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Posts tagged with :swift:

Restarted work on my swift playgrounds recreation of my app that is on the App Store. I made it so that the charts were in their own files, and also made it so that the graphs will show the donut chart when there is only one assessment done. Once I think I am satisfied about the amount of updates I’ve made, i will put my code back into the Xcode project and someone will help me publish it as an update to App Store Connect. The original app can be found at app.swiftinsg.org/Academ and the repo with the playground is at github.com/JHIT-Tripping/Academ-V2-as-playground
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This is an iOS app I have been developing for a few days using Swift and UIkit, I wanted to make it easier for high schoolers to find volunteer opportunities near them and get the info they need. this is just version 1 and I hope to add many more features soon. For the backend, I am using firebase since its easy, but if anyone here knows alternatives I could use please lmk. github.com/arp2019-Dev/VolunteerOps/tree/16526ba740be685d01f268420f9fa3cf39178a8e
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I transformed all of my figma code into swiftUI for my upcoming app booklove. - new books new friends Booklove will allow you to discover new books, find people who read similar books and create book lists. Because this took a hell lot of time and I didn’t want to bump into the 25h, for now there is no server functionality so you can only play with the design, different views all that. I sadly don’t have an apple license (yet), so you’ll have to clone the project onto your machine and run it through xcode github.com/MoPaMo/booklove Note: for some technical reasons, I cant submit all sessions, as not all of them are shown in the selector, so I’m submitting this in two steps (spoke with manitej)
I transformed all of my figma code into swiftUI for my upcoming app booklove. - new books new friends Booklove will allow you to discover new books, find people who read similar books and create book lists. Because this took a hell lot of time and I didn’t want to bump into the 25h, for now there is no server functionality so you can only play with the design, different views all that. I sadly don’t have an apple license (yet), so you’ll have to clone the project onto your machine and run it through xcode github.com/MoPaMo/booklove
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:swift: Swift / Vapor sucks! trying to use jwt and absolutely failing, but making good progress on my backdrop build v5 project!
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I made an iOS app that has news from NYT, The Guardian, News API's sports, and accesses my school schedule. It was my first Swift Project and I think I learnt a lot. github.com/ayaangrover/ios-app
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Finished my weather app in swift!
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made an absolute joke app in swift for selling drugs. i think i filled it up with at least 15 disclaimers, with one at the start itself
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For personal enjoyment and arcade tickets, I have created an iOS app using 100% Rust that allows drawing on my iPad with my Apple Pencil, my iPhone, my mac using mouse and Mac Catalyst Projects / improvements to other peoples stuff: • A rust crate for building Rust with XCode: crates.io/crates/cargo-xcode-build-rs • PR for implementing Apple pencil double tap (i'm already using my own version myself): github.com/rust-windowing/winit/pull/3768 • A whole bunch of smaller PRs that were minor improvements
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Hi! Just finished my first ever Xcode project, AstroTask for #cider and tracked my hours with #arcade. The app combines a Pomodoro and break timer, and a to-do list to help you focus, manage tasks efficiently, and stay organized. Perfect for minimizing distractions and maximizing productivity! Here's the GitHub if you want to check out the code: github.com/tinkeraudrey/AstroTask
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Between most of yesterday and today, I revived an old project of mine from back when I took Harvard's CS50 (that course is legendary btw). I had a great idea about making a booking.com for horse-riding lessons. Around my area in Mmadrid, there are several places I used to go to for this and their systems were crapppy to say the least. Anyway, I turned this project in as a half-baked thing, where only the reservation UI really worked well, and kept the code in my Google Drive (had no idea what git even was lol) I am now working on it more, I uploaded the files to GitHub (jkjmjkjm/horsrancher) and want to finish it up and turn it into a functioning platform. If I have time, I'll even try my hand at Swift and make an iOS companion for it! Here are some screenshots in the meantime. Proud of the work so far!
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#arcade I sanded and primed the 3d enclosure for the ANdroid Tv and Finised the project, Successfully converting my old Tv into a smart tv to enjoy OTT contents, Then I Worked on some A-Frame Based Vr Website, I made a Virtual Art gallery to dsiplay famous paintings. Then I worked on the IOS app development using the playgrounds app. I also worked on my personal website updating some details and removing unwanted images Ps. I am unable to add the code to github of the ios application as it is in the PLaygrounds app. But I can upload the entire app as a swift package once it is completed Here’s the link for the VR Art gallery: sanjus-robotic-studio.github.io/VR-website Website Link: https://sanjus-robotic-studio.github.io/
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day 2 of #15-days-in-public installing Macos as a virtual machine on my windows laptop to use Xcode and Swift also reading thru the swift docs
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Day 3 of #15-days-in-public: Installed Xcode 16 for the new macOS Sequoia, and then it had to install the iOS 18 sim (which hasn't even finished so idk if my code works or not). Moving on from my failures yesterday with the schedule, I started work on a login screen, and I'm going to work on proper authentication tmrw (with hashing and salting etc).
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Day 2 of #15-days-in-public: Everything sucks. Basically everything I saw on YouTube used storyboards, but I don't really know how to use that with SwiftUI, which is what the rest of my app uses right now. My lack of knowledge is really limiting me here. I may just start fresh tomorrow. Also, the scope of my project might be a little too big to handle right now. I think I'll just focus on making it into a #hacknight app for now and expand in the future.
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Today was my birthday! I started easel for #building-programming-languages today, but I don't have much to show for right now. Day 1 of #15-days-in-public: I started my #cider project. I downloaded and familiarized myself with Xcode and Swift. Who knew Swift is actually pretty cool? I made myself a menu bar that goes to different pages. I also drew out on paper my visions for the app.
Proof Hack Hour Channel works - Boosted my productivity for make a pallete for my app for #cider
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Check out my logo for my #cider app : Nila ; Making it through Apple Playgrounds and Maybe Xcode, heres a hint for now (Nila means moon in tamil)
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I spent like 3 hours re-learning Swift and swiftui today and I've realized that the hate I've been giving Xcode all these years has been undeserved. i fucking love it now. here are screenshots of my progress building the sample app from the apple developer website.
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GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE! MERRY SUNDAY!! let me tell a bit of a story. it was yesterday afternoon, and @zoyashussain reminded me that the swift student challenge submission date was tomorrow (thank you zoya!!!!) so, i scrambled to make an app! enter MOL!! mol is a mini app on your iphone and apple watch that lets you view the elements of the periodic table and all of their properties! 🧪 :table: 🧑‍💻 mol ios: github.com/tobyab/ssc24 📱 mol watchos (my favourite mol): github.com/tobyab/mol ⌚ (i'll combine the repos at some point) it's not on the app store (yet!), since i don't have an apple developer account. but do clone the repos and run them on your devices if you wanna give it a whirl! pls enjoy! thank you for reading!!! 💖 (p.s, i don't understand chemistry, so none of this made sense to me either :P)
GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE! MERRY SUNDAY!! let me tell a bit of a story. it was yesterday afternoon, and @zoyashussain reminded me that the swift student challenge submission date was tomorrow (thank you zoya!!!!) so, i scrambled to make an app! enter MOL!! mol is a mini app on your iphone and apple watch that lets you view the elements of the periodic table and all of their properties! 🧪 :table: 🧑‍💻 mol ios: github.com/tobyab/ssc24 📱 mol watchos (my favourite mol): github.com/tobyab/mol ⌚ (i'll combine the repos at some point) it's not on the app store (yet!), since i don't have an apple developer account. but do clone the repos and run them on your devices if you wanna give it a whirl! pls enjoy! thank you for reading!!! 💖 (p.s, i don't understand chemistry, so none of this made sense to me either :P)
day 9 of #10-days-in-public!! today, i built an app for the student swift challenge. it's super late right now, so i'll ship it all tomorrow, but here's a look at it! :swift: 🧪
day 6 of #10-days-in-public! i learned how to add a splash screen (still a work in progress) and i made customized light and dark themes!!
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Made Xcode unhappy while working on #burrow. Hope to actually get it working soon tho!
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Was bored in the airport so I made a swift app just for myself to improve my memory for the Japanese keyboard so I can get faster at typing! It gives random word prompts you have 40 seconds to type or it will reset your points
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T-73 days until Orpheus wins! 📚 Today, I completed the current challenge by collaborating with @KaraMassie to make our "read lists" longer (This is day two, since I briefly mentioned it in my last post!) I finished my book, His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik today, and it was so good! I can't wait for the next book to be available at the library for me. Tomorrow, I'll pick up another book that I've been wanting to read. :esperanto: I made it to sapphire league on :duo: Duolingo! Yay! I've also put a textbook on Esperanto on hold from the library. This particular book is held with high esteem in the community and I've had experience with some of its content as well... Its very well written! 🏫 I wrote a letter (Right-center) to someone in order to complete an assignment for my english class. The handwriting is... Let's just say it's not my best work. ✍️ I started writing the last scene of my second chapter. Gotta keep cranking through! I also wrote some song lyrics and poetry that's probably not going to get shared, but whatever. Since today was my writing club, we had some fun creating random story ideas, such as a horror novel about walmart employees trapping customers in the self checkout area and making them go insane from the machine saying "Please scan item then place item in the bagging area." Not only that, but there was even some classism involved! Fun times! 🏋️‍♂️ I'm not sure if I mentioned this in my first post for #100-days, but I'm trying to just be more active/healthier. I went for a walk outside and I have some stuff I'm going to do before I go to bed tonight. 🎼 I got the general concept for and first few lyrics of a twisted version of "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. It's meant to be from Romeo's perspective and ends with... Well, y'know, death. I think it sounds fairly good so far and if enough people peer pressure me ask me to share it, I may send a snippet. That's all for today. Keep on scrapbooking, and remember to support the Orpheus house!
It’s SwiftUI! I want to make an app to quickly post Scrapbook posts
A Sprig game in Swift Playgrounds!!!!!!!!
Testing my WWDC Swift app on my iPad! :swiftui:
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Another obligatory swift student developer challenge post!
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give me the hoodie please, i just want the hoodie lol
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a bit of progress on the UI (still don't like the colors yet)
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:swift: :swiftui:
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Reading SwiftUI docs! :swiftui:
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A little bit better :)
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A little better
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Integrating Postman into my Muffin API to send Push Notifications when messages are sent. I am so happy to have this actually working haha
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