Ever wanted to talk to a lot of chatbots at once? Or see if you can figure out who you're talking to? Well... I have a Python file for that!
You can fit as many models in there as Cloudflare AI will allow... github.com/jcxmt125/side-projects/tree/main/python%20scripts
...Oh right, CSS files exist.
I've migrated my site from using... very basic <style> tags to an actual CSS file so that I can change themes quickly!
Minecraft server deployment... but... with (almost) zero intervention required!
Just run a single line of code and you now have a server, with even the firewall set up!
(btw deploying to Termux is... much harder than I thought...)
Some concept tunes for a game my friend is making! It's still in the planning stage, so not much is able to be released... but at least there's some music!
ghpages.jclink.linkgithub.com/jcxmt125/hackclub-site-kr A Korean version of the website I made for HC! (AOSP android help hasn't been translated yet, but the videos used there will also have to be updated and Korean users usually have Samsung devices)
Deployed another Discord bot, with all the features from the previous one (albeit not proactive) and now able to remember you! github.com/jcxmt125/memory-discord-bot
Finally mostly stable mostly release ready version of my proactive Discord bot! It's very friendly to being self-hosted, but I can't share the bot itself due to API free limits... github.com/jcxmt125/proactive-discord-bot
The AI Discord bot it straying slightly off-course... but is also becoming more versatile! Now featuring a txt upload feature to make your (especially) mobile Discord life easier 😄
A simple page made with Cloudflare Pages + Really simple HTML! (hackclub.jclink.link)
Possibly the... most useless API (and accompanying code) ever: helloworld.jclink.link (API link, try GET-ing from it!)+ github.com/jcxmt125/side-projects (find the test script) (Oh right also a whisper API from a file link. That one might be useful.)