this project isn't very user-accessible because it's about data collection, but I'm making the data public (and sharing it with open-source devs at Bellingcat!!)
took a while, but I managed to (the term my friend used was "german data laundering"... he wasn't far off) get electrical network frequency in europe data from some sketchy (very sketchy) server used by with a lil CTF-type thinking. it gets data every second, writes it to a csv of data for the day, and creates a Parquet file at the end of every month... every now and then I have to interpolate some values but it's almost 100% accurate... once there's enough data, it'll be the only (as of right now, there is none at all 😔) complete ENF data of the european grid in the last year (and going forward it'll be the only data of the european grid of 2024/25 (and hopefully more!!))
this data would literally be impossible for me to collect or publish without #nest, tysm to everyone running nest!!
the repo is, and I'm gonna figure out a better way of publishing the data than through git commits... but for now the data (most days are incomplete as I worked on them, the 18th/19th are the most complete) is in the repo
next steps for this are to actually use this data to train a model, make a filter/extractor, and actually do ENF analysis!! none of which I have any clue how to make lol
note to reviewers: this isn't a job/commission, it's purely open source data
not quite finished, but I finally made my website presentable!! no more 404 pages, landing page is, well, a nice landing page, the og images are good, and I published my linalg notes!