

4-day streak
#arcade of the day! I was always fascinated of VMs and I always wanted to run kali linux on my personal laptop but it never worked out cuz windows just because muscle memory. So to relive my needs of learning ethical hacking I spent the day today downloading Kali and VirtualBox and setting everything up for my needs. So I ended up with this! I also documented everything in the github (includes the virtualbox files and screenshots) Github Repo: Commit of screenshot proof: Commit with VirtualBox files:
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We all know that the Rabbit R1 is shit, but what if it had a different animal approach to it and on the web? Here's what i envision it to look like. I present, Turtle T1. A web spin to the not so appreciated R1.
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🚨 Did you even hear the news about the Spotify Car Thing? Apparently, it's hitting the road for good in December. Sad times! That little gadget had a surprisingly slick UI, paired with its handy media control knob. It was a bummer they never took it further. That's why I'm building this web project! It's like a mini graveyard for the Car Thing's potential, keeping its awesome UI alive. We might not be blasting tunes through the car speakers just yet, but you can still browse your playlists and see the next song up, just like the good ol' Car Thing days. Think of it as a tribute to a fallen hero of in-car music control! Find it here: The github page here: And my commits (for #arcade) here: Here are some screenshots:
Are you unaware of your cybersafety? Are you the type of person that uses the same password for EVERY WEBSITE YOU GO TO? Well I know I am! So introducing Briyan's Random Password Generator so just choose the no. of characters, password difficulty and click on copy and your ready to go! Ensured safety forever :chefskiss: (#arcade) Github Commit (its off by a while cuz I wasnt done yesterday and I fell asleep :crydeath:) : Wanna see the copy feature in action? Check the last attached screenshot with this password sqS55WGoYAf@H 😉 Screenshots!:
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Trying out elevenlabs demo code to try to bring voice to my AI!
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Spent 1 hour each working on both this AI hardware im building and finishing old projects like a chatbot i made a year ago!
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Got the chance to meet and take a picture with our India's one and only PM, Narendra Modi! (I'm the guy behind the yellow dressed lady) (yes this is a screenshot from doordharshan, the original photo will be sent to us only after review and editing)
Something is cooking behind the scenes of #project-handheld :chefskiss: :
Tysm guys 💖 (I think someone pressed the duplicate button 😅)
Attended an inperson Hackathon and showed them whos boss. (First price between 100-200 participants)
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Attended FLL competition Dubai too today but didn't win anything this time , maybe next time (I'm not in these pics)
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#hardware-party whw project update! So did some soldering today
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#hardware-party whw update! Just added SSH features and got some games on
#hardware-party whw update no. 9 I think! Went to the hospital cuz of neck sprain. Anyway I attached the joysticks and stuff and I learnt that the powerbank won't fit in the case so I'm placing it outside fr temporary
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#hardware-party Whw day 7 or 8 update! Here's my desk mess. So I had some headache trying to plan where everything goes. Attached a powerbank, 1 joystick and prepared the case for a bit. Also a winter (summer for me) miracle happened! Received my power switch which was supposed to come next week.
Day 8 (or was it 7?) of #hardware-party whw project! I've been procastinating soldering everything and the only thing I got done was *trying* to get the touchscreen to work. Also forgot to mention that this is a very great and cheap touchscreen (7inch) alternative to the original. (Incase no1 noticed I changed my format from the friendly and welcoming intro to simple and plain so I can get to sleep faster lol.)
Almost forgot to mention this new theme I added
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#hardware-party WHW day 7! Got Kodi up and running to give it a multi purpose use. Can someone guide me how to get a browser up on retropie?
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#hardware-party whw update so I don't lose my streak. No progress other than some os and software tweaks. (Exam tmrw had to study, show some love in the chat). Btw no image sorry
Ok so welcome back to day 5 of #hardware-party I think? :kitty-wave: :winter-hardware-wonderland: Winter hardware wonderland :winter-hardware-wonderland: Just did some soldering today and that's about it. (Exams on Monday so had to study)
Hello and welcome back to day 4 of the #hardware-party project! :kitty-wave: :winter-hardware-wonderland: Winter hardware wonderland :winter-hardware-wonderland: So what's up today? Literally nothing much. Reflashed the os into a new SD card cuz the old one was too slow and bad. :raspberry-pi-logo: Also working on something big for tomorrow. 🔘 (Supposed to be done today but had to study for exams) So that's all for today, bye! (Btw here's a sneak peek for tomorrow)
So hello and welcome to day 3 of the #hardware-party project! :kitty-wave: So what's up today? :winter-hardware-wonderland: Winter hardware wonderland :winter-hardware-wonderland: • Got a new power supply to make it portable. 10000 mah is kinda ok. 🔋 • Added the extensions to get access to the headphone Jack and usb port later on. 🎧 • Made the first set of switches. Soldering tomorrow. :nintendo-switch: So that's it for today. Bye! See you for tomorrow's update.
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Not a WHW update but here's a shot of my desk before my next biggest update (coming soon) :desk:
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Sooo hello and welcome back all of you to day 2 of my 10 day #hardware-party project! :winter-hardware-wonderland: Winter hardware wonderland :winter-hardware-wonderland: So what's up today? Coded the microcontroller for the input of the console! Now this will manage all the button presses and stuff. :arduinoorpheus: 10 points for the one that guesses what the board is! (it's a teensy 4.0) Also shipment supposed to come 17 mins ago. Prolly got delayed.
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Ok! So hello :kitty-wave: and welcome to my first scrapbook update ever (I think)! So what's up today? :winter-hardware-wonderland: Winter hardware wonderland :winter-hardware-wonderland: For the next 10 days expect to see WHW content and updates! :kitty-awe: So I sanded my brand new case (special thanks to Ella for the case) and polished it a bit and then stuck both bottom halves together. Also slapped on a new cute "we can build it" Orpheus :baby-orpheus: sticker I got from epoch :epoch:. So hopefully I'll start some electronic work tomorrow and start with the soldering when I receive my soldering iron kit :raspberry-pi-logo: on Thursday. Summary of today :partyparrot: :- Bottom case came out great after some sanding and polishing. --- End of Scrapbook update of today --- See you tomorrow of the next update! Bye!
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Orpeaus with line as eyes
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Hi from epoch