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Posts tagged with :npm:

I created an npm package which is called postal-js ("npm i postal-js"). This package is a wrapper around the postalserver api which I want to use in selfmail.
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npm emoji
Published my cli app cli-share With this you can transfer files between devices just by scanning a qrcode But both of them need to be in the same local network. Made this using nodejs and I saw this implemented several years ago by some person but it is in rust language, so I thought to make it in javascript as I felt like this could be core usage of nodejs This is inspired from that project (qrcp) This would be really handy for sending data between devices in a quick way without intermediaries(whatsapp, usb,etc ) This is published to npm. Published: PFA demo of app
Made an extension for Raycast a while back for viewing and searching for Minecraft crafting recipes. You can find the extension here, and its source code here. To make this extension, I also had to make a library for scraping the recipes from The package is published on NPM, and the source code is on GitHub.
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Finished my cli todos app TermTodo: cli based todolist manager written in javascript+ink library I have a habit of making todos and I like cli and vim hence I made a cli todos app There are plenty cli tools available but this is my personal one Open app by running a command, easy vim motions to navigate through todos, 3 key bindings to manage todos(update/delete/create) It is published to npm GitHub: Published url(npm):
npm emoji
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npm emoji
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Published my first cli app CliTyper: cli based typing speed testing tool There are plenty cli typing games available but this is my personal one so I'll be using this. Download it using npm: "npm install -g clityper" Github: Published url(npm registry): Pfa demo of my project
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I made an npm package for computing statistics. It calculate descriptive stats, probability distributions, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, along with various other misc. functions.
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I started converting the original dodoloader I modded into something that supports npm so I can update the engine and stuff, but I'm not done yet
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Cascy’s Coding Adventure Since I’m a hardcore UI/UX fanatic, I’ve decided to start building a game using electron which teaches you CSS. Cascy (the main character named after a “cascading style sheet”) leads you through different exercises you have to solve to reach the end of the journey. It should become an open world game. Progress so far This time, I worked on the movement in the game. Levels now can be loaded, selected and started. In the level, you can move around with the character. I'm still struggling a bit with the borders, which the character shouldn't be able to pass, but this will probably take another arcade session. 🙂 GitHub Repository ^ There you can also find a more detailed story about Cascy ^ How to play Simply clone the project and execute npm run start in your CMD. As soon as the project is finished, I'll also distribute the built application files. 👍
A License information website. Useful for developers, and curious folk: Follow instructions in the README for installation, requires Node.JS and NPM. Unfortunately, Vercel has locked me out with a paywall, so I am unable to have this hosted, for the time being. You can still self-host, if you would like to.
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Cascy’s Coding Adventure Since I’m a hardcore UI/UX fanatic, I’ve decided to start building a game using electron which teaches you CSS. Cascy (the main character named after a “cascading style sheet”) leads you through different exercises you have to solve to reach the end of the journey. It should become an open world game. Progress so far I have finally started with the actual level gameplay! You can now load into levels and move around with cascy. Unfortunately, I'm still a bit stuck with the right movement of the map around the player but I hope that I'll figure this out soon 🙂 GitHub Repository ^ There you can also find a more detailed story about Cascy ^ How to play Simply clone the project, install the modules with npm install and execute npm run start in your CMD. As soon as the project is finished, I'll also distribute the built application files. 👍
Cascy’s Coding Adventure Since I’m a hardcore UI/UX fanatic, I’ve decided to start building a game using electron which teaches you CSS. Cascy (the main character named after a “cascading style sheet”) leads you through different exercises you have to solve to reach the end of the journey. It should become an open world game. Progress so far Now I have worked on some technical stuff. It took me very long to handle the asynchronous and synchronous thing, where I faced a lot of problems over the time. Moreover, I’ve built the file import, export and a project creation pop up. I have also done some assets work, e.g. creating new map tiles or composing my first intro sound/music!! 🕺 For the next time, I’ll have to spend some time on the actual game physics, since the draft export partially works now. 🙏 GitHub Repository ^ There you can also find a more detailed story about Cascy ^ How to play Simply clone the project and execute npm run start in your CMD. As soon as the project is finished, I'll also distribute the built application files. 👍
Cascy’s Coding Adventure Since I’m a hardcore UI/UX fanatic, I’ve decided to start building a game using electron which teaches you CSS. Cascy (the main character named after a “cascading style sheet”) leads you through different exercises you have to solve to reach the end of the journey. It should become an open world game. Progress so far This time, I was building a lot for the level editor. It took much time to implement all the typical features of an editor, starting from the (multi)selection of tiles to tools like the collision system, which allows you to draw collision zones. I’m very happy with the development of the editor at this moment and hope, that it won’t take too long anymore until it is ready to build some first basic levels 🕺 Only the creation of assets will take another huge chunk of time, which I’ll have to spend in the next days or weeks. GitHub Repository ^ There you can also find a more detailed story about Cascy ^ How to play Simply clone the project and execute npm run start in your CMD. As soon as the project is finished, I'll also distribute the built application files. 👍
I create openHelp, an automated responder that uses chatgpt-4o-mini to automatically respond to support emails. it still needs some improvements e.g. better UI, integrate support docs, but you can try it by cloning it from and running npm install and npm setup, which will launch my custom made setup wizard :))
Cascy’s Coding Adventure Since I’m a hardcore UI/UX fanatic, I’ve decided to start building a game using electron which teaches you CSS. Cascy (the main character named after a “cascading style sheet”) leads you through different exercises you have to solve to reach the end of the journey. It should become an open world game. Progress so far I was busy with a lot of “technical background” stuff since my last scrapbook submission. I’ve added changelogs, which can be seen in the game. Moreover, I’ve built an i18n support, made the whole repository on github look a bit friendlier and more motivating to contribute to the game. In the next time, I’ll focus more on the actual game concept again. The creation and design of levels and their functionality. GitHub Repository ^ There you can also find ways to contribute and a more detailed story about Cascy ^ How to play Simply clone the project and execute npm run start in your CMD. As soon as the project is finished, I'll also distribute the built application files. 👍
Chatapp • *Frontend:* React (for a user-friendly and interactive interface) • *Backend:* Node.js (to handle server-side operations efficiently) • *Real-time Communication:* <http://Socket.IO|Socket.IO> (for seamless two-way communication between browsers and the server) • *Database:* MongoDB (for flexible storage of chat data and user information) *Key Features (Customizable):* • *User Management:* Streamlined user registration and login processes. • *Chat Rooms:* Create and join private or public chat rooms to cater to diverse communication needs. • *Real-time Messaging:* Exchange text messages instantly, fostering a sense of presence and active interaction. *Getting Started:* 1. *Prerequisites:* ◦ Node.js (<>) and npm (Node Package Manager) installed on your system. ◦ A code editor or IDE of your choice (e.g., Visual Studio Code, WebStorm). ◦ Basic understanding of React, Node.js, <http://Socket.IO|Socket.IO>, and MongoDB. 2. *Clone the Repository:* 3. git clone <> *Install Dependencies:* ```cd chat-app-chatzy npm install``` *Configure Database:* • Set up a MongoDB database instance. • Create a configuration file (e.g., `.env`) to store MongoDB connection details (URI, username, password). *Run the Application:* • Start the development server: • npm start • ◦ ◦ The application will typically run on `<http://localhost:3000>` (or a custom port specified in the code). *Project Structure (Example):* ```chat-app-chatzy/ ├── client/ # React frontend code │ ├── src/ │ │ ├── components/ # Reusable UI components │ │ ├── App.js # Main application component │ │ └── ... # Other frontend files ├── server/ # Node.js backend code │ ├── index.js # Server entry point │ ├── routes/ # API routes for user management, chat, etc. │ ├── models/ # Data models for users, messages, etc. │ └── ... # Other backend files ├── public/ # Static assets (e.g., images, styles) ├── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts ├── .env # Database connection details (if applicable) └── # This file``` githublink : <>
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Full Stack Image Generation App Description This application allows users to generate images from text descriptions using a Dalle-based model. It combines a frontend user interface for submitting text prompts and a backend server for processing those prompts and generating images. Tech Stack • Frontend: [Frontend Technology] (e.g., React, Angular, Vue.js) • Backend: [Backend Technology] (e.g., Python with Flask or Django, Node.js with Express) • Machine Learning Model: Dalle (or similar image generation model) Installation 1. Clone this repository: 2. git clone 3. Install dependencies:
# Navigate to the project directory
cd full-stack-image-generation-app

# Install frontend dependencies (adjust based on your chosen framework)
npm install  # or yarn install

# Install backend dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt  # or npm install  (if using Node.js)
3. Set up the Dalle model:
    ◦ Download the pre-trained Dalle model weights (if applicable).
    ◦ Configure the backend code to load the model weights from the correct location.
    ◦ Follow the instructions for setting up the Dalle model (these may vary depending on the specific implementation you're using).
*Running the application*
1. Start the backend server:
2. #  (For Python backend)
3. python backend/
5. #  (For Node.js backend)
6. node backend/server.js
Run the frontend development server:
#  (adjust based on your chosen framework)
npm start  # or yarn start
Access the application in your web browser at localhost:3000 (or the port specified in your frontend configuration). github link:
npm emoji
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goose-honk-technologist emoji
Tired of someone stumbling upon your diary? This awesome CLI lets you journal super quickly without anyone discovering your thoughts, thanks to its strong AES encryption. Features: • Protects your posts using AES-256 encryption • Ensures only you can access the journal • Works on Linux, macOS, and Windows • Create, view, edit, and delete journal entries • Easily find posts by keywords or dates • Supports terminal-based text editors for seamless writing • View posts by year and month for easy navigation • Perform specific actions directly from the terminal To install it, run: npm install -g secret-journal For more info or in case of issues, check out the repo:
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I’m tired of people finding and reading my diary! So, I’m creating a CLI journal with AES encryption to enable quick journaling. It will allow users to easily create, view, edit, and delete journal entries while ensuring privacy and data security. The next steps include fixing bugs, improving the graph view, completing the documentation, setting up GitHub actions, and publishing to npm. Repo:
Successfully ported the bot to ESM script to be more in accordance with other plugins and npm modules. That was much more of a hassle than it needed to be! The bot now has a stats command and now supports hybrid sharding in the form of shards inside clusters through an npm package. The command and event handlers have been reworked and so has the register command files. The embeds has also been improved to sport more of a professional look! Here is the release:
getting started on dinopkg, an alternative to npm written in rust! right now, there's a run command, which can parse package.json files (including ones in parent directories!) and get the script's command. code is at:
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I made my own kahoot called Kluishoot with 10 basic questions about coding. If you want to run it just download my repo and run the following commands:
yarn // to install the dependencies

npm app.js // to run the program
and then go to the following url's: For the host: localhost:3333/host For the players: localhost:3333 Change localhost to you local ip if you are playing with more players on the local network. Git Repo:
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I built an NPM Package! :npm: I seem to be on some sort 🚢 roll today! This is my first ever NPM package, but it’s a little logging library! You can check out the package at and install it with npm (or your fav package installer) install @jaspermayone/logger The code is also on github at Feel free to give feedback / make requests! I also have like only sort of tested lol, so if it breaks come yell at me!
I made a library for accessing and using the Hack Club Arcade API in typescript! This library automatically accounts for ratelimits with the ratelimit headers returned in responses and will be published to npm very soon! For now, here’s the repository if you are interested:
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After three days of fighting and learning TypeScript, abstract classes, and interfaces, I've created a simple cross-platform bot framework. Currently, it's quite buggy; for instance, Discord commands don't register automatically. However, it serves as a solid foundation for future updates. In summary, this library enables writing single commands and event logic that can be utilized with Discord, Slack, or a REST API. There's a simple example in the repository and brief documentation for those interested. GitHub: NPM: docs: random testing:
Anybody here working on a tauri app? Do you want a nicer way to handle state/variables syncing between tauri and your frontend? Well I have just the thing for you: Announcing tauri-plugin-state : a dead simple state management library for tauri that has some nice ergonomics. Simply initialize the plugin, wrap your state in the State struct, and enjoy your new synced state! There's also a frontend npm package to handle recieving and processing the state changes on the frontend Cargo: Npm: Source code:
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npm emoji
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goose-honk-technologist emoji
Day 130 Today I tried to test my github autodeploy code. I first got to install git, node, and npm onto a free oracle VM I have running and cloned the code to the server. After that I played around with it, updating node among other things to try to get it to work. I think I have to reconfigure the firewall, but don't want to do it today while I am tired because I could screw something up. On another note, my group's trail PCB is about to ship from JLC! We should have everything need to assemble our boards in 3-5 days.
Hiya, Another update for my logger, louis-log. I have added proper process ending handling so logs are not lost due to program crashes! It has some good features: - Informative logging in stdout - Extremely configurable - Automatic log file splitting by date - Logs stdout logs and JSON style logs - Webhook Integrations with discord - Handles quitting to ensure all logs are sent before closing / having an error To install run npm install Bilbo1Gaming/louis-log#stable-v0.9-clean-exit-update Github link: Happy Logging!
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Hiya, I have got an update for my customisable JSON logging solution called louis-. Here is a summary of the features: - Informative logging in stdout - Extremely configurable - Automatic log file splitting by date - Logs stdout logs and JSON style logs - Webhook Integrations It is on Github here: You can install it using npm running: npm install Bilbo1Gaming/louis-log#stable-v0.7-webhook-update I have redacted my discord webhook url from the screenshots hence the red.
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I have made an extremely customisable JSON logging solution called louis-log. It is only on GitHub, not npm yet so installable by running npm install Bilbo1Gaming/louis-log Feel free to have a play around! I'm still working on some of the other features such as webhook integration and custom colour schemes.
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i fixed my school's student info web scraper that i havent touched in months so its brand spanking new and reuploaded to npm ^_^ will definitely document better later but i am gonna use this to enhance mybla!
:scratch: :shipitparrot: SCRATCH SHIP: SSH FOR SCRATCH!!!:scratch: :shipitparrot: The past week I've been working on getting SSH over WebSockets working to allow for building SSH apps with TurboWarp, a Scratch fork with custom extensions. It required me to write Go code compiled for WebAssembly to get a full client working, but it does work! Introducing, - building blocks for SSH apps in Scratch. It allows you to connect to any Linux server provided it has a WebSocket tunnel to SSH (see websocat/websockify) like Nest! You can execute commands, have full programming control flow with Scratch, and more! You can try this extension today at ,or by loading bundle.min.js in the package through a NPM CDN (like jsdelivr) from the "Custom Extensions" tile. Git: NPM:
I finally finished my confetti thing for #angelhacks-site! :angelhacks: :pr: This is my first time working with Next.js :nextjs: and I wanted to see if I could code something with it without reading any docs! *How?* • Well, first I had an error, I couldn't start the dev environment! :pensive-wobble: To fix this I (somehow) installed next globally and that allowed my package.json :npm: to run next build • After that, I wrote the confetti code and implement it on a React :react: component but I also don't know any react so it didn't work :eggsdee: • So I added the confetti code into the already existing PhotoGallery component! :yay: Everything looked good, but then I got this error: ReferenceError: document is not defined :errors: • To fix that, I run my code client side after watching a small tutorial and it ended up like this:
import Masonry from 'react-masonry-css'
import styles from './PhotoGallery.module.scss'
import { Nunito } from 'next/font/google'
import { useEffect } from 'react'

const nunito = Nunito({
  weight: ['400', '800'],
  subsets: ['latin']

export function Button({ children, fontSize = '7rem', ...props }) {
  const handleClick = () =&gt; {
    import('js-confetti').then(({ default: Confetti }) =&gt; {
      const confetti = new Confetti()
        emojis: ['🎮', '👾', '🕹️', '💻', '📸', '🎧', '🎨', '🪽']

  return (
    &lt;button className={styles.button} onClick={handleClick} {...props}&gt;
      &lt;span className={styles.shadow} /&gt;
      &lt;span className={styles.edge} /&gt;
        style={{ fontSize }}
        className={`${styles.front} ${nunito.className}`}&gt;

function Image({ src, text }) {
  return (
    &lt;div className={}&gt;
      &lt;img src={src} width="auto" /&gt;

export default function PhotoGallery() {
  useEffect(() =&gt; {}, [])
  return (
    &lt;div className={styles.photoGallery}&gt;
      &lt;div className={}&gt;
This was very fun to work with, and definitely I need to properly learn Next.js on the future. :salute:
Made a fun little npx package today: It let's you create a full MERN app using the command npx create-mern-ts-next-app app (Don't mind the crazy name lol [on a side note, I'm only slightly sure it works for everyone XD]). I was kinda bored in robotics class so I just cooked this up today. You can check out the code here: (for the executable) and here for the template:
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Today I selected the Dalle-2 images I'll use for the profile picture workshop! I generated them with the app some time ago. I also finished a V1 version of the code, but it stopped working because some errors on the package.json file :npm: . Also I made my own .gitignore file for this project!
Today I learned a bit more on how npm :npm: works, made a small test site with Astro :astro: to understand deployment and changed my VScode theme to Vitesse! :vsc:
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day 10 of #10-days-in-public: i'm currently running a purdue hackers hack night!!! for this hack night i changed the current time to display in lightning time ⚡ i imported my own npm package for the first time ever, which felt super duper weird. i also started working writing the explainer blog post, which is coming along nicely but i'm still not ready to share unfortunately :flooshed: i had a lot of fun working on this. it felt so good to be put back in a creative state, and #10-days-in-public really helped. thanks for the support :hug: @zrl can i have fudge now plz
day 5 of #10-days-in-public: @purduehackers/time version 0.1 is out, now featuring some basic docs and an overhauled api! while writing them i thought of a few more thing this package needs. will probably add those tomorrow. i want to start setting up an mdx blog soon & start writing a blog post about lightning time. hoping to do that asap this week, maybe when i'm back home.
day 4 of #10-days-in-public: i've been working on a raycast extension for lightning time ⚡ i didn't do very much today, but i closed an issue on the raycast extension. tiny update: charges now appear in the lightning time string, and a new action was added to allow you to copy the string without the charges. tomorrow probably also won't be a super productive day, but i expect to update the npm package to allow users to change the default color representation.
day 3 of #10-days-in-public: today is a travel day so i didn't get a lot done, but i've been making the raycast extension for lightning time that i made a couple days ago better. today i fiddled with regex to make the validation for commands that require you to input a string better. yesterday i added the hex codes for each color when rendering a lightning time string, which i like a lot because it's actually such a cool way to visualize how the colors are generated. (can you see it?) this weekend, i want to finalize the api structure for my npm package, set up a blog for purdue hackers, and start writing the explainer blog post. i would like to ship lightning time before the end of #10-days-in-public :D
Day 2 of #10-days-in-public: my npm package is now functional & you can play around with it! massive breaking changes will be made in the coming days but i'm glad there's something up now.
day 1 of #10-days-in-public: i published an npm package! but don't install it because it doesn't work yet, because i don't know what i'm doing and did it wrong. i have to go to bed but i'll figure out how to make it work tomorrow
Published my very first NPM package, feeling great!
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meant to sleep an hour ago 😭 i really need to stop staying up. having fun with reinstalling a broken npm :(
hey fwens :wave-pikachu: hope your day is going amazing! today i did math past papers and had a really exciting meeting for a project that i'm working on :)) also, i figured out some adulting stuff like rent and making meals and stuff :flushded:. (attached is the design i created for the ama w/ feross – i'm so excited for the event!!)
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