

0-day streak
#10-days-in-public day number whatever it is back to my website, today i added some details about why it is the way it is!
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#10-days-in-public number six! today i did a lot of robotting and finished the stack page on my website! alex.sirota.org/stack.html
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#10-days-in-public day number i forgot :p robots robots robots. we have an arm with PD position control, and a new drivebase (not pictured)
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#10-days-in-public number three! Today was full of robots, so I didn't do any personal projects today. The robot has an arm (can't send photos because there are people in them), and I'm setting up new computers for the team! The left one will be our driver station, and I'm putting Fedora on the right one for programming.
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#10-days-in-public 1/10 today i started working on a stack page for my website! bunch of homework so didn’t do much more
Finally, back on the scrapbook grind. I’ve been working on CADvent, which is a challenge someone on Chief Delphi has been putting on, to brush up on my :f360: skills. Here are my designs for the first four days! (Plus a bonus dog photo because y’all deserve it :blobhaj_heart:)
Finished the map for Hack The Interstate (#something-on-a-bus-this-summer)!
Installing Fedora on an old laptop! ( @reesericci are you proud of me)
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We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you: the booth. We now return you to your regularly scheduled scraps. Thank you. (especially yall Gordians :sprig-dino: )
I’ve been doing a lot lately. In no particular order: • :oblong: Getting a forum set up to replace #oblong-dev • 📚 Homework. Lots of homework. • 🪛 Taking apart a bunch of stuff! Here’s the internals of an AirPort Time Capsule. It seems like Jony said “here’s the design I want, do everything you can to make it possible” - the ports on the mainboard literally come up at an angle. It was pretty neat to look around!
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Some number of days remain until 2024. I’m working on a simple PCB whose use is a bit hard to explain (check #alex-needs-a-better-name-for-their-channel) but will be very useful in FRC. Hopefully I’ll be able to use #onboard to get it fabbed! (Gord house best house :gord:)
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Slow day today. I was going to work on getting OAuth in #scrapper-dev, but we found a vuln in Obl.ong and had to take it down. 😔 It’s still spinning around in my head though, and I’ll keep working as soon as it’s back! Anyway, please have this accurate depiction of what’s going on in my head right now.
Making some more progress on Scrapper, my app for Scrapbook! Today I tried to get OAuth working (so it can actually post to Slack as you), but it turns out that Slack only supports HTTPS for OAuth redirects, not custom URI schemes. That means that I need to get a dino.icu domain set up for Universal Links. That’ll have to happen later, though. :gord:
It’s SwiftUI! I want to make an app to quickly post Scrapbook posts
:wahoo-fish: nest wiki is up!
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Here's my shopping list! (Please excuse the messy handwriting, I am very dysgraphia and very tired)
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I’m making some progress on my Discord bot for The Blue Alliance!
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Mini ship! (somehow this is my first ship, i’ve been here for months and haven’t shipped, wow) I’ve always been interested in ambient information, and here are two little projects based on that! The first one is a weather display. It’s powered by this guide code, but I made a few changes to make it my own. The other is just a big clock. Again, it’s based on a guide, but I added the date to the bottom (because in my house we get very confused about the date sometimes lol).
wahoo! time to break out the ol' scrapbook again
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Lizard friend!
Arc! :arc:
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a sequel to #stream is in the works :eyes_shaking:
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Let’s Go (literally) - I just made Hello, world! in Go! This is just the start of a new project
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So I have CircuitPython working on Sprig :circuitpython:
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Soon ™️
It has been assembled!
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new css :css: :tw_lower_left_paintbrush:
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Game merged, Sprig ordered. 🚢
I finished my Sprig game! :sprig-party:
first PR into a hack club project was merged! :merge:
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(wow first scrapbook!) I’m starting to make a Sprig game :sprig-dino: