Created my readme and added a new ping and diceroll command to my discord bot Fira! Hope you enjoy using it as I much as I enjoyed making it lol. Not quite finished as database related commands need to be fixed.
Done with my news app! Very exciting to learn react especially given that it is similar to node js in many aspect just that variable handling is a bit different. I think I am ready to make my own portfolio in react! The api is rather shocking so many things aren't avaliable sadly hence it looks a bit odd. But overall a great experience! My vercel deployment isn't working correctly otherwise I would have linked here. apologies
Was doing some figma related stupidity. Here is my alright attempt. I am so bad at UI it took me ages to figure out how to use these things. But the svg thing is very cool as well and I tried my hand at making my website in figma but I got bored and starting coding again...
Created a zoom clone! Made this to learn react and nextjs to eventually migrate my own project over and was following this great tutorial: Overall, a great intro to next js especially learning about useState and useEffects. For sure migrating my svelte site over to react for more reactivity. Also learnt how to use this great video and audio messaging service and Clerk auth. Really amazing tutorial and I recommended anyone trying to get into react and next js to make this!
Fira now supports cooldowns and has a dedicated command for help with select menus. More commands have been added including arcade ones!!! You can view the release here:
Successfully ported the bot to ESM script to be more in accordance with other plugins and npm modules. That was much more of a hassle than it needed to be! The bot now has a stats command and now supports hybrid sharding in the form of shards inside clusters through an npm package. The command and event handlers have been reworked and so has the register command files. The embeds has also been improved to sport more of a professional look! Here is the release:
Updated my on my github profile and added a nice snake game using github actions
Working on a spotify clone website. Most likely shifting my focus back to my main project. So here is the scrapbook post!