I’ve developed a React weather application that provides detailed and up-to-date weather information using the Meteosource API! The app lets you switch between light and dark themes, change units according to your region, and search for any location worldwide. You can check current weather conditions, view hourly forecasts for the next 36 hours, and get a 21-day forecast with detailed data on cloud coverage, visibility, precipitation, and wind direction.
Check out the project repository on GitHub: github.com/aayanrahman/React-Weather-API-App
Experience the live app here: react-weather-api-app-realjs.netlify.app
2nd post since Hakkuun bot was down Made a sleek PCB business card with an NFC reader that instantly directs users to my personal website with a simple tap, built by following Hack Club’s Jams (photo linked below) Github repository here: github.com/aayanrahman/Personal-Business-Card-PCB
Made a sleek PCB business card with an NFC reader that instantly directs users to my personal website with a simple tap, built by following Hack Club’s Jams tutorial Github repository here: github.com/aayanrahman/Personal-Business-Card-PCB
I created a to-do-list app that saves tasks to local storage (saving all tasks even when closing or refreshing the page), and offers motivation for the amount of tasks you complete, it also features the ability for users to edit or delete tasks. Github: github.com/aayanrahman/To-Do-List-App-React Vercel: react-to-do-list-lemon.vercel.appI built a pokemon card pack opener here is the source code on github :github.com/aayanrahman/pokemonPackOpener.github.io and here is the project if you want to try it out: pokemon-pack-opener-github-io.vercel.appI built this calculator and all its logic using react a javascript library, Link to live website using netlify: tiny-fudge-0b24d8.netlify.app Source code: github.com/aayanrahman/React-CalculatorMade a neural network that attempts to copy shakespere writing based of his actual work here is a link to the repository: github.com/aayanrahman/Shakespeare-Neural-Network and here is a sample of its work : [there hand do be to me the sarce of the son for unce so stee do bus not and see are me, she hearth the ray his some to me deart of your sin, than love i may send the chill of herefore.]
I made an AI game in less the 40 lines following the hack club tutorial I made some of my own edits such as adding some much needed CSS styling and making my own adventure game where your a highschooler trying to earn “aura points” repository link github.com/aayanrahman/Wizard-orpheus-AI-Project/tree/main