More updates to blog! (most notably, a bucket list and more blog posts)
I've been doing testing and learning to solder (sob) and how the components work, as well as making a design & general plan & gathering components for a fun idea for a Halloween costume (yeah, I know I'm preparing like 2 months in advance). The general idea is: I modify this EEG headset (done already, but it broke so I'll have to redo it) to send my brain signals to a a microcontroller (I'm going to replace the arduino uno with an esp32) through Bluetooth. Then the microcontroller controls a pair of servos that are hooked up to cardboard & feathers to make "wings", and thus my brain waves can control the "wings" opening and closing!
I’ve completed my first diagram/plan for a prototype for my fan-powered attachment to make any bike an electric bike
added a reading list and first real blog post to my blog. jekyll sure makes things easier with md files...
Urgh I don’t really like how this turned out but whatever, it’s good to share the fails along with the successes. Not all art pieces will turn out good
Painted an apple
"Inside" - Colored pencil art piece of the inside of a building. I restarted halfway through the piece (the original piece is draft1, and the new (final) piece is draft2). Each picture is taken approximately 1 hour apart. You can read my reflection in reflection.jpg, and see the final piece in inside.png.
Made some shirts for my brother. He wanted arceus on a shirt but we couldn’t find any, so I made two for him. He helped in making the backgrounds :)
I used oil paint on two white tshirts which was pretty difficult, both because I wasn’t using the correct medium and because cloth absorbs paint quickly and is hard to work with.
kirby art (the idea is you can have him holding a sign saying anything you want)
rewrote my personal website to use jekyll for the blog 😄
its my first time using jekyll but its a lot easier to use than the CMS I was using before!
I've always wanted to try fine-tuning a chatbot to sound like me, and I finally got around to doing it :)
I fine-tuned LLaMA on my discord texts so I could talk to myself :)
Scripts for fine-tuning:
made a 3d website with threejs for hackaccino. pretty fun and you can play around with it here:
click the button and try to find where all the points go. you can look around!
code: this again since I forgot a readme last time. For Hacknight (a hackathon a few weeks ago) my group won with SideQuest, a Google Extension (which you can download here!:
I made a nerd version of it with more minigames that are like "do this math problem" and less like "here's a fun captcha!".
I won't be publishing this version to the web store (since I don't think most people would prefer doing math problems over fun captchas) but I've created a branch for it on the GitHub (accessible here: and it's surprisingly easy to get an unpublished version of a Google Extension up and running on your computer!
Here are the steps:
1. Download the directory with all the code
2. Inside you'll find a folder called "extension". Zip that folder.
3. Go to chrome://extensions and turn on developer mode (on the top right)
4. On the top left click "Load unpacked" and drop in your zipped folder
5. You'll see your new extension pop up! Make sure it's activated, you can pin it, and you're done! Have fun playing around with it :D
For Hacknight (a hackathon a few weeks ago) my group won with SideQuest, a Google Extension (which you can download here!:
I made a nerd version of it with more minigames that are like "do this math problem" and less like "here's a fun captcha!".
I won't be publishing this version to the web store (since I don't think most people would prefer doing math problems over fun captchas) but I've created a branch for it on the GitHub (accessible here: and it's surprisingly easy to get an unpublished version of a Google Extension up and running on your computer!
Here are the steps:
1. Download the directory with all the code
2. Inside you'll find a folder called "extension". Zip that folder.
3. Go to chrome://extensions and turn on developer mode (on the top right)
4. On the top left click "Load unpacked" and drop in your zipped folder
5. You'll see your new extension pop up! Make sure it's activated, you can pin it, and you're done! Have fun playing around with it :D