thought i might as well post what i did yesterday to get into a habit of scrapping!
did some genuinely fun physics (1), had a meeting with @DaisyReyes-U046V3EK56W working on revamping HCB documentation (2), & had a call with @zoyashussain where we discussed starting/joining an frc team among other things (3). also, my PCBs arrived (4)!
thought i might as well post what i did yesterday to get into a habit of scrapping!
did some genuinely fun physics (1), had a meeting with @DaisyReyes-U046V3EK56W working on revamping HCB documentation (2), & had a call with @zoyashussain where we discussed starting/joining an frc team among other things (3). also, my PCBs arrived! (4)
random thing i made today: a tool to showcase sprig games in fullscreen, using the sprig-engine package!
scrapbooking again! I need to make this more of a habit
made yesterday!
the sars-cov-2 genome on neopixels! (a is red, c is green, t is blue, g is yellow)the sars-cov-2 genome on neopixels! (a is red, c is green, t is blue, g is yellow)wahoo!!
this uses a Go server running on my computer, which interfaces with the arduino to get nunchuck data (pings the arduino, which returns binary data via serial), & as a proof of concept runs an http server which is being called by a lil html/js app to display joystick positiongot a wii nunchuck hooked up to an arduino! thinking of using this for FRC control :>the bad luck continues! kernel panics no matter what on a pi borrowed from mason
made a temporary mount for my winter wonderland project too!
i fried a pi today
(finally) started on frc!
github unwrapped! my new year’s resolution is to get better at writing commit messagesday three of #10-days-in-public<#C045S4393CY aka #zachathon<#C04D6JA0W73
got DocuSign set up for collecting signatures from attendees at #epoch-vt<#C04BX4F6HGE, received the $500 hackathon grant, and did a dummy print of our poster, designed by @MasonMeirs-U03V4686P9N!
attached is a picture of our project planner; I'm really happy with how much progress we've made so far!
day two of #10-days-in-public aka #zachathon - finished (for now) the Epoch VT website, applied for the HC/FIRST hackathon grant, and attended a meeting to discuss Epoch Regional swag & integration with Epoch Dehli.
day one of #10-days-in-public aka #zachathon - I made a signup form for #epoch-vt and started on the website!