1. 13+5 dinner guests!!!!
2. visited our dinner venue (check the pics + vids!)
3. more workshop ideation
4. ive also realised i havent been coding as much as i'd like too because ive been pretty busy w athena and studying for a-levels. i feel kinda bad about it sob lol, ill try to get back on my zoom after athena, trust
@BetterClient0Today I made a web UI for my project and shipped it! <https://betterclient.github.io/z--/|demo >
@CyrilLi0Today I have made a playable version of bingguessr, a geoguessr-like game with Bing Streetside imagery and A-Frame & Maptalks for rendering.
WASD to move, "-" and "=" to zoom, "m" to switch between 3D and map views, Space to submit your guess, map moves to your mouse location after clicking
@blobblobbing0Fixed some bugs, added zoom in / out mechanics, worked a little bit on UI and started learning about wingdi control windows (text boxes, buttons)
@Hashim0I made my first open source contribution today!
The hackclub map here which is embed in multiple pages like toolbox has some problems. First it doesn't has a max-zoom out limit so users can zoom out as much as they want causing this:(1st image). Also it doesn't has translations for names of places written in local languages.(2nd image)
So I added a max-zoom out limit and also used a Tile Layer that has translations for these local scriptures.(3rd image)
This is the pull-request, hope so It gets accepted!
wish me luck :)
@IshikaKumar0I’ve conquered my burnout. back on my zoom fr.
here’s yet another tiny drawing I have completed
went crazy with her hair :D 🩷🧡
yayyyyy 😁
repository: github.com/Liana24601/drawing-for-funsies
@Ziad0ZWorkout: Because "No Pain, No Gain" is a Little Harsh
Look no further than ZWorkout! This web app lets you create your own custom workouts and build a weekly plan that's guaranteed to keep you motivated (and maybe a little bit sore). 😉
Here's what ZWorkout offers:
• Add your favorite workouts: Name them, set the duration, and watch them magically appear in your workout plan. 🏋️♀️
• Create a weekly schedule: Choose a workout for each day of the week, or just chill out with a "Rest" day. 😴
• Edit your workouts: Option to edit the name and duration! 😊
@Aaryan0Created a zoom clone! Made this to learn react and nextjs to eventually migrate my own project over and was following this great tutorial: www.youtube.com/watch?v=R8CIO1DZ2b8 Overall, a great intro to next js especially learning about useState and useEffects. For sure migrating my svelte site over to react for more reactivity. Also learnt how to use this great video and audio messaging service and Clerk auth. Really amazing tutorial and I recommended anyone trying to get into react and next js to make this! github.com/Aaryan-N/Zoom_Clone
@Narasimha0I have made the ui perfext just need to work on the video streamin part now
repo : github.com/narasimha-1511/zoom-clone@SamuelLao0I’ve done more work on Lexify!
• Camera
◦ Added flash
◦ Improved camera icons and overall layout
◦ Added requirement to highlight word before sending
◦ Added zoom
◦ Improved new terms animation & data fetching
◦ Added quick button to dictionary
• Settings
◦ Created settings page
◦ Incorporated settings in notifications, practice page
• Practice
◦ Improved MCQ style
• Overall
◦ Added gestures for swiping left and right to change screens
◦ Added daily notifications that send if user hasn’t completed studying that day
@ShreyasDeo0I coded an optimized visualizer for the Mandelbrot set using Python, which allows people to move, zoom and change the resolution of the plot. I have open sourced all my code on GitHub. github.com/deoshreyas/Mandelbrot-Set-Visualiser@Nikhil0#hack-hour fixed some bugs with the camera to make it zoom out as the player go farther apart.
@Yugraj0#hack-hour Sadly no textures or anything yet, camera was worked on and zoom is a thing!
@SophiaPung0We’re finally able to share the high level schematic for the board (we have many more lower levels to the schematic hierarchy)!! A huge shoutout to our team @jc@HenryBass-U02KEJ8T6D8@Cheru, and @NilaRam for ALL the hard work we put in this week!!
Also a huge shoutout to everyone who helped us, fed us, and housed us (@ThomasStubblefield + @ImDeet-U045B4BQ2T0) this week. Thank you to @KaraMassie and @msw for coordinating with us, and helping us through the logistics for this project. Thanks @NickyCase, @malted, @kognise, @belle, @karina) for hanging out with us this week, and keeping our spirits high. Next sprint we plan to write a programmable multilayer convolution layer NN using wavelet transforms. Stay tuned for our progress next sprint (December 26th-1st), and come to our demo day on New Year’s day if you’re around (or tune in via zoom). Thanks everyone who joined and participated in this channel, and follow our Twitter so see the memes we post from the week (OpenAI board memes, touching grass, team sink + more😁). 3-2-1 MMI!!!!!!!
@Keevan0So excited, just applied to the hack club Winter Hardware Wonderland grant!! I'm planning on making an auto webcam movement tracker for zoom calls. Should be a fun project!
@arav0We’re recording #orpheus-show rn - come join us in the zoom live!
@reesericci0Day 6/10 for #10-days-in-public! We're recording #orpheus-show rn - come join us in the zoom live!
@ShubhamPatil0Day 6/10 for #10-days-in-public! We’re recording #orpheus-show rn - come join us in the zoom live!
@kaidevrim0Day 6/10 for #10-days-in-public! We’re recording #orpheus-show rn - come join us in the zoom live!
@belle0it takes screenshots!!! the next step is to try and find a better object detection model so that it can recognise people (and phones) from far away or find a way to programatically zoom in on people. also, figure out a way to get this hooked up to a camera (and maybe raspberry pi) so that it can run :)
day 7 of #10-days-in-public
@rajanagarwal0today was incredibly chaotic, but incredibly productive?? anyways yeah got to work on a website (yes ik I've shown multiple variations of a site for the same organization but I realized I (a) needed something markdown based (b) zoom zoom fast and (c) easily editable by the rest of the team). also made big big progress on digital garden oop
@courtney0Found some spooky spiders today…don't you love the ability to zoom?
@hsh0Today we did the third edition of APAC leaders call 🙂
I love how we came up as a community and took a step to share ideas and updates and tried to know each other better.
So many new leads joined and they fell in love with the community and the hacker culture we have!
I love how our community is shaping up 💖
@ian0Using Python + Node.js to automate keyboard shortcuts on Windows - I'm hoping to use this in Zoom meetings and have a physical button for muting/unmuting.
@Agrim0Made a Physical button for Zoom and MS teams Mic using Raspberry pi Pico and Circuit python. My first build using Pico and Circuit python
@carrot0I finally fixed my homebrew CPU's memory access "bug." It wasn't a bug at all. Here's a short demo of 4 programs running on it via the UART bootloader! Also, I wanted to experiment with showing both the hardware and software at the same time (decided to use Zoom for that).@aaryan0Yeah been on sooo many zoom meetings this week (we don't use zoom for school), also I realized how much netflix I've been watching
. I've been learning React again these days and brushing up on my ML theory!
@JuanGonzalez0i got tired of having to go through my school email/schoology and search for what link we're using for zoom so I am making a bot
@msw0now if you start a meeting with /z you'll get a host key you can use to make yourself the host of the call (without having your name set to "Hack Club" like the golden key does)@riley33chou0did @fayd’s konami code workshop to hide my zoom links! (unfortunately had to take out the confetti because links dont work on a canvas)
@rjhangiani0robotics meeting :)) the game came out this morning
@winston0Had fun at the beach, did even more sponsor work, planned ahead for some events, working on logistics of multiple things, ate oreos
, I spent way too long on zoom (like 8 hours), and my back hurts (i think its cuz i got flipped when i bodysurfed). Also had fries from mcdonalds 🍟 and a breakfast burrito from mcdonalds 🌯
Never really showed a video, wanted to show sound + vibe
+ the birds 🐦@elizabethq0just picked up our school chromebooks and let me just tell you that they're traaash. now i'm more grateful for having my own pc >.< enjoy this pic i took while having a zoom meeting with myself