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Posts tagged with :orpheus:

Horizon Driving V0.2 RELEASE!! :yay: Massive revamps from V0.1 including: • New garage system • Better saving system • A whole lot of new cars to drive, each with different stats • fresh animations and transitions • A tutorial for very first boot • Car shadows! • A revamped driving system that is way more fun :orpheus-love: • A ton of tweaks to improve the cohesive experience Showcase! hackclub.com/arcade/showcase/project/recwZnzmqTbtMBjpp Github: github.com/Brushfire-257/Horizon-Driving Download here! github.com/Brushfire-257/Horizon-Driving/releases/tag/v0.2-beta Showcase video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUhFgwBc6NY I did a ton of untracked improvements so I dont actually have too many /arcade sessions for you :salute:
I made a silly idea suggested by Orpheus on the Arcade website in only an hour, it's just a script that removes random letters from your message (and it has a funny Orpheus answering) Here is the link for it in case you wanna check that out x) github.com/creeperlulu/annoyingdeleter
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:orpheus: hi again, a bit of a late scrapbook but I also worked on adding support for playing playlists in orpheaux ( @orpheAUX )! This was a very interesting feature to work on, as it involved using ytdlp and puppeteer to control a slack user, which I've never done before. I was able to get it done though, and it works as expected! It's not on the main bot yet, but you can see the commit and maybe run it yourself at github.com/polypixeldev/orpheaux-ng/commit/0721b99f1fd3906b9a83018347d81363eb938741
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Created a program that utilises machine learning in Python using OpenCV, Scikit-learn, and tensorflow. It takes images and tries to recognise if the image contains Hackclub's mascot Orpheus. I had some issues running on my main laptop which is Linux so I had to change to my Windows laptop and reinstall the packages which is why the screenshots are a bit different. github repo: github.com/wyn-cmd/To-Orpheus-Or-Not
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THIS WEEK IN DISTANCT DREAMSCAPE 🔥 -> DAY AND NIGHT CYCLE YAAYYA -> WEATHER CONDITIONS ADDED 🔥 -> More playable characters -> An Orpheus pet (it's a dog for now until I draw an Orpheus) -> MORE MAPSSS!!! -> MORE NPCS! -> Added functionality with custom JS Commits: github.com/briyandyju09/RPG-GAME/commits/main/arcadeproofs
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Hello I have made a society management app This app is for communication between the residents of a housing complex, security and 3rd party people. This app is necessary because we need to communicate regularly between the residents and the guards for various things like allowing the pizza delivery boy to come to my house with ten boxes of pizza for my local hack club, other times it is for cleaning a park bench which has been littered with Orpheus's poo. You can check this out and make your own at-x.thunkable.com/projectPage/667800454c50947feed07ce8 Github- github.com/MrKillerShaunBa/Society-App
Brain Damaged Wizard Orpheus project because I'm tired lol
I needed some ideas for a project, and the idea generator on the Arcade home page suggested I make "a random virtual pet that changes colors and shapes every time you feed it." This seemed simple enough for a quick, goofy project that could just run in a browser. I decided to make some quick shapes in Figma for a simplistic 2D "pet." But the question was: how do you feed the pet? Since this was made as part of Hack Club, and since us hackers use Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V so frequently, I thought it made sense to feed the pet from your clipboard. A little "bubble" appears to show what's currently on your clipboard, and then you can press Ctrl/Cmd + V to feed all the text from your clipboard to your pet. Per the initial suggestion, it changes shape/color as you feed it from your clipboard. Is it useful? No, not really. But Orpheus told me to make it, and so I made it :ultrafastparrot:
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Build something with wizard orpheus pretty interesting, I might try and build my own agent some time maybe for quick image generation tho I should probably learn how work first github.com/GaoYeGithub/TraderBot
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I made an AI game in less the 40 lines following the hack club tutorial I made some of my own edits such as adding some much needed CSS styling and making my own adventure game where your a highschooler trying to earn “aura points” repository link github.com/aayanrahman/Wizard-orpheus-AI-Project/tree/main
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🚀Ever dreamed of tracking satellites in real-time like the absolute supervillain that you are? 🚀 Meet Astronaut Orpheus, a new slack bot designed to do just that. Simply use /track <NORAD ID> and instantly access the latest telemetry data from over 1800 satellites across more than 3000 ground stations worldwide. You can even decode the telemetry data yourself to pinpoint and gather information from your favorite satellites and transmitters. It's going to be a part of "Orpheus Goes to Space," Hack Club's very own space program, allowing us to monitor our payload once it's launched into space To try using it to get data from the ISS: use /track 25544.
Made an AI Game with Wizard Orpheus
Some may have seen darock, but tonight I worked on Mapheus, a fork of the Orpheus repl hosted on github pages. It's not really that much, but I added custom prompts, some premade ones, and a tee bit better UI for starters. Was fun tinkering around with the API haha had a great time with the prompts repo (im so sorry i didnt organize yet haha): github.com/GGGalang/mapheus.git site: gggalang.github.io/mapheus Will continue darock work tomorrow; I see it as a pretty great game so could be one of my main projects throughout arcade!
tried the orpheus suggestion on the website and its pretty cool, added custom prompts and fixed bugs! Will work on UI in the next arcade gggalang.github.io/mapheus
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Transmitted this image through LoRa using a custom protocol I wrote for my CubeSat project and #orpheus-goes-to-space !!! 3 packets were lost during transmission. This is without any acknowledgments between the transmitter and receiver. Will implement some new code to ask for and receive missing packets!
Updated my wizard orpheus ai text adventure game with better background colors and now a mom
tried out wizard orpheus today for #hack-hour with one of my favorite manga series... toilet-bound hanako kun! converse with a toilet ghost who's always wanted to go to the moon, and convince him to give you true love in exchange for cleaning bathrooms (lore-accurate)
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worked on a wizard-orpheus chatbot at #hacknight. turns out I made such a morally upstanding, firm-valued chatbot that none of the prompt engineering I tried could convince it to agree with my requests (which is great!)
I 3D printed a mock-up of the lower pipe flange design for my #the-trail project. Here's hoping I get in!
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I didn't get anything done today so have an easter Orpheus that I drew the other day
joined max's #onboard call and built a little "fire spitting" orpheus, you can control the intensity with a potentiometer on the back. i'm working on getting the board to use Fr4 material in the fire part so the led light can shine through :)
My updates for day 9 and day 10 of #10-days-in-public! Yesterday I spent some time getting github.com/hackclub/wizard-orpheus up to snuff to run a workshop on how to build a game using it at #wonderland! It went really well and everyone built awesome games. I asked for feedback and got an NPS of 18%, which is good - but not great, so I’m working on improving it. The key issues people identified are: • Roughly 1/2 of people built something they were proud of, and a few people got super into it, but 1/2 of people didn’t customize and didn’t make something they’re proud of. I’m going to change the workshop so everyone comes up with their game concept and customizes from the beginning, rather than waiting to customize for the end • For the more advanced people who already knew JS, they wanted to see docs so they could figure out how to customize it deeper. So I wrote them! • The slides were hard to follow visually, so I am working on improving them
Day 8 of #10-days-in-public! I’m working on hackclub/wizard-orpheus for the workshop I’m going to give at Wonderland this weekend. The concept of the library is that it allows people new to HTML to build fun games relatively easily using AI. I’m really excited about the concept - it came out of a discussion with @cwalker and @msw at #the-summit on how AI can be used to automate work, but also to make building certain kinds of projects a whole lot easier.
made a sticker on @orpheus for the summit!!
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was cleaning the room and Orpheus popped out @Vidhaaaaa’s too
I think I finished my scariest #100-days goal with these two ntfy PRs. Still need review and cleanup, but I'm so so so so excited! It was at the top of my TODO list for literal weeks cuz I tried different architectures and everything just seemed kinda sucky so I procrastinated, now I'm at a compromise that I can settle for. Hopefully binwiederhier likes it too
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T-67 Days until Orpheus wins! Okay so I'm literally writing this right before I go to bed. I'm super tired because It's been a long day, but here are some notes of what I did today! • Started reading They Both Die at the End. It's really good so far, and I'm halfway in. I'll probably be a bad kid and stay up and read some more • I practiced esperanto on duolingo... I'll probably step up my practicing this friday because I'll be on my way to camp this weekend again. • Finished the rough draft of Episode 2 of my serial novel, Zero Gravity (now publishing on Kindle Vella and Wattpad!) • Explored some new songwriting ideas • Got my learner's permit... Oh, and my license to kill, but that's a secret 😉 • Wrote some stuff for school • Wrote this little scrapbook post Anyway that's all, folks. Stay hacky! PS: You get... A bad 11pm selfie because I took absolutely zero pictures of anything I did, and I don't want to spoil the next episode of Zero Gravity (even though it's kinda predictable tbh)
got this from the Zig Showtime newsletter and someone has a Zig project with the same name as one of my Zig projects
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T-69 Days until Orpheus house wins! I was really tired/dehydrated/whatever from school and stuff today, so I didn't do a lot. I recorded a recording of Love Story lyrics over my version of Romeo's Love Story, but it's really bad quality, so don't blame me if you listen to it. Ofc, I kept duolingo-ing. Stay hacky and go team Orpheus! youtu.be/1FDxpyPjV3o (Romeo's Love Story + Love Story)
T-72 days until Orpheus wins! 📚 Today, I checked out some books from the library :esperanto: I made it to first place in sapphire league... Yay! 🏫 Worked on some of my government work... ✍️ N/a 🏋️‍♂️ N/a 🎼 N/a I'm camping this weekend sooooo, not a lot of updates. That's all for today. Keep on scrapbooking, and remember to support the Orpheus house!
T-73 days until Orpheus wins! 📚 Today, I completed the current challenge by collaborating with @KaraMassie to make our "read lists" longer (This is day two, since I briefly mentioned it in my last post!) I finished my book, His Majesty's Dragon by Naomi Novik today, and it was so good! I can't wait for the next book to be available at the library for me. Tomorrow, I'll pick up another book that I've been wanting to read. :esperanto: I made it to sapphire league on :duo: Duolingo! Yay! I've also put a textbook on Esperanto on hold from the library. This particular book is held with high esteem in the community and I've had experience with some of its content as well... Its very well written! 🏫 I wrote a letter (Right-center) to someone in order to complete an assignment for my english class. The handwriting is... Let's just say it's not my best work. ✍️ I started writing the last scene of my second chapter. Gotta keep cranking through! I also wrote some song lyrics and poetry that's probably not going to get shared, but whatever. Since today was my writing club, we had some fun creating random story ideas, such as a horror novel about walmart employees trapping customers in the self checkout area and making them go insane from the machine saying "Please scan item then place item in the bagging area." Not only that, but there was even some classism involved! Fun times! 🏋️‍♂️ I'm not sure if I mentioned this in my first post for #100-days, but I'm trying to just be more active/healthier. I went for a walk outside and I have some stuff I'm going to do before I go to bed tonight. 🎼 I got the general concept for and first few lyrics of a twisted version of "Love Story" by Taylor Swift. It's meant to be from Romeo's perspective and ends with... Well, y'know, death. I think it sounds fairly good so far and if enough people peer pressure me ask me to share it, I may send a snippet. That's all for today. Keep on scrapbooking, and remember to support the Orpheus house!
shopping list item: survive physics :duck-duck-dino-orpheus:
ah nice to see utala pona (good competition)!(oh and its not the most fair!you should sort based on place of articulation of the first phoneme,i.e Gord Orpheus Picasso!(joking,waiting for a member of house :orpheus: suggests sonority and then a member of :picasso: suggests place of articulation of the last phoneme)) #100-days #C0617J44DTL| :gord: