tailwind emoji

Posts tagged with :tailwind:

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#C0M8PUPU6| !🚢 Last year I made a database of every name of U.S. citizens. Over the last couple of weeks, I made a web tool to view this data! If you’re a data nerd like me, you can see where names are most popular, and where the name is more popular. It features a table, graph, maps, and much more. FYI, It will omit any names with under 5 people born that year for privacy reasons. This has been a really fun dataset to work with. The site is made with Next.js
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, mySQL (with Drizzle as the ORM), shadcn/ui, D3.js, and
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. You can visit it at nomen.aram.sh and the source code is available on GitHub (maybe give it a ⭐ ?
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) Have fun playing around with the data!
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Day 3 of <#C045S4393CY|> I darkened the background and had a fight with tailwind to replace background-image with &lt;img&gt; (still didn't do what I want
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) I got this cool scroll thingy working tho :D
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working on a next.js full-stack project! currently making the dashboard, then I will make the back-end server once the dashboard/frontend is done shadcn/ui, next.js and tailwindcss used in the dashboard front-end
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Working on my portfolio! This project marks my very first Next.js project!! I added cool features such as - Headless blog (Hashnode), Guestbook (you can leave your reviews there!), etc more! Built with Next.js, Framer Motion, Postgres, Prisma, Google+Github oAuth, TailwindCSS CHECK OUT: ashish.top
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post for wednesday: • mostly worked on my personal website • fixed status colours (turns out tailwind jit wasn't picking up on em) • fixed my blog post layout (it wasn't the proper width before) • updated the blog post preview • tried (and failed) to get og image generation working live at skyfall.dev!
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Worked with react on a portofolio but got a lot of problems with using it with tailwind. So hadn't really anything. I changed to flutter (submitting it because last day arcade)
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I worked on some animations for the selfmail homepage and I added a modern changelog. Done is this as usual with framer-motion, react, nextjs and tailwind
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I've built a project comparing Bootstrap, Tailwind CSS, and Bulma by showcasing how they style various UI components. Check it out here: Live Demo and see the code on GitHub: Repo.
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I finally shipped my project 'Chatty' Its a fullstack discord clone with real time messaging Made with nextjs, shadcn, tailwind, socket.io, prisma, postgresql, It has responsive ui, with light and dark themes, Server creation, channel management.etc, tried to replicate major features of discord If you'd like, join the existing server I created using this link chatty-silk.vercel.app/invite/fd6fb69b-884a-4f2d-ae93-40299ff241ec Review this app and if you have any cool features in mind, just shoot me a dm... GitHub :github.com/jignesh119/chatty Live url: chatty-silk.vercel.app Note: -In the app voice and video calling requires a websocket connection between client and server all the time whereas vercel (where I deployed to) uses serverless architecture. Hence those features won't work -For realtime chat updates I've added constant polling as fallback for websockets(if no websocket connection) hence maintains realtime status Hence, To see app's full features set this up locally using instructions provided in readme. PFA screenshots of app:
prisma emoji
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summer-of-making emoji
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In the last days, I worked on booster, a visual boilerplaite generator with a cli to download everything later. I was able to almost finish the auth and the homepage. The website is made with next, tailwind & react-hook-form.
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tejasgod.github.io/periodic-table I made a working responsive periodic table website features like: search , click for detail and coloured elements all data in data.json login in injex.js tailwind used
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Whitemind v0.3 just dropped! with this ship, most of the frontend work is done. Main added functionalities were an massively improved design by restructuring to tailwind css, enabling markdown writing for the tutorial page and quto dark mode for every page. also, every planned page has been set up so we only need to write some text and add a bunch of images to get it done. unfortunately, the markdown cannott be properly styled by now so we have to see how it goes in detail, but i am confident to find a proper way to do so in the future! the repo link is here github.com/Neurologism/whitemind and we set up a domain for the project too so you can visit the website: whitemind.net
For #C06SBHMQU8G| I almost completed the V1 of the website. I probably have to submit the hours just because of the 25-hour limit. These sessions are the sessions that I am most proud of this summer. I wrote amazing code, I learned new Astro thingies (like dynamic routing) and also worked on my fav thing (Tailwind).
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In the past 2 days I finished: Storing the document from the frontend to the backend Improving the toolbar functionality Writing contributor guidelines and setting up auto formatting for the repository This is for my website SciBind, a Next.js website made with Typescript and Tailwind CSS combined with a Django/Python backend/database. This is a website to make it easier for Science Olympiad students to make binders/cheat sheets with all sorts of features at their hands, and I have opened it up to community contribution. Here is the link to the repo: github.com/CrazeXD/SciBind !
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I made a Save For Later website! It's completely offline and doesn't send any data back to the server, operating completely in local storage. It was made with Vite + React, TailwindCSS and ShadCn UI. The repo is at- github.com/MrStudentGuy/saveforlater
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nextjs.clock (View Live) A clock made with next.js + tailwind
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I put up a quick personal site built with svelte and tailwind! owenwang.dev
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( This is a reposted repost, because hakuun send no message to link the hours during the maintenance) I am working on a free to use and open source alternative to power point which is called "canvasly". I am now finished with the basic functionality like creating a slide, edit slides and the preview for slides. This was really hard. I used nextjs, tailwind and fabricjs. Next steps are to connect this platform with a local first database and create the other functions. Here is the gh link: github.com/i-am-henri/canvasly. Preview:
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( This is a reposted post, because hakuun send no message to link the hours during the maintenance) I am working on a free to use and open source alternative to power point which is called "canvasly". I am now finished with the basic functionality like creating a slide, edit slides and the preview for slides. This was really hard. I used nextjs, tailwind and fabricjs. Next steps are to connect this platform with a local first database and create the other functions. Here is the gh link: github.com/i-am-henri/canvasly. Preview:
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Tailwind Llama is a web app designed to help people learn how to code with Tailwind CSS. It was designed because I found a lack of resources to help learn tailwind, which can be difficult and tedious to pick up. Inspired by CSSBattles, Tailwind Llama tasks you to replicate cool designs, which get more difficult as you climb levels. After you've finished your design, Tailwind Llama will review with you the tailwind classes you've used, in addition to your time spent and accuracy. This project took over 80 hours, check it out! tailwind-llama.vercel.app github.com/Larry-Larriee/next-llama
Hi guys! I have finally finished my project, called Tailwind Llama. Tailwind Llama is a web app designed to help people learn how to code with Tailwind CSS. It was designed because I found a lack of resources to help learn tailwind, which can be difficult and tedious to pick up. Inspired by CSSBattles, Tailwind Llama tasks you to replicate cool designs, which get more difficult as you climb levels. After you've finished your design, Tailwind Llama will review with you the tailwind classes you've used, in addition to your time spent and accuracy. This project took over 80 hours. Check it out! tailwind-llama.vercel.app github.com/Larry-Larriee/next-llama This scrapbook is part four of all my sessions for the project.
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Hi guys! I have finally finished my project, called Tailwind Llama. Tailwind Llama is a web app designed to help people learn how to code with Tailwind CSS. It was designed because I found a lack of resources to help learn tailwind, which can be difficult and tedious to pick up. Inspired by CSSBattles, Tailwind Llama tasks you to replicate cool designs, which get more difficult as you climb levels. After you've finished your design, Tailwind Llama will review with you the tailwind classes you've used, in addition to your time spent and accuracy. This project took over 80 hours. Check it out! tailwind-llama.vercel.app github.com/Larry-Larriee/next-llama This scrapbook is part three of all my sessions for the project.
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Hi guys! I have finally finished my project, called Tailwind Llama. Tailwind Llama is a web app designed to help people learn how to code with Tailwind CSS. It was designed because I found a lack of resources to help learn tailwind, which can be difficult and tedious to pick up. Inspired by CSSBattles, Tailwind Llama tasks you to replicate cool designs, which get more difficult as you climb levels. After you've finished your design, Tailwind Llama will review with you the tailwind classes you've used, in addition to your time spent and accuracy. This project took over 80 hours. Check it out! tailwind-llama.vercel.app github.com/Larry-Larriee/next-llama This scrapbook is part two of all my sessions for the project.
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Hi guys! I have finally finished my project, called Tailwind Llama. Tailwind Llama is a web app designed to help people learn how to code with Tailwind CSS. It was designed because I found a lack of resources to help learn tailwind, which can be difficult and tedious to pick up. Inspired by CSSBattles, Tailwind Llama tasks you to replicate cool designs, which get more difficult as you climb levels. After you've finished your design, Tailwind Llama will review with you the tailwind classes you've used, in addition to your time spent and accuracy. This project took over 80 hours. Check it out! tailwind-llama.vercel.app github.com/Larry-Larriee/next-llama This scrapbook is part one of all my sessions for the project.
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I am working on a free to use and open source alternative to power point which is called "canvasly". I am now finished with the basic functionality like creating a slide, edit slides and the preview for slides. This was really hard. I used nextjs, tailwind and fabricjs. Next steps are to connect this platform with a local first database and create the other functions. Here is the gh link: github.com/i-am-henri/canvasly. Preview:
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I made a journal you can send messages to that is complelety private. I used tailwind.css JSON, javascript and HTML. I made it in one hour only: github.com/AwesomeDocs19/Myjournal
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summer-of-making emoji
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trying to repost bc i think hakkun working now: yet another repost bc hakkun is not replying
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: uhmm reposting because i think i broke hakkun: my first animated personal website! made with tailwindcss and animejs (first time using for a project :D) ecodes.tech
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yet another repost bc hakkun is not replying
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: uhmm reposting because i think i broke hakkun: my first animated personal website! made with tailwindcss and animejs (first time using for a project :D) ecodes.tech
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my first animated personal website! made with tailwindcss and animejs (first time using for a project :D) ecodes.tech
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I built and designed my personal portfolio website using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. I used React Three Fiber to render 3D models, which have been compressed with Optimize GLB. However, the viewer may still be resource-heavy on lower-end devices. For the background, I used Particles.js. You can view the website here: aleksanderkurgan.vercel.app, and the source code is available here: github.com/Rand0m0User1/PersonalPortfolio
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