

0-day streak
ship time 🗣️ For times when they need blood urgently, they have one person painstakingly go through the sheet, filter out donors who haven’t donated in over three months, check if they meet certain other criteria, find out their distance from the center by putting in their address on google maps or something and individually call them on the phone and ask if they can donate. idk about you but no one deserves to go through that 💀 I asked the manager of the blood bank if I could maybe build something to help solve this as a summer project, and he, being the awesome person he is, agreed and even offered to take me around the blood bank! Here's an outline of the app and how it works. i've also posted a huge writeup + pictures from the tour of the blood bank in #C07JBQW5W3X|! (shameless plug 😋)
#C06SBHMQU8G| completely finished up my app! Somehow still haven't come up with a name for it though 💀. It's an open source, blood donation app built for large-scale blood banks to facilitate donor logging, donor certificates, emergency blood donation and the works. I'll attach an image, which some of you may have seen somewhere else 👀 frontend: github.com/mikidoodle/bloodbank backend: github.com/mikidoodle/bloodbankapi
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#C06SBHMQU8G| quick arcade submission for the showcase. I built an open source blood donation app for large-scale blood banks to facilitate donor logging, donor certificates, emergency blood donation and the works. this was for the blood bank of a hospital/medical institute where I live, but it's fully open-source so literally anyone can use it. It's usable, but I'll polish it up further and you'll see it in #C0M8PUPU6| next week! here's the repo w/ the mandatory readme yap.md file github.com/mikidoodle/bloodbank and here's the backend: github.com/mikidoodle/bloodbankapi
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summer-of-making emoji
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summer-of-making emoji
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i started working on an e2ee chat app w/ react native today, and wrote the login/signup page and the handshake protocol between the client/server. when a user opens the app, it initiates a socket-io connection to the server, and they proceed to exchange rsa keys that will be used to encrypt everything from there on out. then, to verify that the keys work, they exchange a common string (which for now is a custom-generated device uuid), encrypted with the other party's public key. tomorrow i'll write the client-client handshake and the chat ui. ill attach screenshots below.
I spent like 3 hours re-learning Swift and swiftui today and I've realized that the hate I've been giving Xcode all these years has been undeserved. i fucking love it now. here are screenshots of my progress building the sample app from the apple developer website.