I CADded this pen holder mount for the Prusa Mini 3D printer and printed it. It uses a sliding mechanism with a rubber band for tension, and the pen is secured by 2 screws. I printed with black PLA at 2 times the default/stock speed because I learned that you can do that with PLA. It turned out quite well. You can’t print as fast with PETG because it takes longer to stick.
Last week I fabricated the design with the 3D printed carriage to compare it with the design that uses the sandwiches aluminum carriage plates. I think the one with the 3D printed carriage was significantly easier to assemble and adjust. It also seems more stable, perhaps because it’s a lot thicker than the aluminum plate.
The BOM for the latest version (with 3D printed carriage) is now on GitHub. You can find it here: github.com/hackclub/drawing-thing/blob/main/BOM.md
Fabricated v8 of the drawing-thing. I forgot to bring the stepper motors and belt, so the photo just shows the assembly of the other parts. I didn’t have screws of the correct length, so I ended up using longer screws and cutting them to size which wasn’t super elegant and left pointy edges (filed them down a bit).
Then, I realized my car got covered in snow and ice so I made a windshield scraper out of scrap acrylic. Laser cut so the edges are smooth.
Fabricated a new assembly for the drawing thing from #development-of-things-and-stuff.
Stuffed some blank Sprig PCBs. They look ok. Better than the first time I tried to do this back in October.
The first time I stuffed a Sprig PCB, I used a soldering iron for the SMDs which was bad because I messed up the placement of the qfn chip so the audio didn’t work. 🔇 I used solder paste, a stencil, and hot air this time which made everything easier, and probably more accurate.
For day 3 of #10-days-in-public, I tried to set up this Kinect sensor I found at HQ; I installed the OpenKinect driver, though it seems not to be detecting the Kinect. My end goal with this is to do cool visual things with the Kinect sensor, like projection mapping.
For day two of #10-days-in-public, I worked on assembling a mostly 3D printed CNC machine with Max and Caleb.
Day 1 of #10-days-in-public: not exactly the project I rsvp’ed with because I’ve been busy working on this Other Thing—I’m running a booth with Liv and Belle at a conference for high school girls in Vermont tomorrow to demo Sprig & talk about Hack Club, so I’ve been thinking of how to make that fun and engaging. In preparation for that, today, I spun up an interactive web thing (similar to hackclub/assemble-tv-thing) and also assembled a Sprig console.
I’m going to Hear People Talk at calebconf.
Designed these circular things with Gram (gramlanguage.com) and laser cut them.
One might call them coasters.
Learned how to use the wood lathe and started working on this maple bowl. I think it's probably my favorite machine in the wood shop.
Worked on prototypes for #sprig backings with Leo at the local makerspace yesterday.
Learned how to use the plasma torch and CNC, and I made this
thing from a 1/4” steel sheet.
Learned how to use the laser cutter yesterday.
Working on building out a public, read-only API for Hack Club Bank this week.
Wahoo! Starting today, transferring money between Hack Club Bank organizations is instant ⚡ This means that the transferred funds will reflect in your account balance immediately, even before the underlying transaction arrives (which usually takes a couple days).
Other incoming payments like donations and invoices aren’t quite instant yet, but if your event is coming soon and you have incoming funds still in transit, you can now ✨ request fronted funds ✨ from the details page of the donation/invoice—we’ll lend you the funds via an instant transfer.
Read more about this update in the changelog.
The 3D printer at HQ is set up with OctoPrint, a web interface for controlling the printer. It’s hooked up to a webcam configured to take a time lapse recording of each print. This is a 1-hour print in 7 seconds!@msw showed me how to use the 3D printer and I printed this wallet thing!
I re-wrote my website again and added a Guestbook which uses Prisma and Postgres.
Did a little refresh on the Bank page. The image is from Innovation Week!
Added a streaks page to the Scrapbook site. See the leaderboard at scrapbook.hackclub.com/streaks
I also rode a bike with clip-in pedals for the first time. I fell twice, but it was super fun. Also chased some geese.
I alsogot a PR merged in redwoodjs/redwood fixing a minor error in the documentation. github.com/redwoodjs/redwood/pull/5352
Additionally, I walked around campus before class today and watched the cows. (There are no cows or redwood trees in this picture, unfortunately.)
Had an epic pair programming session and worked on a HTML canvas game with @ced today. We illustrated some pixel art sprites, made a game map in Blender, & lots of math.
Added special characters to Wack Club Sans! {}~ are
because I couldn’t figure out how to make them look right.
My code-in-the-dark submission. (Attempted recreation of hackclub.com/slack)
I made a really janky font based off of the letters on the Hack Club banner/flag. It's missing several special characters though :P
To download: OTF / TTF
Tried to animate a thing. It's rough.
🚢 wahoo, it's a
🌈 ever wondered how to deposit a physical check into your Hack Club Bank account? or connect a crowdfunding campaign or merch shop to Bank? 💰 well now you can learn how to, right from the Bank dashboard!
in the new 📝 “Documentation” tab, you can learn about connecting third-party fundraising platforms, get familiar with depositing physical checks, and access resources including Legal Docs, Branding, and FAQ.
🦄 🏦 not on hack club bank? 🏧 you can see the pages in transparency mode at bank.hackclub.com/windyhacks/documentation. if you find any bugs or have any suggestions, let me know :D 🥚 🗿 🐇
Lol I carved some stamps today for fun. The flag one was hard because I had to do it backwards.
orpheus in a huddle in #karaoke 🎵
He'll yeah!
yay, my PR for hackclub/v3 got merged today. i rewrote the bank page in Next.js + theme-ui (formerly running on Gatsby and styled jsx). it took me a while, but i learned a lot. s/o to sam for helping me and reviewing my code!
and packed envelopes to mail swag to some people who attended citro hacks! (I've got some figma, replit, and hack club stickers left over so if you want some, DM me - I can probably mail an envelope to you!)
setting up octodns and it actually works (kinda)! 🐙
today i added a button that lets people change my pfp to random cat pics. check it out at pfp.ella.cx 👀
rewriting my pfp changer with next.js + typescript!
yay today was a productive day:
• i worked on a small game
got my CalebConf ticket
devpost yeetwip 🚀
figma ing another website aaaaaa
pringle pringle
I made a sword ⚔️
Added some more leds
First time building a circuit with an arduino! Took me a while to get it to work
Yay thetahacks swag came today
making things move with css 👋 it's very satisfying lol
i followed the npm package workshop and published an npm package
worked on some hackbook stuff today
i made a 3d model with Zdog and js!
yay we won something at StarHacks
I did Harsh's twitter automation workshop!
i made a website with html/css/js and submitted it to a hackathon
i worked on a small project and deployed to vercel
first time using Next.js
learning about machine learning
i joined the Hack Club webring today
i added a dino
Got some hack club stickers from Hugo in the mail today
hopping on the bandwagon with a very sad GitHub contribution graph 😅 I joined Hack Club in October, but didn’t become active on the Slack until December. Hope to do more cool things in 2021!
I went to Sam’s and Khushraj’s workshop demos today
recreating the Google search page
created a program to change my Slack pfp to different pictures of cats throughout the day (based on @sampoder’s Slack pfp workshop)
working on JavaScript exercises
trying to install Gatsby
doing a workshop
today, I tried out VS Code (with the help of @christina695’s notes)