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Posts tagged with :wahoo-fish:

day 10 of #10-days-in-public!! in my infinite wisdom, i decided to build an apple watch app for a competition that (afaik) only accepts iphone and ipad and mac apps! so, today, i'm working on making my watch app run on an iphone! wahoo :peefest:
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Woohoo! After some long-time procrastination, the #ship time has finally arrived! 🚢 Back in 2021, when I joined Hack Club :hack-club:, I had an idea—to create a website featuring the contents of my old iPod. However, that initial attempt didn't quite work out because I lost access to the files. But, guess what? Years later, I successfully managed to recover those old files, safely stored on an ancient hard drive, and now I'm giving it another shot! But this time, instead of making a simple static site, I used Vite.js :vite: to build github.com/jzaleta/stuff-warehouse! Give it a ⭐ on :github: if you like it! :salute:
Wahoo! Today I learned how to use :vite: and I moved my github.com/jzaleta/night-skies project to use it! It was very fun to implement ES modules and to find janky :jankman: ways to add P5.js to it. :peefest: You can check the result site at night-skies.vercel.app like last time and star it ⭐ on GitHub if you want :) I still need to find a way to properly add meta tags so my index.html isn't very big but anyways this was nice to hack on.
wahoo! time to break out the ol' scrapbook again
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Wahoo! During this days I made a new repo for my GitHub :github: readme and deployed a website with it using Jekyll! javier.is-a.dev You can find the repo at my main profile: github.com/jzaleta/jzaleta :ultrafastparrot:
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wahoo!! this uses a Go server running on my computer, which interfaces with the arduino to get nunchuck data (pings the arduino, which returns binary data via serial), & as a proof of concept runs an http server which is being called by a lil html/js app to display joystick position
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I do enjoy stardew valley fishing, how could you tell?
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❄️ Day 10 of #WinterHardwareWonderland ❄️ For my #hardware-party project, I’m building an improved version of a smart garden. 🪴 Wahoo! My smart garden project is finished now. The mechanics work, the electronic does what it should do, and the code also performs. This project helped me a lot at advancing my electronical skills and I’m the whole Hack Club Team indescribably thankful for giving us all this great opportunity. This event has produced so many good devices that I'm really inspired by. I'm really proud to be a part of this wonderful community. Cheers!
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whw! :winter-hardware-wonderland: in 30 deg c :wahoo-fish: anyways, today I worked on making a schematic for the laser cut box @arsh7chetana is making tomorrow :D in the meantime, @arsh7chetana made a silicone mold of a record! (poor @NeilGhosh has mock exams…)
#w-of-the-day day 27 i did nothing today, just did some makeshift coding on winterlings and fixing a bunch of stuff on others #hardware-party proposals. i have no picture to show for it but i will give this out of context image of the comments on one of my recent pull requests
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More improvements on my ✨ Snake Game 🐍 Almost done wahoo, just some polishing and maybe small features.
Today is finally 2023! :tw_tada: This year I plan to learn and make a lot of things, so I'm starting the year with learning CLI things! First I'll learn fish shell 🐟 and then move to FINALLY setting up my dotfiles. 🗃️
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Wahoo! Been doing more pull requests :pr: to Hack Club! And a lot of homework :sadge:
this was a worthwhile use of my time, yeah
Wahoo! For more open-source code! :pr: :parrotdad:
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so long, and thanks for all the dinos Thank you everyone who made Assemble possible!! It was just so amazing to meet people who I’ve only talked to online :blobheart:, speedrun the slides for my workshop at assemble :partyparrot:, run around at midnight trying to figure out what was going on with the ctf :org: This was probably the best weekend of my entire summer ❤️ I’m running a hackathon this September, and will totally take inspiration from the vibe and everything at Assemble. And if you’re in the bay area, please come, I’d love to meet you!!
For today there isn’t any coding thing! I’m just on vacations! 🌴 So here’s a Parrot Fish! :parrotdad: 🐟 But there are some updates about my post of 2 days ago! :nix: I did some progress on the nixOS VM, but I can’t get pass the boot options to install the OS! :thinking: I think it’s probably because it’s using emulation instead of virtualization. 💻 I’m going to try an ARM build to solve this issue! :quad_parrot:
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Wahoo! Starting today, transferring money between Hack Club Bank organizations is instant ⚡ This means that the transferred funds will reflect in your account balance immediately, even before the underlying transaction arrives (which usually takes a couple days). Other incoming payments like donations and invoices aren’t quite instant yet, but if your event is coming soon and you have incoming funds still in transit, you can now ✨ request fronted funds ✨ from the details page of the donation/invoice—we’ll lend you the funds via an instant transfer. Read more about this update in the changelog.
sweet games in cod yesterday
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FIRST SHIP EVER!!! 🚢 :quad_parrot: 🎉 Hello everyone, today I can finally and very happily say that I have made my first ship! And not just one, but 2 in 1! 🥇 So let's get started! :parrotdad: The first thing I'm shipping right now is my Splatter Paint 🎨 project made with Paper.js :javascript: This is a HTML Canvas which lets the user draw circles with different sizes and colors and a linear path 🖊️ as well. My code is hosted on my GitHub Account :github: and it's deployed using Vercel! :vercel: This is as well the first project on which I use it, and I must say it's very cool to use! Thanks to all of this, I can say that this project helped me to understand better how JavaScript works, how to write awesome :cooll-dino: READMEs and how to deploy with Vercel. 🗃️ So the second thing I did is a great CSS :css: Customization to my #scrapbook :hack-club: profile! (This is also the first time I'm posting to it outside of the channel itself). I did it a few days ago as you can see it on my Scrapbook posts, but I was told to ship this as well! This features a custom background with a texture, gradients, the application of elements like :before and :after , some cool borders and a great animation! From this I learned how to get better at design and with CSS. To all of this I'm attaching some pictures 📸 of the projects and the links! 🔗 🌐 github.com/J-cordz/Splatter-Paint :github: splatterpaint.vercel.app 🔗 gist.github.com/J-cordz/e9d92b3b5cba0e35ed6ec830d1a2b0b2 :github: That's all for today, feel free to ⭐ any of the projects or follow me if you like and see y'all later with the next Ship!! Wahoo!
Translated the most recent newsletters to the website and made a PR!
Wahoo! Today I created the repo for my website in progress! :github: github.com/J-cordz 🚧 :tw_building_construction: Also I deleted a few forked repos I never used and lost some (many) commits 🟩 which isn't very important, because I want to start fresh with code of my own, documenting my full coding journey, including errors and mistakes! Also I researched about Conventional Commits, a way to write them and I'm going to be using the Fish Shell 🐟 as a recommendation from @Arash and as an alternative shell 🐚 to Bash and Zsh !!! :quad_parrot:
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Today I had a very important biology test 🌱, and I think everything went well! I'm also going to be working on a few bioinformatics things for projects! 🧬 💻 I just have to research how to first, this is going to be for visualization of amino acids and proteins! Also I've been replaying some games I used to play on my Nintendo 3DS like Luigi's mansion! And lastly, I've been helping with some very interesting #biology questions on some slack channels :slack: , for example one about different ways in which fish 🐠 :wahoo-fish: rest, like Parrot Fish, which creates a protective cocoon!
wahoo! passed the 100th commit mark (even tho most are from the original airtable+ repo lol)
On one of my previous scrapbook posts I mentioned that I'm going on a trip, and it's today! This is because my remote classes ended and I have to got back to high school on real life! So I will be traveling all day to go back to the city, I'll spend the day reading some interesting books and try to code for a bit! And here's a Hooray Squid! :hooray-squid:
Today I didn't work on many things, just studied for school, so here's a Wahoo Fish instead. Wahoo! :wahoo-fish: I also started using logseq as a OSS alternative to Obsidian!
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#adventofcode day 2 :wahoo-fish:
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1k contributions yahoo!
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Here's a sneak peek at what I've been working on for the past few days: actual email integration for the CoC reporting system!