcehut, as usual:
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Okay this might be a dumb render I did. Put it was so silly I wanted to do it, very short project but silly. I wanted to try and emulate the simple apple branding and I think I did alright. Everything modeled and textured by me in blender.
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Here’s some more of what I’ve done for nutrivision • improved onboarding (style and logic, ex. you can’t progress w/o filling in info) • Make points on weekly graph actually accurate • Implement apple log in (after SO MUCH TIME) • Add delete account functionality • Remodel home page to look much better
Made a calculator that look the apple caluator app image. I should really learn how to use somthing else like streamlit rather tkinker it really is a mess
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For personal enjoyment and arcade tickets, I have created an iOS app using 100% Rust that allows drawing on my iPad with my Apple Pencil, my iPhone, my mac using mouse and Mac Catalyst Projects / improvements to other peoples stuff: • A rust crate for building Rust with XCode: • PR for implementing Apple pencil double tap (i'm already using my own version myself): • A whole bunch of smaller PRs that were minor improvements
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major update on the app that we are building, trying to improve occlusion and the Ui that is being made, should see how it goes, the meta is going good, but need some help in developing for the visionOS, if anyone knows a developer who works on Apple Vision Pro please let me know
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Today, i finished a github repo summarizer + idea generator. it scans your github repos, summarizes them, then tell you how you can improve each one, and generates more project ideas based on similar skillsets. when is ran, it will generate summaries for each repo in summaries folder. the .env variables required are: APIKEY= github api key ORGANIZATION= github organization key PROJECT= github project key GITHUB_USERNAME= github username. Example result (also generates repo summaries in the summaries folder):
### Suggested Additions and Project Ideas

Based on the summaries of your repositories, here are some possible improvements and additional project ideas. These can leverage the similar skillsets you've employed in your current projects:

### Suggested Additions:

1. **AI Classification with OpenCV (AI-classification-opencv.txt):**
   - **Real-Time Object Detection**: Implement real-time object detection using webcam input.
   - **Performance Metrics**: Add more detailed performance metrics such as FPS, memory usage, etc.
   - **Model Customization**: Allow users to switch between different YOLO models or other architectures like SSD, Faster R-CNN.
   - **User Interface**: Develop a GUI for ease of use, allowing users to load videos, visualize output, and adjust parameters.

2. **Mouse Brightness Control (mousebrightness.txt):**
   - **Multiple Service Support**: Expand support beyond Spotify and Apple Music to other streaming services.
   - **Voice Commands**: Add voice command functionality for controlling the music services.
   - **Cross-Platform Compatibility**: Ensure the scripts run on multiple operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux).
   - **Mobile App Integration**: Create a mobile app to provide these controls from a smartphone.
3. **Screen Mirrorer (Screen-Mirrorer.txt):**
   - **Screen Mirroring**: Extend the functionality to actual screen mirroring rather than just input sharing.
   - **Security**: Implement encryption for socket communication to ensure security.
   - **Performance Optimization**: Optimize for low latency and high performance.
   - **Multiple Clients**: Allow multiple clients to connect and control the server screen.

4. **Sample Interaction (sample1.txt):**
   - **Extended Interactivity**: Add more interactive features such as dragging and resizing the boxes.
   - **Scoring Mechanism**: Add a scoring mechanism to gamify the interactions.
   - **Network Multiplayer**: Allow multiple users to interact with the system simultaneously over a network.

5. **Hack Club Shop Interface (hack-club.txt):**
   - **Enhanced GUI**: Improve the GUI aesthetics and usability.
   - **User Authentication**: Add user authentication to personalize the experience.
   - **Detailed Item Descriptions**: Fetch detailed descriptions and images for items from APIs.
   - **Tracking Progress**: Track user progress towards earning specific items.

6. **Tetris Game (final-game.txt):**
   - **Multiplayer Mode**: Implement a multiplayer mode for competitive games.
   - **Power-Ups**: Add power-ups and special blocks to add variety to the gameplay.
   - **Levels and Challenges**: Increase difficulty over time with different levels and challenges.

7. **Guessing Game (guessing-game.txt):**
   - **Leaderboard**: Create a leaderboard to track high scores.
   - **Different Modes**: Add different difficulty modes or timed challenges.
   - **User Profiles**: Allow users to create profiles and save their progress and high scores.

### Project Ideas Using Similar Skillsets:

1. **Personal Fitness Tracker:**
   - **Skillsets**: Web scraping, API interaction, data visualization.
   - **Features**: Track fitness goals, integrate with APIs from fitness devices, visualize progress with charts and graphs.

2. **Home Automation Dashboard:**
   - **Skillsets**: GUI development, IoT integration, real-time data processing.
   - **Features**: Control smart home devices, monitor statistics (temperature, energy usage), voice control features.

3. **Virtual Paint Application:**
   - **Skillsets**: GUI development, real-time processing, interaction design.
   - **Features**: Create digital art with various tools, layers, and effects; support for drawing tablets.

4. **Travel Planner App:**
   - **Skillsets**: Web scraping, API interaction, UI/UX design.
   - **Features**: Find and book flights, hotels, and activities; create itinerary and travel logs, real-time updates.

5. **Stock Market Analysis Tool:**
   - **Skillsets**: Data scraping, machine learning, visualization.
   - **Features**: Real-time stock price updates, predictive analytics, custom alerts, and notifications.

6. **Educational Platform:**
   - **Skillsets**: Web development, user interaction, data handling.
   - **Features**: Interactive lessons, quizzes, progress tracking, and custom curriculum creation.

7. **Mental Health Assistance App:**
   - **Skillsets**: API interaction, data handling, NLP (Natural Language Processing).
   - **Features**: Mood tracking, daily journal entries, AI-driven advice, resource recommendations.

8. **Weather Notification System:**
   - **Skillsets**: API interaction, real-time data processing, UI development.
   - **Features**: Fetch and display weather updates, push notifications for severe weather alerts, customizable dashboards.

Implementing these suggestions and branching out into new projects can help expand your portfolio, enhance your skills, and potentially provide useful tools and applications for various users.
My friend and I just finished the UI “refresh” for most of the pages on our app, StudyBits. This update not only looks a lot better, it allows you to customize your own channel. You can download and test our app on Testflight by using the link: Hopefully our build gets approved for public testing, it hasn’t yet, but it takes a couple hours. If it doesn’t DM me your email so I can add you to the testing group.
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It's been a journey to get from an app that works pretty well on Android to an app that Apple will approve for testflight, but thanks to the help of many people like Fayd, TheScientist/Urjith, Shreyans, Luke, and everyone else in #cider who helped me to figure out apple dev, my #cider app (Back on Track America) is finally on Testflight!! ( There's still quite a few quirks (react native is awesome but it's not without some goofy things), but I'll be working to fix them leading up to the app's official release on the app store after I get the license. All testing and feedback appreciated!
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For the first day of arcade i made a NFC Toolkit app to help me flash NFC tags for automatisation easier. Pushed it to TestFlight but waiting for apple review to make it available for everyone (inside tf) App has basic UI with showing of Last written and last scanned url. Also has autofill of url from QR code and clipboard
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ship day for #15-days-in-public! Today i'm releasing my app publicly with an invite link! You can add images to the app and it will sort them and automaticaly tag them and give them titles with google gemini; if you need help getting a gemini key plz dm me also if you want to try the cloud features then also dm me and i'll give you a token you enter in the app to use the cloud search vector db feature; if you notice any issue plz again dm me or post about it in #the-wild-ramblings-of-kieran and i'll be sure to get to it!
day 6 of #15-days-in-public; (i missed day 5 😭) today i scrubbed 300 issues from the #hcb gh repo and also successfully got my app building with github actions! if you want to try it you can here:
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Day 4 of #15-days-in-public; today i got my app up on test flight and am now waiting for it to be reviewed by apple; i'm also starting a schematic for an led matrix for my hackathon
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I found my dad's old iPod 4th gen. The hard drive died and you can’t use an iPod with Apple Music so I am going to put an ESP32 in it. It turns out the click wheel works pretty well diy projects with the use of an FPC breakout board. My plan is to find an LCD that fits in the frame window, and an ESP board with a battery charger circuit build in. I am taking heavy inspiration from this project:
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My #cider app doesnt really use some of the fancy new IOS and Macos stuff so for fun im trying to make it on the OLD ios and mac os (ios/macos15 and beyond) so as many ppl as possible can use it on any apple device
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Proof Hack Hour Channel works - Boosted my productivity for make a pallete for my app for #cider
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Check out my logo for my #cider app : Nila ; Making it through Apple Playgrounds and Maybe Xcode, heres a hint for now (Nila means moon in tamil)
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omw to shipping my GitHub contributions widget for Apple Watch rings - now on TestFlight!
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forgot to post this yesterday, but am reviving an old project for #cider & #hack-hour arcade! it's a github contribution-like tracker widget for apple watch rings ⌚ was able to dive back into the project yesterday and set up activity averages for the past X amount of days through healthkit 🙂
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I spent like 3 hours re-learning Swift and swiftui today and I've realized that the hate I've been giving Xcode all these years has been undeserved. i fucking love it now. here are screenshots of my progress building the sample app from the apple developer website.
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Attended KWK Code-A-Bration and met some really cool Apple engineers and people! 💖
GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE! MERRY SUNDAY!! let me tell a bit of a story. it was yesterday afternoon, and @zoyashussain reminded me that the swift student challenge submission date was tomorrow (thank you zoya!!!!) so, i scrambled to make an app! enter MOL!! mol is a mini app on your iphone and apple watch that lets you view the elements of the periodic table and all of their properties! 🧪 :table: 🧑‍💻 mol ios: 📱 mol watchos (my favourite mol): ⌚ (i'll combine the repos at some point) it's not on the app store (yet!), since i don't have an apple developer account. but do clone the repos and run them on your devices if you wanna give it a whirl! pls enjoy! thank you for reading!!! 💖 (p.s, i don't understand chemistry, so none of this made sense to me either :P)