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Posts tagged with :parrotdad:

Today my #scrapbook ended!
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After 418 days my streak has officially come to an end! This morning I got the painful message from @scrappy-U015D6A36AG that I forgot to post last night. I completely meant to but it slipped my mind for the first time since I joined Hack Club
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, I had a lot of homework and projects so I couldn't post anything on time. That being said, although it was cool to keep it until this day, this is the last post I will do to my scrapbook and thanks to everyone who followed along for 418 days! ⚡
After 399 days my streak has officially come to the first place with the 400th day today!
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I started last year just as something to do when I joined Hack Club
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but it have become a great way to keep small updates of the things I've been working on and learning. So for today, besides celebrating this, I finished my code and add more documentation updates for (please consider starring iton GitHub!) and made a piano website with another workshop 🎹 that I'll share soon besides a JavaScript
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music visualizer. Also, I just need to wait one more day for my last Hacktoberfest PR
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to be accepted and sadly I missed Sal Khan's AMA.
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Wahoo! I got access to the Arc Browser! 🌐 I’m looking forward to try it!
Elder 3 (Neel)
Elder #2 (this one’s named Neel)
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Today I started to work on my Visual Studio Code setup!
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I installed Atom's
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One Dark theme which is awesome, and Prettier code formatter
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that was a recommendation from @caleb! I also studied for my exams 🦠 , and worked on a new PR
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for Hack Club!
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Also here's macOS penguin default wallpaper. 📸
I finally finished studying for tomorrow's Calculus Exam, so it's time to start coding again!
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So for this first 1️⃣ post of the day, I'm sharing that I did a new Pull Request
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for Hack Club!
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It's an update on the index.js
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file that adds a link to the streaks page at the main Scrapbook page.
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And speaking of streaks, with this post I take @sampoder second 🥈 streak place at scrapbook post with 243 consecutive days!!! 🔥
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Today I did another Hack Club
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Pull Request!
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This time on the Scrappy
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It's an update to the emojiKeyword.js file, I added more emoji keywords, useful to make new automatic posts reactions on Scrapbook!
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I'll try to add more on this next days, beside working on other projects! 🌩️ Also today was the start of my last week
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at High School!
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After this, I will only have my final exams and classes will be over, this is a bit sad
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but thanks to all of the amazing
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memories I have at my school, I look forward for the future, and I know I made good friends, had great teachers and had a great time.
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Today I made a repository
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at Hack as a Service!
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It's the #10 repo 🎉 and a .github readme for the Org! You can check it at:
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This are a special kind of files that appears at the main page of the organization, and it can be customized to have as well a different version for the org members, similar to the one available at Hack Club's GitHub.
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It has a general description about what is HaaS, different links 🔗 for other of the project repos, a License 🍱 Section, a How-to-Contribute 🔧 guide in progress and a part about what's Hack Club!
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Also here's a yesterday's screenshot 📸 on the exact time the hour changed to be May 14 and my birthday! 🍰
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🎉 Hello everyone, today I can finally and very happily say that I have made my first ship! And not just one, but 2 in 1! 🥇 So let's get started!
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The first thing I'm shipping right now is my Splatter Paint 🎨 project made with Paper.js
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This is a HTML Canvas which lets the user draw circles with different sizes and colors and a linear path 🖊️ as well. My code is hosted on my GitHub Account
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and it's deployed using Vercel!
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This is as well the first project on which I use it, and I must say it's very cool to use! Thanks to all of this, I can say that this project helped me to understand better how JavaScript works, how to write awesome
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READMEs and how to deploy with Vercel. 🗃️ So the second thing I did is a great CSS
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Customization to my #scrapbook
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profile! (This is also the first time I'm posting to it outside of the channel itself). I did it a few days ago as you can see it on my Scrapbook posts, but I was told to ship this as well! This features a custom background with a texture, gradients, the application of elements like :before and :after , some cool borders and a great animation! From this I learned how to get better at design and with CSS. To all of this I'm attaching some pictures 📸 of the projects and the links! 🔗 🌐
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That's all for today, feel free to ⭐ any of the projects or follow me if you like and see y'all later with the next Ship!! Wahoo!
Today I started working on a Sci-Fi 🛸 comic at school! Here's an image in progress of how it's looking so far!
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Also tomorrow I'm going to the cinema 🍿 to watch Dr Strange
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🎉 , it's already the third 3️⃣ day that the movie 📽️ is out on México
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, but because tomorrow is finally Friday
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I will have time to go after school! 🎒 I will probably eat 🥘 🍕 something while in there, and I'll make sure to share too about it!!!
Today starts May! And that means my birthday 🍰 🎂 is in two weeks!
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Here's as well a picture of a plant 🌱 I took today and a very awesome picture of my new Scrapbook CSS Stylesheet!
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This is the most complex design I've done for it: It includes a custom background with a texture, gradients, special sized borders with a cool
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red color #EC2F3A I did with the hexadecimal value, and great Pseudo-elements like :before and :after! Also thanks to the #scrapbook Prisma/Postgres
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database I learned that I have a 210 days streak! And speaking again on this, here's my Scrapbook website and the GitHub
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Gist! Feel free to star ⭐ it if you like it!
I hate email so much that I wrote a horrendous non-spec-client SMTP server in ~2 hours at midnight ✉️ send an email to and it'll get forwarded to #calebs-steps (unless it breaks which it probably will) fun facts: • doesn't support TLS • doesn't check message signatures • uses regex + some cursed logic to extract the message • actively violates several parts of the SMTP specification and the github:
stick stick stickkkersss!
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Omgomg my jah pods came in
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(free if u buy an iPad as a student)
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