@ElysseGonzalez-U04RCR098SG0Hello! For those who don't know me, I'm Elysse Gonzalez from Boston, Massachusetts. I am currently a 15y/o freshman at the John D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics and Science.
Growing up and being from a lower class / low-income family, I never had the true ability to get into programming at a young age due to a lack of resources and classes. As I really got into programming and working on awesome projects, I just wished I could've had the resources I wasn't able to access due to monetary restrictions and my general location.
I am hosting CS For Boston, a series of 5-8th grade workshops being hosted in community centers around Boston (and neighboring cities) made to provide CS education to underprivileged communities or those looking to get into CS who simply don't have the resources. I am starting this project as soon as possible.
Although this is in it's early stages, I'd definitely love for you guys to stay tuned and see what I have planned.
Many thanks to Zach Latta who has just recently helped me with really planning out the event and creating an aim for it to reach full potential!
@ella0Last week I fabricated the design with the 3D printed carriage to compare it with the design that uses the sandwiches aluminum carriage plates. I think the one with the 3D printed carriage was significantly easier to assemble and adjust. It also seems more stable, perhaps because it’s a lot thicker than the aluminum plate.
The BOM for the latest version (with 3D printed carriage) is now on GitHub. You can find it here: github.com/hackclub/drawing-thing/blob/main/BOM.md
@patcybermindà0today i got my sprig! i built it and now im gonna try and play games on it! u dint have a picture rn but ill take one tmr but im gonna atach this, this si were im at
@sampoder0Got the first part of the project working! Arsh's resin records have been coming along well as well!
@GauravBansal-U03M3D6RA1K0WHW 4
Got a small program (blink) working on Esp32 to test. Will probably connect servos and access through code today, among other things